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I need help for make video and ban the ultimate BS farmer BOT!



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I need help for make video and ban the ultimate BS farmer BOT!

Started by Jayden69, December 13, 2011, 11:32:24 AM

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That HE majestic set + draco bow => Hir0
Ok for use it sometimes ... But this one farm BS since 3 mouths no stop and still no ban wtf ?!
So genius or stupid I just gotta piss off him, totaly lazy to pk him again and do this fuking pk quest after.
Make a video feeling the best way, coz screen is useless ...

thx by advance cya!




Quote from: Jayden69 on December 13, 2011, 11:32:24 AM
That HE majestic set + draco bow => Hir0
Ok for use it sometimes ... But this one farm BS since 3 mouths no stop and still no ban wtf ?!
So genius or stupid I just gotta piss off him, totaly lazy to pk him again and do this fuking pk quest after.
Make a video feeling the best way, coz screen is useless ...

thx by advance cya!

Hey mate while u are at it we could do the same with a HB party of a clan we know well. Orcs buffing dead characters are always fun to watch.


Send me the name of the char and i will check him when i'm logged.

If i find him online at BS "farming" i will make few checks.
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