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Best PR sub?



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Best PR sub?

Started by TiagoRamos, November 15, 2011, 05:01:35 PM

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Hi guys, just thinkg about doing a PR/??
BD is ok i got dances...but heavy masteries suck... and half skills cant be used...
SK has nice heavy, but no shield so half skills are gone...
Summoner dunno...
im a bit confused....


hi i havde a pr/bd and i find it not so bad do u mean u want to sub to bd or u want to sub to sometihng els ??? onli thing with pr/bd u need to put some good items on them.
GTFOme sh/se///////
TyeIsBack pr/bd active again!!!!!!!!! :D
tyrone TYR/DE RETAIL GLAD//////
tyezy TH/PK


SK ofc , you have good p.atack and p.def...
sigmechodve1.jpg" border="0
SirNapoleon / xSuLTaN - sps/ee
iSuLTaN - pw/tk <<<< Hero
xSuLTaNx - he/wk <<<< Hero


Really? Even with 50% useless skills? Or more... :s
Maybe I should just do HE/xx... at least I have better options...


Thanks for you post mate.
Interesting points of view, have thought about everything almost...
Can't really decide...

SK also has some nice 80+ skills that are usefull
Also heard that PR/PS is okay :)
What I like most about BD are the dances, honnestly, but since almost every1 has buffers accounts...makes me sick but it's needed...


Hmm, my opinion is biased since I haven't played serious since Interlude and very little in Hellbound lol
But PR remains my favorite class, I've had every single (useful) combo for PR -> PR/SK, PR/BD, PR/PS, PR/SE, PR/AW

Some proven more useful or less useful as Chronicles passed, but ah well, I've played all of them. Forgot to mention my PR/WL Furesy, but that's a totally different story!

My favorite of these, and most versatile, has always been my PR/PS (made it twice, both on Dragon and Nightmare). This was entirely based on playstyle tho, I preferred light over heavy, evasion over P def (back in the day). It totally depends whether you wish to help your party or play single a lot. PR/BD is by far the best party choice (and I suppose PR/SK a little nowadays with all the retarded skills) lol

I dunno how it is in Gracia now :P just decide what your preferred playstyle is and who you'll be playing with.
Noventa | ChoDeLaBite | Suicidal | Suicidalist | MadnessJr | LimitedEdition | Delevus | SuperSly | Sephize | Sevarious | NovaSphere



why do ppl make such stupid topics?
what is best for me???!!! epic, by stupidity question, if persone doesn't know, what is good for him, he'll fail with any adviced option anyway..
btw, PR/SH is the best, you are archer and mage at 1 time! you won't cry that archers are OP, or mages are OP!!! besides all skills work fine with a bow, unlike BD (pff xD). and bow low m atck is compensated with huge SH own m actk!!! choose pr/sh FTW!


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 18, 2011, 11:32:21 PM
why do ppl make such stupid topics?
what is best for me???!!! epic, by stupidity question, if persone doesn't know, what is good for him, he'll fail with any adviced option anyway..
btw, PR/SH is the best, you are archer and mage at 1 time! you won't cry that archers are OP, or mages are OP!!! besides all skills work fine with a bow, unlike BD (pff xD). and bow low m atck is compensated with huge SH own m actk!!! choose pr/sh FTW!
ЕсÑ,ÑŒ ПуÑ,ин â€" есÑ,ÑŒ Россия, неÑ, ПуÑ,ина â€" неÑ, России ! (с)


Quote from: flamingAwe on November 18, 2011, 11:32:21 PM
why do ppl make such stupid topics?
what is best for me???!!! epic, by stupidity question, if persone doesn't know, what is good for him, he'll fail with any adviced option anyway..
btw, PR/SH is the best, you are archer and mage at 1 time! you won't cry that archers are OP, or mages are OP!!! besides all skills work fine with a bow, unlike BD (pff xD). and bow low m atck is compensated with huge SH own m actk!!! choose pr/sh FTW!

If you're trying to be funny, you fail. The man asked for an oppinion about this and you start taking your name seriously.
It's not about what it's best for him, it's about gathering info on a certain class combo to check if there are any known issues or perks.
There's no such thing as a "best class for me", it all depends on your skill and on how the server works, your best class can be mostly any class if the server doesn't overpower a certain class and you got some l2 skill behind you.
What we do in life echoes in eternity


Quote from: Corpsse on November 19, 2011, 08:14:39 AM

It's not about what it's best for him, it's about gathering info on a certain class combo to check if there are any known issues or perks.

y, ofc thread name "Best PR sub?" was made to know what is best and avoid taking it, so he's best choice would be some sux class xD


dunno how skill work now i  quit after freya updating..but i waill say sk sub is best option...whit my char full buffed  i was able to kill many ppl  ;D ;D



Quote from: darkdevilct on November 27, 2011, 10:13:57 AM
dunno how skill work now i  quit after freya updating..but i waill say sk sub is best option...whit my char full buffed  i was able to kill many ppl  ;D ;D
Not meeeeeeeeeeeee :P
Noventa | ChoDeLaBite | Suicidal | Suicidalist | MadnessJr | LimitedEdition | Delevus | SuperSly | Sephize | Sevarious | NovaSphere
