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Track About NEW ATTR On SETs

Started by Phonex, November 17, 2011, 04:49:09 AM

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Quote from: Naku on November 17, 2011, 10:41:57 AM
Awesome update, and for those who donated, me included : we all know what a donation is, its in the rules u agree before donating so QQ is not an option.

Keep it up.



Stupid Update , dragon will lose many bored members that worked hard for make 600 atribute and now , it become just like some naab that didnt farm nothing or spended no dc for make set! Let me remake this , my set that was 600 that i spended over 300 energys on each part for make it , now is 240 same as some guy that didnt spended nothing at all ... Why dont u just roll back , when u invented this fuking atribute system, at least u would not waste ppl coins/money.


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


u rly did it this time. u pressed wrong? u said first 450, now 240, we spent a lot of coins for atribute system, now all is gone, but mostly.. the damage system will be fk-ed up, 0 protection actually gratz
only your charm


Quote from: devastah on November 17, 2011, 12:10:28 PM
Stupid Update , dragon will lose many bored members that worked hard for make 600 atribute and now , it become just like some naab that didnt farm nothing or spended no dc for make set! Let me remake this , my set that was 600 that i spended over 300 energys on each part for make it , now is 240 same as some guy that didnt spended nothing at all ... Why dont u just roll back , when u invented this fuking atribute system, at least u would not waste ppl coins/money.



Quote from: selis83 on November 17, 2011, 12:20:06 PM
u rly did it this time. u pressed wrong? u said first 450, now 240, we spent a lot of coins for atribute system, now all is gone, but mostly.. the damage system will be fk-ed up, 0 protection actually gratz

Actually pvp system will be not fk-ed up, coz dunno if u know but on official is 300 atri in weapon and 120 in set(each part) so we have now balanced atribute system. Only problem is, like this should be from begin of GF not kurwa now when most of ppl farm and lose coins to make sets 450-600. Who will give coins back?xD For pvp is good update but as i said like this should be from begin of GF.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


wouldn't it be better to increase weapon attribute up to 1150 instead of this  ;D so many farmerz and dunatorz could be happy  :-*


Do you want me to count unknown number of topics made by you players complaining how our att system sux, how server is shit because of that, how none will join our servers for this reason asking to make it as official etc.. etc.. etc...et freaking c .
After numerous topics regarding that , i have CLEARLY told you that since we got official files pack (c1-2-3-4,IL,HB....GF) MEANS its totally different system of what we had (custom))before , and it requires SHITLOAD of time to decomplie those files and make them editable , by that time when we got those files we wasnt able to decomplie many things (including file were ATT. is located).
Ive been telling you that  we SIMPLY CANT still edit the file and set attributes correctly, now after all this months (5 months!) our developers cracked those files and allowed us to set things right.
I know that update strike hard and directly , but this is the only way to bring back balance to ONLY unbalanced thing we have/had, and if you think honestly after GF update we didnt had any mega nerfs or updates like this (dont make me remind you what was happening in IL and HB), so this is the only last balance update that will take a place, and in the end its not only me who can decide about it so this is how it is accept it or not i cant change it.
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So u could say this 5 months ago. for example "PPL NOT MAKE 600 ATRI IN SETS COZ WE WILL NERF IT, WE CANT ATM COZ WE CANT CRACK SOME FILE"
Anyway is good update to balance pvp.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


So if u had in plans to change atr system why u not informed us?

Could you do it when it was in the plans. But no. Ppl just lose time and coins for nothing.


Quote from: MegaZord on November 17, 2011, 12:55:31 PM
So u could say this 5 months ago. for example "PPL NOT MAKE 600 ATRI IN SETS COZ WE WILL NERF IT, WE CANT ATM COZ WE CANT CRACK SOME FILE"
Anyway is good update to balance pvp.
I clearly SAID , at the moment we cant decomplie the files , cause it takes month just to find where is it located.
P.S. You really think if ive told people dont  make 600att on set people would actually listen me?
However was obvious it will be fixed  , since there was players who made even 700att on set and not to mention that server was full of  sql errors from all who made anything over 300+ in att !!! So this update was needed even from our stability/security side.

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Quote from: TrackZero on November 17, 2011, 12:50:28 PM
Do you want me to count unknown number of topics made by you players complaining how our att system sux, how server is shit because of that, how none will join our servers for this reason asking to make it as official etc.. etc.. etc...et freaking c .
After numerous topics regarding that , i have CLEARLY told you that since we got official files pack (c1-2-3-4,IL,HB....GF) MEANS its totally different system of what we had (custom))before , and it requires SHITLOAD of time to decomplie those files and make them editable , by that time when we got those files we wasnt able to decomplie many things (including file were ATT. is located).
Ive been telling you that  we SIMPLY CANT still edit the file and set attributes correctly, now after all this months (5 months!) our developers cracked those files and allowed us to set things right.
I know that update strike hard and directly , but this is the only way to bring back balance to ONLY unbalanced thing we have/had, and if you think honestly after GF update we didnt had any mega nerfs or updates like this (dont make me remind you what was happening in IL and HB), so this is the only last balance update that will take a place, and in the end its not only me who can decide about it so this is how it is accept it or not i cant change it.
maybe give coins back?????, u can make that and its fair i think.
ur the NOOB