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we want FAME

Started by Unt0uchable, November 22, 2011, 07:56:22 PM

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Quote from: Shadow21 on November 24, 2011, 06:54:09 PM
transfer was and will be always. here or on any other server and u wont stop it even if wanna. u dont have friends who can help u make hero and got owned by ppl who fight normal so now cry? rly sad

Now that was a really good comment, have friends to be hero? Lol a lot, that system is broken and ofc if everything is fixed and mechanics are exploited, just like fame, all olly is a freaking joke. And yes id rather get owned there than making transfer, cause yes i have friends that could do it for me, and no i dont believe in that stupid system. And i wont stop it, ofc i wont, who am i to do it lol ? Dont be so mad over a simple statement , olly is a joke.


Quote from: Naku on November 24, 2011, 06:57:48 PM
Now that was a really good comment, have friends to be hero? Lol a lot, that system is broken and ofc if everything is fixed and mechanics are exploited, just like fame, all olly is a freaking joke. And yes id rather get owned there than making transfer, cause yes i have friends that could do it for me, and no i dont believe in that stupid system. And i wont stop it, ofc i wont, who am i to do it lol ? Dont be so mad over a simple statement , olly is a joke.

im not mad just cant stop laught from ppl who cry all time about transfer and oly.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on November 24, 2011, 06:59:43 PM
im not mad just cant stop laught from ppl who cry all time about transfer and oly.

I´m not crying all the time lol, i find it kinda funny. The system is bad, its as simple as that, kudos for people that are able to do it. But i have my principles, i will never transfer, id rather be dumb and go there die for a legit pvp, even if my gear sucks.


Carebears,BlackHand - 15x,30x
 sc4ry  , c0t ,  CrystalTear  ,  sc4rry , Phenomen
Since 2005


Quote from: Naku on November 24, 2011, 07:01:14 PM
I´m not crying all the time lol, i find it kinda funny. The system is bad, its as simple as that, kudos for people that are able to do it. But i have my principles, i will never transfer, id rather be dumb and go there die for a legit pvp, even if my gear sucks.

gtfo i never transfer and im hero everymonth :D


the truth was that gm fuked weapons with pvp, now they dont wanna take responsability and help ppl that have fame on their weapons,  the only thing track says is "go farm fame" ok now ask your self this question, Why i gotta go and farm again fame if i already did it for 2 months to make pvp weapon? now u came and fuked all and dont even wanna give back fame to those that deserve it.
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on November 26, 2011, 11:13:01 PM
the truth was that gm fuked weapons with pvp, now they dont wanna take responsability and help ppl that have fame on their weapons,  the only thing track says is "go farm fame" ok now ask your self this question, Why i gotta go and farm again fame if i already did it for 2 months to make pvp weapon? now u came and fuked all and dont even wanna give back fame to those that deserve it.

GMs didn't freak ppl, who already put PvP, you don't lose anything by keeping what you have(450), if you want more(540) - that is other question
GMs fuked ppl with 241+ attributes on armor, but this is other story
GMs fuked ppl, who didn't get fame yet, or got not enough, by so called "fixing an exploit"


Wait till the end of this week and we gonna update some things that will help players that need to put PVP back on their weapons.
Event Manager

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonnetwork20x