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about life stones

Started by selis83, November 27, 2011, 04:45:18 PM

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All aguments passive adds almost nothing

Shield passive +10
M barrier passive+10
Empower passive +40 or 50 (dont remember)
Also duel might and might...What add a bit more is active(where a bit more is exemple   +70 points instead 10 or 50)
btb lvl 10 adds 300 hp and so on...so even clarity and otthers add sh1ts..Just make your choiche about what could help u a "bit more" cause they dont make anymore difference like hb...ofc is good chance for /healer/buff class for fight nuke active is pretty strong and not so long reuse...

personally i tryed 2k of ls..keep a lot of augments too...atm i have 2x weight;D is the best for actions;D


Quote from: selis83 on November 27, 2011, 04:45:18 PM
hi, in last 6 weeks i tried a lot of life stones, all kind. i could get some actives, some chances (2-3 times in 100 stones), reflect damage and item skills.
before these 6 weeks, i could get passives too, now nothing.
does anyone experience same things? did anything changed about the ls system? i did had a loooot of ls at once, nothing good

On GF the chance u have to get something usefull is lower if u compare to HB, on HB we had low ammount of options to get on AUG, but on GF this becomes 10x more, so that's why it will be a bit harder than before.
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ok..chance to get good augments is lower but why bonuses gives nothing?m def+10??m. power +40?50?
i have clarity passiv ant its gove almost nothin!
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Quote from: DarkLoverPL on November 29, 2011, 07:46:29 PM
i have clarity passiv ant its gove almost nothin!

clarity passive give almost nothing? xD r u kidding me? i have clarity passivle lvl3 for all skills in second weapon and this aug working faking nice.
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