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Started by MegaZord, March 30, 2012, 02:09:24 AM

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Quote from: fenrris on March 31, 2012, 09:41:56 AM
It shouldn't be hard right? But here we are!

Ppl playing for seven years both from INF and NM. We know the dril, we have equip and skills and yet even when whole of Gaule is occupied by Roman empire theres one vilage that stands agains it! :o

How come rest of the server is able to deal nice dmg to other old clans members and when fighting CB we ge " OMG lern how to buff/how attri work" :) sure you can explain everything by, there is always small window or some circumstances that can neglect dmg from 35k m atack mage. But how come only one clan seams to have it?

I know that CB is well prepared clan and taht ppl there are damn skilled. I admire CB's healer work and great cooperation in party but except that theres some bizzare level of immposibility when fighting them.

I won't accept explanation that only few players gathered in one clan learned and mastered L2. I can assure you taht on INFI there were supperb players and out of sudden they just regular in comparition with CB.

Point is there's no fun and less and less ppl here since no mather how good you are and how much you work on your char you'll get bitch slaped during pvp by chars same as your if it goes about equip/enchant and yet uncilable when your'e  few hit meat pupet for them.

What is funny is that most fingers pointed towards an editted char are completely wrong.
I got no idea who is healing in CB lately, so far ive had (when it comes to healing) sincere respect for: Katsu (rerolled), Shabby and Uthria. All the other healers i don't know, i don't care and haven't really caught my eye.
FTP also got great healers: DramaQueen, Zord.
The point is that CB got some badass archers who yank the crap out of everyone from a distance by spamming: Stun (decrease p.def) and then simple F2 hits, combined with Shiro's real target it makes a shitload of damage.
The tactics and skills of 3-4 skilled players gives the less skilled wankers good damage wich has an outcome of a "big mouth" and feeling actually good.
When it comes to that CB > all, big mouth with only a few great players, altho a0d is achieving the same amount of retardness.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


puff, 1st of all he is not from aod.
2nd if we start talk about retards here, belive me cb got alot also^^

and at end, point of this topic is - why da fok whole world have march and our server february.

p.s. fenrris, wanna talk about edited chars go make another topic, thx.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on March 31, 2012, 11:11:27 AM
puff, 1st of all he is not from aod.
2nd if we start talk about retards here, belive me cb got alot also^^

and at end, point of this topic is - why da fok whole world have march and our server february.

p.s. fenrris, wanna talk about edited chars go make another topic, thx.

I know i know, altho im just saying how it is.
As for CB having alot of retards, trust me i know that aswell.

As for Fenriss, please do! I would love to see someone else starting 1 cause mine always gets deleted!  >:(
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Actualy i wasn't talking about cb at all!! I know why they do the dmg they do and for one i don't think hey are so tough at all!

Only RT landing 100% is not fair, either make other skills land 100% to, like stun for example or fix that sh1t!

WHo im talking about is 2 players here (hi yoshi, hi revel) who are virtualy unkillable!!

Satying alive while 3 party's are hitting u?? WIth out any kind of outside heal?? How fuking Dumb do u think i am?? Yoshi found a way to freak the server and he passed it on to Revel, and some how they are able to play "normal way" as example some times i hit yoshi for over 2k dmg sudenly he desapears and when he reapears those 2k go down to 500...! As for revel, i hit him for 300dmg with ic+f+15, if i change to sword +10 with totaly diferent atribute dmg is even lower... so what do i have to hit him with? my ding dong?

Track do ur fuking job and find out how those 2 are fuking up your server! Cause overstanding dmg from 3 pts, fighters, mages, o/e equipment, 2 heros, etc for over an hour... if this is Normal in ur server... than thx but no thx! And for those "smart" asses who will say buffs r the explanation... bla bla bla... defensive buffs only save ur ass for a while... not for 1h!!


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 31, 2012, 11:44:32 AM
Actualy i wasn't talking about cb at all!! I know why they do the dmg they do and for one i don't think hey are so tough at all!

Only RT landing 100% is not fair, either make other skills land 100% to, like stun for example or fix that sh1t!

WHo im talking about is 2 players here (hi yoshi, hi revel) who are virtualy unkillable!!

Satying alive while 3 party's are hitting u?? WIth out any kind of outside heal?? How fuking Dumb do u think i am?? Yoshi found a way to freak the server and he passed it on to Revel, and some how they are able to play "normal way" as example some times i hit yoshi for over 2k dmg sudenly he desapears and when he reapears those 2k go down to 500...! As for revel, i hit him for 300dmg with ic+f+15, if i change to sword +10 with totaly diferent atribute dmg is even lower... so what do i have to hit him with? my ding dong?

Track do ur fuking job and find out how those 2 are fuking up your server! Cause overstanding dmg from 3 pts, fighters, mages, o/e equipment, 2 heros, etc... if this is Normal in ur server... than thx but no thx!
Crap yday i havent cp pots thats why i died once ;<
Anyway keep up sh!t spam


Quote from: Peorexo on March 31, 2012, 11:50:27 AM
Crap yday i havent cp pots thats why i died once ;<
Anyway keep up sh!t spam

LOL and u had no cp pots?? Dude Fuk u and ur cheats! U must be playing superman for sure!! Keep up thinking every1 is dumb and none figures out what r doing here...

LOL only in this fuked up server, 2 players can solo clans... and gm's sit on hteir thumbs thinking all is okay! if u'r not using cheats, than this server is fuked up... there's no 30 ways of looking at it here, simple as that...! Yoshi might be safe b4 cause in the middle of the crowd none noticed he was using "help" but guess what, server's not so crowded anymore (guess why)... stop thinking ppl r dumb! Stop insulting ppl (i'm talking to Track here).


Quote from: Peorexo on March 31, 2012, 11:50:27 AM
Crap yday i havent cp pots thats why i died once ;<
Anyway keep up sh!t spam

;o you changed chars?
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord



Quote from: Peorexo on March 31, 2012, 11:54:52 AM
Y laming on pw/tk xD

I can give you a TH//WL! To yank around with Yoshi, tell the mofo i said hi btw.
(Not sure if my brother from another mother banned it tho)
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: FeelmyBow on March 31, 2012, 11:57:17 AM
I can give you a TH//WL! To yank around with Yoshi, tell the mofo i said hi btw.
(Not sure if my brother from another mother banned it tho)
Then prolly ur char would be rly fast banned XD


Quote from: Peorexo on March 31, 2012, 11:58:58 AM
Then prolly ur char would be rly fast banned XD

Oh noes.. That would mean... I can never play here again????
My caremeter shows 0
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord