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Started by Escaflew, January 03, 2014, 04:30:43 AM

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Sorry if this has been asked before already, but I couldn't find anything related to what I'm gonna ask. Probably many people are wondering as well, so the question is - How long is there till the opening of the server? I know there isn't exact time, but atleast in what kind of time do we have to expect the server to come out?
I'm an old C3-IL player on DN and I would like to see some old pipz and friends(though I've forgot them all and lost contact, sadly..).


i think it will be sth around 6pm gtm+1/0
Fjollsfinna Ne/Da
Drakkaine De/Wc
Parakewl Ne/Wk


I meant what day/month/year.. xD


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Fjollsfinna Ne/Da
Drakkaine De/Wc
Parakewl Ne/Wk