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Hello GM

Started by giedrute005, April 18, 2013, 05:33:50 PM

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Hello GM, Can you help me please? Look today i was playing L2, all good then 1 hour later... i enter to L2 then i was disconnected... i enter other time... other time disconnected...  I dont Know why is this.... Allways I click in someone, (Char or NPC...) I am disconnectes from the game... i prove it some times... with other chars too, (With other chars all good.. ) So, please... Help me...


check your inventory if you have 2 of the same item, for example 2 stacks of mana potion. Or any other material.
If you have 2 stacks instead of 1, delete 1.


Thank you so much!! Now is all good :) thanks