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Started by Shadow21, December 13, 2011, 10:12:33 PM

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Quote from: ylim on December 14, 2011, 04:45:30 PM
sure sure u dont know anybody untill he dont donate for u or dont leave server with big number (u didnt know aod aswell, but as i hear u r the new star on VT there  ;D ), i even wrote this issue for u in pm when u was in game i shout on hero this problem for u, but sure u hear everythign perfect, only we random noobs are idiots.

im just a random noob who didnt donate more then 1k euro so ofc u dont know me.

and u can try to be ironic its not change the fact that u badly owned urself with this TW, and that u just prooved that u know sh1t about this game (yeah sdy else solve problem in 1 day what u cant in more then 6month this time im not talking about TW), mby try to ask help or listen sometimes ppl who telling in normal waythings for u.

im too lazy to write all the sh1ts about u what i have in my mind now.

Now u can go rage mode like a fokin kid and ban me from here like u do if sdy telling something about u, cos u r the only 1 here who can insult ppl.

You are very much wrong my hater friend, now ill tell you some facts which can fire up your little gray cells! So lets start it:
- When we merge all players were are and will be always EQUAL for me because as you all know i dont play here so i have no reason to pick any side (sometimes i think  i SHOULD PLAY , why not when you threat me same as i do anyway , so wtf!!)
- When i said or where you did read i dont know why TW works? You think that only problem WAS because sieges had only to be set in Sunday and DONE!?? You think moving them to Sunday (sieges) automatically fix TW? pfffffff , clearly there was much more to fix except this, so please dont speak about things you dont know.
- If you dont know (YOU DONT!) i loged on many TS/VT of many clans from NM , because its much more easier to clean some things by talking to people when they are all thre instead of going to 1 by 1 (ask around).
Reason ive loged on AoDs VT isnt related to off , cause really you can all leave if you want, others will grow up others will come etc.. is a circle who is going round and round for past 7 years so i really dont see that as a reason of logging there.
Reason i loged there is simple nature, i was watching ur clan/ally/party chat for like 1h+ and i was shocked how many people are saying totally false things to eachother and have totally wrong picture in their heads. So i tried to explain in yout VT mostly about 1k euros, gm frands, edited chars, CB edited-bestfriends of gm-immaculate was also there as MAIN ISSUE WITH RED nick etc.. etc.., i was quite shocked since this things are more MYTH then actual truth and they go from leg to leg damaging server more then you think even thats not true at all. As i said there ill say it here, you can insult my personality as much as you want but telling lies about server i wont tolerate anymore.
- DONATORS - HELP - 1k EUROS- actually (you can also check around) i helped zilion of players who never ever donated or plan to donate , this relations are also the myth who really starts to be quite iritating and annoying!
- You can speak w/e you want about bugs and staff , thing is we have maybe FEW major bugs , apart of that everything is fine (i wonder what you will flame when we fix even those?)

Now keep on hating, and choose where you will play , w/e you decide i wish you good luck , but just yo ask you for favor, IF you decide not to play here please dont post your comments about this server since you cant be considered as a part of it (same goes for all others)

Thanks and gl, i wont post here no more.
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Quote from: TrackZero on December 14, 2011, 08:16:40 PM
You are very much wrong my hater friend, now ill tell you some facts which can fire up your little gray cells! So lets start it:
- When we merge all players were are and will be always EQUAL for me because as you all know i dont play here so i have no reason to pick any side (sometimes i think  i SHOULD PLAY , why not when you threat me same as i do anyway , so wtf!!)
- When i said or where you did read i dont know why TW works? You think that only problem WAS because sieges had only to be set in Sunday and DONE!?? You think moving them to Sunday (sieges) automatically fix TW? pfffffff , clearly there was much more to fix except this, so please dont speak about things you dont know.
- If you dont know (YOU DONT!) i loged on many TS/VT of many clans from NM , because its much more easier to clean some things by talking to people when they are all thre instead of going to 1 by 1 (ask around).
Reason ive loged on AoDs VT isnt related to off , cause really you can all leave if you want, others will grow up others will come etc.. is a circle who is going round and round for past 7 years so i really dont see that as a reason of logging there.
Reason i loged there is simple nature, i was watching ur clan/ally/party chat for like 1h+ and i was shocked how many people are saying totally false things to eachother and have totally wrong picture in their heads. So i tried to explain in yout VT mostly about 1k euros, gm frands, edited chars, CB edited-bestfriends of gm-immaculate was also there as MAIN ISSUE WITH RED nick etc.. etc.., i was quite shocked since this things are more MYTH then actual truth and they go from leg to leg damaging server more then you think even thats not true at all. As i said there ill say it here, you can insult my personality as much as you want but telling lies about server i wont tolerate anymore.
- DONATORS - HELP - 1k EUROS- actually (you can also check around) i helped zilion of players who never ever donated or plan to donate , this relations are also the myth who really starts to be quite iritating and annoying!
- You can speak w/e you want about bugs and staff , thing is we have maybe FEW major bugs , apart of that everything is fine (i wonder what you will flame when we fix even those?)

Now keep on hating, and choose where you will play , w/e you decide i wish you good luck , but just yo ask you for favor, IF you decide not to play here please dont post your comments about this server since you cant be considered as a part of it (same goes for all others)

Thanks and gl, i wont post here no more.

funny to read all this sh1t what u try to show here.

i didnt say that TW didnt work only cos of siege time but actualy as u said it was 1 of reason which u didnt notice or just give a fok for long.  it was just an example but u just show that u ahve fairly problem with understandings cos u mix my and DQ posts (i didnt talked about players are not equal at least not related for player on which server played at beginn)
and after xx month u just decide to clear thing for aod members (dunno for who on VT cos as far i know nobody playing allmost from VT on dn atm so thx for another fairy tales) when they left server. funny isnt it ?

i didnt comment server i comment u :P

i didnt hate u i just laughing on u :) try to keep ur lies for rest here


Quote from: ylim on December 14, 2011, 08:44:21 PM
funny to read all this sh1t what u try to show here.

i didnt say that TW didnt work only cos of siege time but actualy as u said it was 1 of reason which u didnt notice or just give a fok for long.  it was just an example but u just show that u ahve fairly problem with understandings cos u mix my and DQ posts (i didnt talked about players are not equal at least not related for player on which server played at beginn)
and after xx month u just decide to clear thing for aod members (dunno for who on VT cos as far i know nobody playing allmost from VT on dn atm so thx for another fairy tales) when they left server. funny isnt it ?

i didnt comment server i comment u :P

i didnt hate u i just laughing on u :) try to keep ur lies for rest here

You're Retarded! GZ  ;)


Quote from: TrackZero on December 14, 2011, 08:16:40 PM
You are very much wrong my hater friend, now ill tell you some facts which can fire up your little gray cells! So lets start it:
- When we merge all players were are and will be always EQUAL for me because as you all know i dont play here so i have no reason to pick any side (sometimes i think  i SHOULD PLAY , why not when you threat me same as i do anyway , so wtf!!)
- When i said or where you did read i dont know why TW works? You think that only problem WAS because sieges had only to be set in Sunday and DONE!?? You think moving them to Sunday (sieges) automatically fix TW? pfffffff , clearly there was much more to fix except this, so please dont speak about things you dont know.
- If you dont know (YOU DONT!) i loged on many TS/VT of many clans from NM , because its much more easier to clean some things by talking to people when they are all thre instead of going to 1 by 1 (ask around).
Reason ive loged on AoDs VT isnt related to off , cause really you can all leave if you want, others will grow up others will come etc.. is a circle who is going round and round for past 7 years so i really dont see that as a reason of logging there.
Reason i loged there is simple nature, i was watching ur clan/ally/party chat for like 1h+ and i was shocked how many people are saying totally false things to eachother and have totally wrong picture in their heads. So i tried to explain in yout VT mostly about 1k euros, gm frands, edited chars, CB edited-bestfriends of gm-immaculate was also there as MAIN ISSUE WITH RED nick etc.. etc.., i was quite shocked since this things are more MYTH then actual truth and they go from leg to leg damaging server more then you think even thats not true at all. As i said there ill say it here, you can insult my personality as much as you want but telling lies about server i wont tolerate anymore.
- DONATORS - HELP - 1k EUROS- actually (you can also check around) i helped zilion of players who never ever donated or plan to donate , this relations are also the myth who really starts to be quite iritating and annoying!
- You can speak w/e you want about bugs and staff , thing is we have maybe FEW major bugs , apart of that everything is fine (i wonder what you will flame when we fix even those?)

Now keep on hating, and choose where you will play , w/e you decide i wish you good luck , but just yo ask you for favor, IF you decide not to play here please dont post your comments about this server since you cant be considered as a part of it (same goes for all others)

Thanks and gl, i wont post here no more.

yeah dude u funny, u decide explain smth for aod when most of them left server. and actually ylim have right u try explain it to ppl who dont play on dn anymore. funny sh1t xD
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: joaquimcara on December 14, 2011, 08:45:53 PM
You're Retarded! GZ  ;)

track u have another fan gz :)

ps track im not AOD member just for info cos u r so fokin well informed :D


Quote from: ylim on December 14, 2011, 08:58:24 PM
track u have another fan gz :)

ps track im not AOD member just for info cos u r so fokin well informed :D

BlackArmy player if i remember well.
Event Manager

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragonnetwork20x


Quote from: ylim on December 14, 2011, 08:58:24 PM
track u have another fan gz :)

ps track im not AOD member just for info cos u r so fokin well informed :D

For your information, i'm sure you won't see my point either and sadly i can't make drawnings! It's not about being a fan or not, hell i just registred and am considering playing here!

It's about reading the hatefulness sh1ts you guys write just cause you're buthurted about smthg and you don't even try and read/understand what the Gm has wroten!! Basicaly he's talking to a bunch of dumbasses, actualy not a bunch (just 2 or 3) and if i was him jail/kick/ban on all your acc's and cya bb won't miss ya!

Defenetly not a fan! just an avg human with a brain <---- you dunno what i'm refering to so better quit!


Quote from: joaquimcara on December 14, 2011, 09:06:51 PM
For your information, i'm sure you won't see my point either and sadly i can't make drawnings! It's not about being a fan or not, hell i just registred and am considering playing here!

It's about reading the hatefulness sh1ts you guys write just cause you're buthurted about smthg and you don't even try and read/understand what the Gm has wroten!! Basicaly he's talking to a bunch of dumbasses, actualy not a bunch (just 2 or 3) and if i was him jail/kick/ban on all your acc's and cya bb won't miss ya!

Defenetly not a fan! just an avg human with a brain <---- you dunno what i'm refering to so better quit!

gm told and wrote enought for us, so we know about what we talk. and btw ban for? for post on forum and share our opinions? so then u dumbass here not some1 from us. this forum exist for share opinions so we r free share our opinions too. or its allowed for asslickers only? oO sry didnt know.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: joaquimcara on December 14, 2011, 09:06:51 PM
For your information, i'm sure you won't see my point either and sadly i can't make drawnings! It's not about being a fan or not, hell i just registred and am considering playing here!

It's about reading the hatefulness sh1ts you guys write just cause you're buthurted about smthg and you don't even try and read/understand what the Gm has wroten!! Basicaly he's talking to a bunch of dumbasses, actualy not a bunch (just 2 or 3) and if i was him jail/kick/ban on all your acc's and cya bb won't miss ya!
Defenetly not a fan! just an avg human with a brain <---- you dunno what i'm refering to so better quit!

an avarge human with brain would read the full topic and would see who start this flame war, but we see u cant do that so we know u just another tard who try to asslicking here  :-*

u wanna me ban cos i told something on forum ? who is the brainless here ? :D


Lol omg! Very last time i lose my lifetime anwering to a bunch of apes. Ban for what?? How about for you talking down to a game master wait...ADMINISTRATOR? And yes, i read the whole post and some more, enough to se who are the retards/haters here!
Anyway, since when does he even need a fking reason to ban you?? This is his server, he can do what ever he wants with it, even close it in this precise minute!
Anyway, who da fuk are you to trash talk his server while you play (played) here! Thats the same as coming to my house trash talk to me, i would send you on your way home to your momy with a b1tchslap in the blink of an eye!

You are not happy? You LEAVE! You don't stay here trashtalking and bullsh1tting on this guy's work you morron!! Who's the dumbass here??


Quote from: joaquimcara on December 14, 2011, 09:35:35 PM
Lol omg! Very last time i lose my lifetime anwering to a bunch of apes. Ban for what?? How about for you talking down to a game master? And yes, i read the whole post and some more, enough to se who are the retards/haters here!
Anyway, since when does he even need a fking reason to ban you?? This is his server, he can do what ever he wants with it, even close it in this precise minute!
Anyway, who da fuk are you to trash talk his server while you play (played) here! Thats the same as coming to my house trash talk to me, i would send you on your way home to your momy with a b1tchslap in the blink of an eye!

You are not happy? You LEAVE! You don't stay here trashtalking and bullsh1tting on this guy's work you morron!! Who's the dumbass here??

typical asslicker, nothing more to add..... about animal part better try look atleast 1 time at mirror, for sure u will see there smth funny :-* and about gm can do what he want , ofc he can, but cuz he acted in this way he losted alrdy many players, whose played here much more than u for sure.

p.s. im still playing here so for now feel free share my opinion.

p.p.s. just checked:
Name:    joaquimcara1
Posts:    0 (N/A per day)
Position:    Vagabond
Rec's:    0
Date Registered:    Today at 09:38:20 pm
Last Active:    Today at 09:38:50 pm

seems some proud asslicker wont post from main account so made new 1, right? ;)
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: joaquimcara on December 14, 2011, 09:35:35 PM
Lol omg! Very last time i lose my lifetime anwering to a bunch of apes. Ban for what?? How about for you talking down to a game master wait...ADMINISTRATOR? And yes, i read the whole post and some more, enough to se who are the retards/haters here!
Anyway, since when does he even need a fking reason to ban you?? This is his server, he can do what ever he wants with it, even close it in this precise minute!
Anyway, who da fuk are you to trash talk his server while you play (played) here! Thats the same as coming to my house trash talk to me, i would send you on your way home to your momy with a b1tchslap in the blink of an eye!

You are not happy? You LEAVE! You don't stay here trashtalking and bullsh1tting on this guy's work you morron!! Who's the dumbass here??

u deserved a pink nick  :o

ps track u wanted to explain something more for AOD tonight ?  :D