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Seriousy Question to NM community

Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 21, 2012, 08:48:17 PM

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lol what a topic seriously.
If ppl have team to pvp - they go pvp
If they are lack some supports - they do not go

What more to think and spam ?
You wroted here so many shits, suppports, stuff, unbalanced, dead classes, farm,  coins etc....
LOL ppl think at least for a while.

ps. Track do not listen cryiers. This is way to nowhere.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH

Cookie Monster

i vote for mega server promotion + dragon/infi merge + lower rates to max x5 :)

like now it looks like:

no fun > less active players > less ppl and more offline shops > new players wont come > old players run from serv to innova > even less ppl > same things for ppl who stayed here > GM makes event for old players with good equip or cash (does not matter if equip lowered to S grade +3 or not...skills are still +30 which needs some cash and xp/sp to make :| ) > no fun > back to beggining.

solution is simple. with no new blood on server or  economics will fail. now i cant sell A sets bcs noone uses it...so this means noone is >75?? no. u just dont need A grade. makich char to 66 lvl takes few hours. hitting char to 80 lvl is max 1,5 hour on Garden of Eva... insane exp there, lots of SP, drops taken live from hellbound (tomes, darion badges, S mats, ews). btw check fahrite mob... def is maxed, atk is still at 40 lvll :|

Dont blame ppl on server that they wont pvp. i saw yesterday action. CB organised in few minutes...there was no opposite side... Who u wanna pvp?? besides CB does not give best picture about serv condition, talking to all about they have gm panels, beeing sponsored by gm etc.... i dont care. i made new char, trying to have some fun. but think who will want to join our community if there are such news around. once again. L2 gracia final is not attracvie any more on the official innova background, specially with all this GM sponsor Aura, lame events (pigs? please, fighting for one hour to get one hour buffs - which i can take from npc for free??). Please Track start thinking how to change serv to invite new faces, instead of flaming old players that they are bored to exp/pvp...for last 7 years....

Quote from: lasombra on February 22, 2012, 09:25:44 AM
lol what a topic seriously.
If ppl have team to pvp - they go pvp
If they are lack some supports - they do not go

What more to think and spam ?
You wroted here so many shits, suppports, stuff, unbalanced, dead classes, farm,  coins etc....
LOL ppl think at least for a while.

ps. Track do not listen cryiers. This is way to nowhere.

So....AoD votes for NPC AiO baffs. maybe make pvp event with no buffs at all. AoD should come, and problem solved...
"Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Since 19 may 1984.

Healing Puss Summoner


Quote from: VampyRUL on February 22, 2012, 09:12:40 AM
It is a problem with you statement you say no donate but at the end is like kissing  track ass, you say  more donate more donate
You made my day, gm is asking why is people bitch1ng and why no pvp and you flame more people more donate more coins, and no donate?
The answer was given in this forum, is the gap between vesper vs dnet vs dynasty, after 3-4 years over 50% of server die in 1 or 2 shots tops.
Now you go pvp and see if you like it track to die that fast after 3-4 fak1ng years of farming.
how the fack should i go pvp with ic+f+7, i spend over 100 coins to get it and now i see "lucky" people who made vesper+f+13.
No track no more donate no more coins this is what you have on server and to quoate the NPC  "THE END IS NEAR"

PS: to the naab with farming a lot to get top gear, you retarded naab we did farm we did get top gear but some smart ass gm give all players with real $ weapons OE i mean fack me vesper +13 and  the enchant rate and the ews drop is like..... nevermind.

i read your post 2 time, and i ask me is u can read?

p.s. and where u read that im kissing track ass? xD

Quote from: 6bIK on February 22, 2012, 07:08:43 AM
p.s. the problem on server is not donation, bugs, oe chars/weapons and so on. it's not problem that ppl should farm hard to get some coins for top equipment, but big problem is "0" promotion , sorry track (with all respect) i must say it, yes it's your fault that server are like now. u must make PR for server. yes it's take time, money, health and nerves, but as GM u must do this. my logic say me that more ppl= more donation=more fun.

read so, maybe u get it xD

p.s.s ic+f+7 with full attribute is nice bow. maybe u have 2 left hands and dont know your char?
p.s.s u just dont have ballz to enchant your bow, that's all

Quote from: lasombra on February 22, 2012, 09:25:44 AM
lol what a topic seriously.
If ppl have team to pvp - they go pvp
If they are lack some supports - they do not go

What more to think and spam ?
You wroted here so many shits, suppports, stuff, unbalanced, dead classes, farm,  coins etc....
LOL ppl think at least for a while.

ps. Track do not listen cryiers. This is way to nowhere.
Feli u have right, but this pvp problem in pack with rest.

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Quote from: Cookie Monster on February 22, 2012, 09:55:26 AM
bla bla bla
show me plox where AOD votes for NPC AIO buffs, rly intrested in this part.

and merge with dragon imo bullsh1t till glasy, kesy and rest of sh1t gm's there.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Cookie Monster on February 22, 2012, 09:55:26 AM
i vote for mega server promotion + dragon/infi merge + lower rates to max x5 :)

like now it looks like:

no fun > less active players > less ppl and more offline shops > new players wont come > old players run from serv to innova > even less ppl > same things for ppl who stayed here > GM makes event for old players with good equip or cash (does not matter if equip lowered to S grade +3 or not...skills are still +30 which needs some cash and xp/sp to make :| ) > no fun > back to beggining.

solution is simple. with no new blood on server or  economics will fail. now i cant sell A sets bcs noone uses it...so this means noone is >75?? no. u just dont need A grade. makich char to 66 lvl takes few hours. hitting char to 80 lvl is max 1,5 hour on Garden of Eva... insane exp there, lots of SP, drops taken live from hellbound (tomes, darion badges, S mats, ews). btw check fahrite mob... def is maxed, atk is still at 40 lvll :|

Dont blame ppl on server that they wont pvp. i saw yesterday action. CB organised in few minutes...there was no opposite side... Who u wanna pvp?? besides CB does not give best picture about serv condition, talking to all about they have gm panels, beeing sponsored by gm etc.... i dont care. i made new char, trying to have some fun. but think who will want to join our community if there are such news around. once again. L2 gracia final is not attracvie any more on the official innova background, specially with all this GM sponsor Aura, lame events (pigs? please, fighting for one hour to get one hour buffs - which i can take from npc for free??). Please Track start thinking how to change serv to invite new faces, instead of flaming old players that they are bored to exp/pvp...for last 7 years....

So....AoD votes for NPC AiO baffs. maybe make pvp event with no buffs at all. AoD should come, and problem solved...
1. if u vote, make vote topic and ask other if they wanna merge, i think many of us will vote no
2. to have new player on server aka new blood need promotion, they should somehow know about us .

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


As already many ppl said we are in a chronicle and in a server situation that if you don't have ALL buffs...some Bishop...some tank for SOF... some OL... it's useless to PvP... and it sux hard but that's it...

In my own experience, with my SH/SE, I used to be a glass cannon that was dealing nice damage but I was 2 hits for all... now I still 2 hit for all but I need half of my mana for kill some1 even with good equip... ofc I do my part in clan for TW and sieges when I can... but the will to pvp that I had before really decreased in the last new chronicles... and  I say that as a old pvp whore b1tch that would follow 1 even for half elmore-aden map for kill some1 =D...

Should I reroll and not QQ? yes you have right.. but maybe I am a crazy disturbed and I don't wanna abandon my char that I've never changed since C2...

I tell this also for my personal porpouse (I admit) but maybe if clans could obtain the chance of modify their main subclasses for fit better in pvp, this could help for give a refresh to the gameplay and reorganize better the classes of supports needed for pvp...

Igideon said that this option is not easy to implement due the enchanted skilsl and  ppl would lose their enchantment... well... ppl would deal with it imo =)...

Just my 2 cents...
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


this shiet happend when u capped everything so live with it .u destroyed a lot of suport classes and make this server a tanks server .
u took this server fun with ur bullshiet actions and ur so called nerfs.all this is your fault ....maybe now that gm from dragon is happy he can pwn all.answer me this one question why should some1 play for example sr/sws? same speed as all same atk speed lower p atk then rest or any other suport class for fighters. answer ? no1 coz this classes dont give any advantage


Quote from: kalu on February 22, 2012, 10:21:29 AM
this shiet happend when u capped everything so live with it .u destroyed a lot of suport classes and make this server a tanks server .
u took this server fun with ur bullshiet actions and ur so called nerfs.all this is your fault ....maybe now that gm from dragon is happy he can pwn all.answer me this one question why should some1 play for example sr/sws? same speed as all same atk speed lower p atk then rest or any other suport class for fighters. answer ? no1 coz this classes dont give any advantage
SO maybe use fackin brain and use ur class special things
like dye +5str/-5dex on sr/sws ? if u have amx speed/atkspeed anyway so decrease it to get more hp/cp or patk
Also if u take good certificates up to ur char setup will help much.
Start thinking, stop crying

Cookie Monster

Quote from: Shadow21 on February 22, 2012, 10:00:48 AM
show me plox where AOD votes for NPC AIO buffs, rly intrested in this part.

and merge with dragon imo bullsh1t till glasy, kesy and rest of sh1t gm's there.


Quote from: lasombra on February 22, 2012, 09:25:44 AM
lol what a topic seriously.
If ppl have team to pvp - they go pvp
If they are lack some supports - they do not go

i read it like that. we have buff = we go pvp. no buff - no pvp. like yesterday... i saw one clan buffed with no supports trying to pvp... AoD is like bosss.. i wont move my ass cause i die lol!.. i wont move out of town w/o healer. i wont pvp w/o chp. i wont i wont i wont... reading all CB hero messages inviting opposite side to pvp at HB/wateland/varka/wherever is a proof that FTP is an ally of fighters with no supports = make AiO buffers, FTP will join fight maybe.

PS: too lazy to log support boxes?

PSS: i remamber a guy, necro/PP running all over Infi server in karmian + homunkulus and pking all players from lvls 20 to 78.... and he was supported by ee/sps.... everyone cried than to ban him. but that was most exciting moment for mass pvp...

psss: Jack +1
"Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Since 19 may 1984.

Healing Puss Summoner


Quote from: Cookie Monster on February 22, 2012, 10:49:32 AM

i read it like that. we have buff = we go pvp. no buff - no pvp. like yesterday... i saw one clan buffed with no supports trying to pvp... AoD is like bosss.. i wont move my ass cause i die lol!.. i wont move out of town w/o healer. i wont pvp w/o chp. i wont i wont i wont... reading all CB hero messages inviting opposite side to pvp at HB/wateland/varka/wherever is a proof that FTP is an ally of fighters with no supports = make AiO buffers, FTP will join fight maybe.

PS: too lazy to log support boxes?

first of all, dunno who are you, but tell me 1 thing, what is the point to go with 3 ppl against 2 pt' s? except running till giran or bsoe durring, imo it's sensless, i guess my box for pvp was logged more time then you and for sure got more pvp points xD If i can spot about 5-6 enemy i can take Tyia and go there but if they are mroe, i need good team for pvp.
PedoBear  He/wk
Aeore Healer - Retired
PedoBear He/Wk <3
Compositora sps/sws
FaIIen he/glad
Chryzo Pal/glad
Virginsoul trick/slh


i still dont get about what You talk about.
pvp is EVERYDAY... (evenings/night)
online on server is better than some time ago
no way for change subs jack, its nonsense...wanna play smth different, make new char, wanna old nick...change nick.

This topic become place for cry about all...
- i have no equip...buuu
- my char sux...buuuuuu
- tanks online....buuuuu
- no supports.....buuuuuu

All those things You can change ALONE, need only a bit will for it. All is depends on You. You only make Track head ache with Your personal menthal problems.
I play here since zenith server was open Felissin is my 3rd char, and i play it already 6,5 years, why i do not cry about my char? Its not uber pwnzor char, just shity sh/bd. Accept weakness of Your char and problem solved. Thats the key. And mby learn to play...?
also since i play here i see crying, nerfs, next crying etc. I heard since 5+ years "server dying mengzzz" and ? here we are...server 7 yers old. Mby give smth from Your self at least, and STOP CRY ABOUT EVERYRHING.

With what i can agree, gm stuff should try nake bigfer promotion of server. Couse irs good server and can offer lot of fun.

Also mby some day we will make 3-4 sides war so fun will be bigger xd

os sry fir missrypes, post wroted on mobile during drivea car

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH

Cookie Monster

Quote from: Zaled on February 22, 2012, 10:58:01 AM
first of all, dunno who are you, but tell me 1 thing, what is the point to go with 3 ppl against 2 pt' s? except running till giran or bsoe durring, imo it's sensless, i guess my box for pvp was logged more time then you and for sure got more pvp points xD If i can spot about 5-6 enemy i can take Tyia and go there but if they are mroe, i need good team for pvp.

If that is the picture of PVP by Your clan/ally...btw... Your clan is about 3 ppl active? change it :) or find tactics/better ally
"Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Since 19 may 1984.

Healing Puss Summoner