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block 3v3

Started by rocktr, January 31, 2012, 04:04:21 PM

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Quote from: lasombra on February 01, 2012, 12:12:13 PM
Ok since it looks like constructive topic...
On 3 vs 3 is no annoucements, this is first thing.
Second thing...c'mon Biru, we all know how do it.
Smbd wanna disturb You ? No problem ! Send 1 pt earlier, those who wanna disturb You get low boxes, and after  ofc reg right boxes with share pt...

And yes, there is way transfer on 1 vs 1.
But on 1 vs 1, especially when is more ppl, You always can get normall player, and there is big chance for it.
Wanna proves ? Try 1 vs 1. Also check points from share 1 vs 1 and 3 vs 3... 100+ win fights, 2 loses, 500+ pts ? c'mon...
Also there is annoucements when fights start, You can check who is inside, who share etc....and reg ofc for disturb.
Boxes on 1 vs 1 are not problem, if meet normall player, they give points simply, also to enemys.
Also on normall 1 vs 1 share, You don't get so much points like on 3 vs 3.

ps. also true is...no matter how oly will be look...always smbd will complain and cry. Some things never changed.

There is big difference Biru between try share 1 vs 1 and 3 vs 3.
But I know You never admit it, couse Your clan share like crazy on 3 vs 3, so it's good for You. (Yes I know all can do it....but it's NOT an argument...also not everyone have 20+ nobles chars)

Well in my opinion 1v1 should be like old times ,needed at least 8 or 9 ppl (dont remember|) so 4 fights will take place in the same time ,like that there are less chances for some1 to transfer cause right now with 2 fights u can only  sign a bot 1st and when it gets count u sign with 3 more and u willl 90% get one of ur bots ..also if u ask me closing 3v3 would fck up 1v1 even more(no i am not crying ,i didnt tranfer at all).


This idea is damm good yes Close the dam 3v3 its damm anoying ofc spelso there is good pvp but what was hapening you lose 1 you dont join more so 3v3 now is used only for transfers to make zilion pts leave only 1 v 1 you wana transfer y you can do it there too but you can be cought  time to time and kiled and you wont get each match +10 pts like on 3 v 3 look the damm heroes this month only 6 from all this are made with normal fighting all other are transfers on server with 1k ppl 3v3 is stupid thing  where we all have 100 bot noobles chars
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


Quote from: Crazzyyhuhuh on February 01, 2012, 12:44:43 PM
This idea is damm good yes Close the dam 3v3 its damm anoying ofc spelso there is good pvp but what was hapening you lose 1 you dont join more so 3v3 now is used only for transfers to make zilion pts leave only 1 v 1 you wana transfer y you can do it there too but you can be cought  time to time and kiled and you wont get each match +10 pts like on 3 v 3 look the damm heroes this month only 6 from all this are made with normal fighting all other are transfers on server with 1k ppl 3v3 is stupid thing  where we all have 100 bot noobles chars

count that heroes....


Simple   3v3 oly  is awesome  but not for our server  ppl have fun on 3v3  oly but on servers where have over 3k players... here with 1k ppl    u can only w8 30+ min  for 1 fight or  join 1 time and when u see somone transfering and interupt them   and they dont sign anymore so i dont  see the fun at all if need w8 1 hourd  to make 1 match simple clear is for what is used this 3v3 all who defand  this cristal know as well

p.s for john if 3v3 is closed the bots who are runing naked just for 9 fight will be used for transfer on the same chars who are trasnfering in  3v3  and about  milion of bots need for  3v3 is totaly not true coz each fight u can refull the bots and points nevar end if u switch each fight difrend side won on the bots vs bots with the same 15 char u can run 2 days  so easy if u know to share points

for server  best close it  and if 1 day server`s return in old glory to have 1500-1800 ppl  then u can think 2 time and reopen it  coz in that case will  have chance to somone can have fun and say was good fights on 3v3



And soon people gonna start to complain about transfer on 1v1, and all those bots if they start to appear on 1v1 oly people also gonna complain about that, cause "omg i just find bots inside, can't have a normal fight".

All i see is that people complains about something related to oly, oly time for latins, class based, 3v3... we have 3v3 since GF update and now people wanna close it?

Now 3v3 isn't cool cause some people lost their hero status cause of that? Come on, this looks like we all know that something is wrong, but till i'm not loosing anything to that it's ok and keep going, but when i got freaked by that i gonna complain and ask to "fix" it.

Better close oly and let's forget about that.


Quote from: Weezer on February 01, 2012, 02:27:08 PM
And soon people gonna start to complain about transfer on 1v1, and all those bots if they start to appear on 1v1 oly people also gonna complain about that, cause "omg i just find bots inside, can't have a normal fight".

All i see is that people complains about something related to oly, oly time for latins, class based, 3v3... we have 3v3 since GF update and now people wanna close it?

Now 3v3 isn't cool cause some people lost their hero status cause of that? Come on, this looks like we all know that something is wrong, but till i'm not loosing anything to that it's ok and keep going, but when i got freaked by that i gonna complain and ask to "fix" it.

Better close oly and let's forget about that.
No 1 will cry cuz of transfer 1v1 lol its gracia ppl make 9 fights for codex, and many ppl wanted to close 3v3 and class based since start of gracia, but many players just didnt know 3v3 working correclty


Quote from: Peorexo on February 01, 2012, 02:30:51 PM
No 1 will cry cuz of transfer 1v1 lol its gracia ppl make 9 fights for codex, and many ppl wanted to close 3v3 and class based since start of gracia, but many players just didnt know 3v3 working correclty

People asked to close class based, people asking now to close 3v3. Why not close the whole oly? Add another way to get BOGS and it's over the problems about oly.

Most of people on this server thinks it's easier to complain about something than to adapt to the system that is created by new chronicles.

Oly isn't fair and will always have transfer.


Quote from: Weezer on February 01, 2012, 02:43:47 PM
People asked to close class based, people asking now to close 3v3. Why not close the whole oly? Add another way to get BOGS and it's over the problems about oly.

Most of people on this server thinks it's easier to complain about something than to adapt to the system that is created by new chronicles.

Oly isn't fair and will always have transfer.

So maybe turn on class based again? to make oly just for transfer? Oly is part of game and should be fair for all, not becouse some morons have more chars with nobl to overtransfer some class...


Oly isn't problem at all, If you don't have friends to help you, start to think about your self.
Or just make some more noble chars and farm oly.
-InfinityPlaytime Apollyon OL/WC
-Diablom Posadnuty BP/PAL
-Bloody SWS/SR retired
-Playtime SE/BD retired


Quote from: lasombra on February 01, 2012, 06:23:01 AM
Weezer difference is :
When You transfer on 1 vs 1 there is big chance to meet others players, and You must fight.
On 3 vs 3 there is different.

ps. Dunno what good fights was at 3 vs 3. Always when smbd tryied stop transfer on 3vs3, ppl who disturbed them - win. And check hero stats now, 100+ wins, 2 lost. On "not oly chars". So about what good fights smbd wroted here ?

ps2. it's not QQ topic, couse I losted hero in this month. I fight some fight normally, some I need to do transfer. In other way no chance, why ? Couse others will transfer anyway, and alone if You are not tank, You are not able make some nice points. I tryied 3 months in past after merge make hero totally alone, it's impossible for not tank class and for class without any heal. You can't deny it. And it was camping hero manager whole month, avoid 90 % chars (tanks). And always it was +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6... -10 (tank) etc etc.
agree with u need solve thes problem or we will keep watchşng at oly only tanks/x or x/wc


Or chek İP of boxes whos sign and ban users if they are at oly ofc.


Quote from: rocktr on February 01, 2012, 03:32:02 PM
Or chek İP of boxes whos sign and ban users if they are at oly ofc.

Can u tell what class u play?