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Started by Calisa, December 26, 2013, 05:20:18 AM

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on December 26, 2013, 03:21:03 PM
on its way, as you can see we were a bit busy. Spamming wont speed up the process.
as i see u are busy with many other thing's but not with most important, sry track but i cant stay in silence ;)


Quote from: carniburuz on December 26, 2013, 03:12:12 PM
Hi all, im very concerned about x15 dragon, i spend a lot of money on that server and from my point of view... u will let it die...no nice event, no fixes, no updates, just empty promises...and now with new server.... i think u really want to kill x15... sad

We had just 1 server and GM cant handle... can u imagine what will hapen with both? Dragon will fall into the hands of evil...(if u know waht i mean)...
Like some ppl says, we are many ppl who doesnt have all time to start over and over again...the old times has pased for many of us, now we have family, wife, job etc...i played since interlude... and i dont remember it as the best...
I quess that the only few things that we needed from x15 was some of the rly good ideas that u have for this new tarantula... but as i said before... u are just letting die our loved Dragon x15

i wish luck to all who go to Tarantula...



I love forum , because i can say what i think about topic .
Dragon server is dead when people start leaving to "better option" .  Corrupted GM is think which SOME OF US trying to fight for ages and all what we got from community was ".i."  or   "join DX"  . So yes .. die dragon . If u raised your voice sooner , if you did atleast ONE STEP to help server be fair .. I dont know if u did thou , i am talkin about MAJORITY of 15x players (such am i as well) . And the money ? .. Well if "GM is corrupted"  and yes, glasy is very deep corupted person with own hate list and own rules and own agenda at all , then there is nothing els u can do , but feeding the trolls.

I mean no disrespect to carniburuz , sir , i talkin straightly and "ban-fear-free" like i havent been for long time :)  This server is giving you oportunity to play , have pvp , have clan without need of atri/op items/coins for skil enchant  etcetcetcetcetc and in otherside it offers fun to more then 5% of richest oly farmers :)  If this "oportunity" shuld be doom for 15x , if this server shuld mean end of Italian dark era , then my only regret is that it didnt came up sooner .

I dont regret all my time spend on dragon /c3+/  but if this will be the cause of 15x dying , then i have no problem throw all that time away , cuz i finaly see the promise of "fun and chill"  again .. not being locked for months on one place , solo grind there , waiting for unfair bans or frozen time on sieges during DX engraving  :)

Donate more to keep server alive  (if you agree with the RULER there) , or just stop being sheep and move . Am losing with it many acounts, many subs, many many many years of playing  , but if u see tear , then is bcos of hapines :) 

Maybe this is the other side of  "coin"  which u need to see to feel beter :)  Cheers
I just log to applaud Track and smite Glasy ..

missing frames in my videos are there to show you, that my fraps software is not pirated ^^  it can record onlz 30secs and then u must push the buton again


Quote from: HugeTits on December 26, 2013, 03:22:35 PM
as i see u are busy with many other thing's but not with most important, sry track but i cant stay in silence ;)
You will.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: ^Artur^ on December 26, 2013, 03:22:09 PM
I understand your concern about Dragon x15, but just to let you know Dragon-Network is a network, and it had many servers at the same time in the past (infinity, dragon, nightmare, valkyrie, shadow, arena).
Active work on only 2 servers at one time ( Dragon x15, Tarantula ) doesnt seem to be a challenge. All we want is having two "alive" servers with active players, and its nothing to worry about because dragon x15 will have regular updates too.
sorry, but we had multiply servers as u said, but all of them we're merging 1 by 1 into one just coz they we're dying coz GM's (sorry, I respect ur work but still it wasn't enough looks like) didn't care about them enough. Atm u're making 1 new server where ppl will go ofc, but same goes for Dragon, we got here everything we needed to pvp or pve, u promised us a lot of updates (as always, soon  ::) ) and we w8, but now we hear again - w8 more. Sili got right with his posts, instead of making 1 server playable (lags issue, disconnection issue - still didn't fixed) and then taking care of new one, u're just forgetting old one and let's start with smth easier (i hope u'll make an awesome server).

@saboteur - u complain about dx, but u still play here, don't u? I won't defend Glasy, I know he made a lot of things which he shouldn't, but he also helps ppl when they need it, so it's not that he is just evil (hearing old stories from some ppl, I could say same things about rest GM's which we're on Nm, InfiNm and Dragon ;) what bad things they made ). Point is no matter if this server is dead or not (it is since long time, I see it) but they leave there community with few hundreds (for sure not 1k players like we hear, mby with dual boxes :D) ppl who still play there, fight for castles or wards and who could still enjoy it. And ur talk about items and rest of this crap is total bullshit, no offense  ;)


Quote from: eagleye on December 26, 2013, 03:39:00 PM
sorry, but we had multiply servers as u said, but all of them we're merging 1 by 1 into one just coz they we're dying coz GM's (sorry, I respect ur work but still it wasn't enough looks like) didn't care about them enough. Atm u're making 1 new server where ppl will go ofc, but same goes for Dragon, we got here everything we needed to pvp or pve, u promised us a lot of updates (as always, soon  ::) ) and we w8, but now we hear again - w8 more. Sili got right with his posts, instead of making 1 server playable (lags issue, disconnection issue - still didn't fixed) and then taking care of new one, u're just forgetting old one and let's start with smth easier (i hope u'll make an awesome server).

You are right, infinity , nightmare and dragon were merged into one. But let me tell you the major difference. The only 1 difference between all this 3 servers were rates. All of them were on same chronicle and with similar gameplay. When people started to leaving ( cause of many reasons ), we couldnt run 3 servers with low popularity. It was obvious they need to be merged into one, cause in fact they were pretty the same, and Dragon x15 is now a server with many people online. We want to keep it this way, but we want to open the doors for other people. The ones that left us, the ones that we never had a chance to have ( PL,RU translations ) or just players who want to feel good old IL times.


Quote from: carniburuz on December 26, 2013, 03:12:12 PM
Hi all, im very concerned about x15 dragon, i spend a lot of money on that server and from my point of view... u will let it die...no nice event, no fixes, no updates, just empty promises...and now with new server.... i think u really want to kill x15... sad

We had just 1 server and GM cant handle... can u imagine what will hapen with both? Dragon will fall into the hands of evil...(if u know waht i mean)...
Like some ppl says, we are many ppl who doesnt have all time to start over and over again...the old times has pased for many of us, now we have family, wife, job etc...i played since interlude... and i dont remember it as the best...
I quess that the only few things that we needed from x15 was some of the rly good ideas that u have for this new tarantula... but as i said before... u are just letting die our loved Dragon x15

i wish luck to all who go to Tarantula...




Beter option be if new server dont have 2 class in 1....   Also i agree with option that when new server comes 80% x15 dragon come there killing x15.

Like very old player say on TS: "here since 3 years no more new ppl... just old ppl with new chars" Why its look that is question to our GMs ( and i dont talk now about glasy)
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


Quote from: ^Artur^ on December 26, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
You are right, infinity , nightmare and dragon were merged into one. But let me tell you the major difference. The only 1 difference between all this 3 servers were rates. All of them were on same chronicle and with similar gameplay. When people started to leaving ( cause of many reasons ), we couldnt run 3 servers with low popularity. It was obvious they need to be merged into one, cause in fact they were pretty the same, and Dragon x15 is now a server with many people online. We want to keep it this way, but we want to open the doors for other people. The ones that left us, the ones that we never had a chance to have ( PL,RU translations ) or just players who want to feel good old IL times.
Infinity didnt have many characters many nobl chars either cuz of low rates
Dragon was corrupted as fck from summoned s-grade weaps +24/25, Bigcat and others "top" gm's, gm char running in oly, killing his friend result into ban/dc, summoning max lvl chars, top items for friends...
on NM we had track, and since he will be in charge here, i will not say much more there (for more info look ^ dragon)
NM in that all merges had the biggest impact if its about oly and higher grade items, cuz of better rates easier farm, easier new char making possiblities.

Not saying it was bad idea to merge, but it wasnt fair for all servers.
U forgot about ninja merge valkyria into dragon, when valkyria players had no word to say, they was put into x15 database w/o any privileges no clan halls etc.


Quote from: Peorexo on December 26, 2013, 04:01:54 PM
Infinity didnt have many characters many nobl chars either cuz of low rates
Dragon was corrupted as fck from summoned s-grade weaps +24/25, Bigcat and others "top" gm's, gm char running in oly, killing his friend result into ban/dc, summoning max lvl chars, top items for friends...
on NM we had track, and since he will be in charge here, i will not say much more there (for more info look ^ dragon)
NM in that all merges had the biggest impact if its about oly and higher grade items, cuz of better rates easier farm, easier new char making possiblities.

Not saying it was bad idea to merge, but it wasnt fair for all servers.
U forgot about ninja merge valkyria into dragon, when valkyria players had no word to say, they was put into x15 database w/o any privileges no clan halls etc.

Sometimes you need to make a decision which has positive and negative sides. Well, in most of the cases every hard decision has this two sides.
As i said we couldnt run 3 servers with low popularity and decision about the merge of all of them was the best possible.
Please remain on Tarantula topic, its the proper section for it.


Quote from: ^Artur^ on December 26, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
You are right, infinity , nightmare and dragon were merged into one. But let me tell you the major difference. The only 1 difference between all this 3 servers were rates. All of them were on same chronicle and with similar gameplay. When people started to leaving ( cause of many reasons ), we couldnt run 3 servers with low popularity. It was obvious they need to be merged into one, cause in fact they were pretty the same, and Dragon x15 is now a server with many people online. We want to keep it this way, but we want to open the doors for other people. The ones that left us, the ones that we never had a chance to have ( PL,RU translations ) or just players who want to feel good old IL times.
U mean offline shops and dual boxes? ::)
I don't wanna say anything bad about DN, but it's the sad truth.
Thry - Sagittarius/Arcana Lord


Quote from: Peorexo on December 26, 2013, 04:01:54 PM
Not saying it was bad idea to merge, but it wasnt fair for all servers.
U forgot about ninja merge valkyria into dragon, when valkyria players had no word to say, they was put into x15 database w/o any privileges no clan halls etc.

"Ninja" merge with Dragon was literally like a lottery win. Server was hella dead, ppl we're farming epics etc w/o any competition with just a few ppl on every epic and 1-2 ppl on zaken/qa. Everything was worthless there.. And some day buh, valkyrie got merged with dragon and all of theese worthless epics and gear started to be worth a lot.

Vash aka Mardun / SoBOtA / ChriSBrowN

Naiz  / Teutates

ExCiDiuM / CaerSidi


Will you make this server range only again by nerfing all possible melee classes due to tears of unskilled range players?


Please keep up with Tarantula matter, otherwise this topic will be closed.
Just to let you know guys, Tarantula will NEVER be merged with dragon, so i think we can have at least one little smile on your faces   :D

Quote from: WscieklyWaz on December 26, 2013, 04:13:54 PM
Will you make this server range only again by nerfing all possible melee classes due to tears of unskilled range players?

Interlude is quite old chronicle and it makes us possibility of balancing as much as possible. We had many years to fix and test many things, but of course nerfes may happen but only if really needed