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Time to go ..

Started by dannisaiyan, December 06, 2011, 05:23:05 PM

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Quote from: Evolution on December 07, 2011, 10:02:37 AM
u give ur method for get rich ?  oh u begin that on nm!  ::)

Adena for Exaron!

ps. if u need i can give u some  ;) :D
Kapi if u need some i can give u items + coins ... ( Kapi lf for cousin to buy items )

Rich boy     R O F L


Quote from: dannisaiyan on December 06, 2011, 05:23:05 PM
So yes .. i quit. Reason why i quit is because i started on other server(not official) i gave my all items to my friends so i wont come back anymore and here is the end. It was rly nice to play here .. meet alot of friends, learned a lot new things. I wish you GOODLUCK ig and RealLife too. U can add me on FB if u want (facebook.com/danieljordeski)
Love yaa all expecially BrokenAngelz <333333333

BB and GL ! If you will  return friends will expect you !