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Track About NEW ATTR On SETs

Started by Phonex, November 17, 2011, 04:49:09 AM

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Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 03:32:28 PM
To be honest luci, by doing this update none of us thought about donny not even for 1 second, so really you are not right now.
About error we was getting 'overboost on 600att", as a player you cant see it , but our sql base was full of errors and well our devs was getting crazy every month since all the servers are accessible by our devs. And honestly i dont think that average player farmer/pvper/siege guy needs 2 sets or w/e, update is made exactly when the possibility unlocked and overall i think for the sake of whole community and future is good, after all this mess pass some will say thank you, youll see.
And about management , luci, if you compare  what other HUGE multi million companies (even countries!!!) does and how they threat their community , i think we should win a Nobel prize!

Time will show i just hope u know what ur doing cause many of us got dissapointed. As for the examples u gave,  our situation is like this: You buy iphone 4s and in 2 months (not 12 or more , just 2 !) apple announce new price @ 200 eyro. Now tell me how do u feel u gave 650.... But then again apple would never do that.
As for the update ye noone wants bugged attri etc. Wish it was like that since start or reduced @ 450 or 400.


ppl think about it on dragon nobody cry about att (they have 180 in armor) dunno what wrong with our server
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Quote from: Vargine on November 17, 2011, 07:24:26 PM
ppl think about it on dragon nobody cry about att (they have 180 in armor) dunno what wrong with our server
That we had 600 and we spend many coins to make that, and it just dissapear? maybe becouse of that? if we count on price with donny 10:1 when its 10% land rate to make 420atr by energies in each part u need to spend 70 energies per part, its 70*5 = 350 1 land per 1 coin so 350coins? :)


Quote from: DKociak on November 17, 2011, 06:40:33 PM
+ 1 for deacrease atribute in armor ... BUT DONT ADD BIGGER BONUS TO WEAPON ...U WILL DRAWN WITH BIGGER SH1T!!!
ppl must delete pvp-bonus...and i thinking who will  test 540 atr in wep.....Pigmacullate??
240 in each armor part and 450 in weapon is OK!!!! ............ DONT F.U.C.K IT MORE!!!

BTW. free official server Lineage2.eu ( Goddes Of Destruction chronicle) will be opened soon , WITH NORAML ATRIBUTES!!!
Make more "freaked" thingz hire and ppl go they play with normal LA2 coz have enough of th1s sh1t

i doubt ppl go play normal l2  just bcoz its free and have NORMAL ATT SYESTEM  lol , u pay for playing here ?, not ... we got unique sub system that make big difference then off l2 style .
go and start everything form "0"   gl....   :D
i bet this new server will be full of l2w etc ... like official is <Naia> ... enjoy ...

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


Quote from: Shadow21 on November 17, 2011, 07:07:21 PM
dude u rly dumb or dunno..... not all here kurwa got their equip, attr etc throught donation like u. but u focused only on donation as i see...

I focus on how people fail to read plain english, 600 was not permanent, still people invested on something that wasnt sure to be true.
What i said about donation is trve, go look on people talking about big DC investiments, spending so much money on stuff that now has no value. not even 50% of actual 600 armors were done farming and you know it as well as I do. And me? you should check my atribute levels before talking.

And also, if someone here has experience on playing ANY mmo...things change, drastically sometimes, and players got to hadle themselves. The games change, nothing remains the same, look at the evolution of L2. I understand that now l33tz0rds are less l33tz0rds but if that is the evolution of DN we gotta bare with it.


Atm attri system is facked up. 240 gives u low protection and dmg is huge. Tested also on full resist (450 + buffs after) with more parts of same attri type and guess what. Gives u sh1t , damage is same ....


Quote from: lucifsg on November 17, 2011, 08:18:32 PM
Atm attri system is facked up. 240 gives u low protection and dmg is huge. Tested also on full resist (450 + buffs after) with more parts of same attri type and guess what. Gives u sh1t , damage is same ....

Hmm i wonder if they dont made that 240max atr also max value for resist so if u have more it stlil work like 240... gj! :)


Quote from: Peorexo on November 17, 2011, 08:22:38 PM
Hmm i wonder if they dont made that 240max atr also max value for resist so if u have more it stlil work like 240... gj! :)

so maby 600att never worked ?:P     it was only numbers ?:P

                            IceZero                  StrikeForce



Quote from: PainMaster on November 17, 2011, 08:25:09 PM
so maby 600att never worked ?:P     it was only numbers ?:P

maybe you are from mars?
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


                            IceZero                  StrikeForce


as i see,ppl from this serv ,like always,QQ and QQ...and...QQ....
this game is like RL!sometimes ppl lost some money...its normal!!
so:stop spam/QQ/etc and make some fun ingame!!now all can stop farm and make some pvp/etc

btw.IMO now atr system is ok
Dylvish SPS/SPS  :D
I come in peace,u go in pieces..
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