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Started by MegaZord, March 30, 2012, 02:09:24 AM

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Keep up the spaming!! :»X

All is well in yaya Land.....


Quote from: FeelmyBow on March 31, 2012, 12:00:01 PM
Oh noes.. That would mean... I can never play here again????
My caremeter shows 0
I know u dont care, but track care if he'll have opportunity to ban ^^


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 31, 2012, 11:44:32 AM
Actualy i wasn't talking about cb at all!! I know why they do the dmg they do and for one i don't think hey are so tough at all!

Only RT landing 100% is not fair, either make other skills land 100% to, like stun for example or fix that sh1t!

WHo im talking about is 2 players here (hi yoshi, hi revel) who are virtualy unkillable!!

Satying alive while 3 party's are hitting u?? WIth out any kind of outside heal?? How fuking Dumb do u think i am?? Yoshi found a way to freak the server and he passed it on to Revel, and some how they are able to play "normal way" as example some times i hit yoshi for over 2k dmg sudenly he desapears and when he reapears those 2k go down to 500...! As for revel, i hit him for 300dmg with ic+f+15, if i change to sword +10 with totaly diferent atribute dmg is even lower... so what do i have to hit him with? my ding dong?

Track do ur fuking job and find out how those 2 are fuking up your server! Cause overstanding dmg from 3 pts, fighters, mages, o/e equipment, 2 heros, etc for over an hour... if this is Normal in ur server... than thx but no thx! And for those "smart" asses who will say buffs r the explanation... bla bla bla... defensive buffs only save ur ass for a while... not for 1h!!

Keep up the spam. tryig to put pile of ur usual bs over some1 posts.. hoping u will keep up beng superman...
Anyway, Track's got all he need to see somthging's wrong here... if he doesn't do it then...


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 31, 2012, 12:04:53 PM

For you "2k dmg went down to 500!" statement, buffs ARE the explanation. Yoshi's buff bots has only +7 songs or so, why do you think he runs away all the time? :P

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: PvtStuka on March 31, 2012, 12:07:23 PM
For you "2k dmg went down to 500!" statement, buffs ARE the explanation. Yoshi's buff bots has only +7 songs or so, why do you think he runs away all the time? :P

Bla bla bla, said the "cancer" guy...! ye sure, and i'm santa...i dunno how to play...stfu pls!

Or did u forget how he raped ur ass and other 3 pt's of cb in oren siege a while ago?? ahh it was buffs.... cb doesn't know how to buff themselfs then...

Quit the crap pls. I don't have nthing against yoshi and revel... only for the fact they are not playing fair.

2 guys kill one full party of top equiped players... okay i might belive they r skilled.... skilled as in l2 legend's skilled!
2 guys killing 3 (i said 2 but was a typo) partys of top equiped players.... they r cheating!! Lol am i dreaming?? Some1 actualy belives they r playing fair??

Oh and i forgot to add... with no healeres, no outside heal what so ever....


Quote from: Javardsnegger on March 31, 2012, 12:09:58 PM
Bla bla bla, said the "cancer" guy...! ye sure, and i'm santa...i dunno how to play...stfu pls!

Or did u forget how he raped ur ass and other 3 pt's of cb in oren siege a while ago?? ahh it was buffs.... cb doesn't know how to buff themselfs then...

Quit the crap pls. I don't have nthing against yoshi and revel... only for the fact they are not playing fair.

2 guys kill one full party of top equiped players... okay i might belive they r skilled.... skilled as in l2 legend's skilled!
2 guys killing 3 (i said 2 but was a typo) partys of top equiped players.... they r cheating!! Lol am i dreaming?? Some1 actualy belives they r playing fair??

Oh and i forgot to add... with no healeres, no outside heal what so ever....
And how we can cheat? IS THERE ANY CHEAT TO GAVE US 82137182371823kkkk of hp or anything? NO, just get a life

Anyway so how u think im winning in oly? im using cheats there too? rofl


Lol you must be retarded if you think going rambo on 3 parties without any healing and living to talk about it is normal.
Nice of you if you found some kind of bug and you're exploiting it, you're probably going to enjoy it most when you're alone on the server.

New players rarely come to the server and old players are chased away by this kind of retarded stuff.That's why the server went from 3-4k players (c4 times) to a tops of 800 (nowadays).
What we do in life echoes in eternity


Quote from: Corpsse on March 31, 2012, 12:53:01 PM
Lol you must be retarded if you think going rambo on 3 parties without any healing and living to talk about it is normal.
Nice of you if you found some kind of bug and you're exploiting it, you're probably going to enjoy it most when you're alone on the server.

New players rarely come to the server and old players are chased away by this kind of retarded stuff.That's why the server went from 3-4k players (c4 times) to a tops of 800 (nowadays).

Stop accusing me without proves, there is no exploit or no bug with that, guess why cb havent problems with us only u, false is in ur side ;)


I remember on Goddart siege, me,Tyia and Faiien with wc/sws on back fight vs Revell,Yoshi and 2-3 others from Ravens clan and quess what? We didnt die and kill Revell and few others, only Yoshi run away. So stop this bullsh1t about bugs and edited chars. Learn buff,make atri in set, learn use skills and then go pvp.

Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


as i canguess revell is a pw/tk, im also taking a wild guess that he ude heavy armor and a shield. Tk has highest possible def rate and p.def on shield also aegis paasive which makes daggers w/o pvp ability useless, archers suck against tk even harder. So with 100% shied defense rate, decrease critical from heavy, and countercritical at best you would hit such a char 500/crit 1,2k(dagger with pvp ability landed). Also tks have pretty high m.def if i remember correct
      Kimosabe th/pal x7 Hero
      Obnoxios pp/pal x3 hero
      2EZ th/wl hero farmer


Quote from: 2sixy on March 31, 2012, 02:07:10 PM
as i canguess revell is a pw/tk, im also taking a wild guess that he ude heavy armor and a shield. Tk has highest possible def rate and p.def on shield also aegis paasive which makes daggers w/o pvp ability useless, archers suck against tk even harder. So with 100% shied defense rate, decrease critical from heavy, and countercritical at best you would hit such a char 500/crit 1,2k(dagger with pvp ability landed). Also tks have pretty high m.def if i remember correct
yup highest reachable mdef on tank class's, and highest shield def/rate if im correct, but pdef isnt that good ^^


Quote from: Peorexo on March 31, 2012, 02:12:19 PM
yup highest reachable mdef on tank class's, and highest shield def/rate if im correct, but pdef isnt that good ^^

Cut the fuking crap!! And zord! lol! omg u guys discuss me. Lol! U know what! What ever. Ye i dunno how to buf myself, i dunno sh1t about atributes, i duno s1t about Tk's... only u guys r the smart ones i guess. Hey ur right and i'm wrong....w8... me and all those who left the server without even having the trouble of call ths bs out...!

It's perfectly normal 1 char (yoshi) with no healer what so ever killing 1 full pt when i was in gok... damn Gok members didn't knew how to buff themselfs...
It's perfectly normal 2 chars (revel and yoshi) with no heal what so ever kiled most of cb ppl and keept them from taking Oren castel 3weeks ago... hey Cb members didn't knew how to buff them selfs either....

It's perfectly normal, 2 chars (again yoshi and revel) "" "" "" "" vs ws and mojoo last aden siege, guess here also, ws and mojoo dunno how to buff them selfs...

And yday it was perfectly normal for 2 chars " " " " " to stand and kill 3 pt's of mojoo.... hey mojoo again didn't kurwa learned how to buff them selfs....

Dude, fuk u and ur crap! I'm sick of it! What u are using as 3rd party i dunno niether give a damn! If u'r legit and Track want's to keep this going untill he's alone, i dunno and i don't give a damn again!

Just don't insult my inteligence zord! Cause if ur actualy defending him.. that means ur nothing more than a big noob cause i have no troubles killing u! OR most of ur ppl!

It's just comes to show (if they are legit, wich i doubt) no1 needs oe items, no1 needs to donate for twat... u can pown whole clans just with a regular +3+sa dagger.....

If u think i belive u for just a second...u need medical help bro!

Quote from: MegaZord on March 31, 2012, 01:36:15 PM
I remember on Goddart siege, me,Tyia and Faiien with wc/sws on back fight vs Revell,Yoshi and 2-3 others from Ravens clan and quess what? We didnt die and kill Revell and few others, only Yoshi run away. So stop this bullsh1t about bugs and edited chars. Learn buff,make atri in set, learn use skills and then go pvp.


Ofc uremember once or twice u could kill him... maybe ur superman too or he wasn't using that bs cheat he uses... well  i remember lots of times in wich he was being hited by not 1 not 2 but over 10-15 ppl and he stood there killing one at the time.. for alot longuer than any ud,sf vengeance, song,dance could last.... Quit fuking with ppl!!