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[POLL] Subclass/Noblesse for casual randoms :)

Started by User, January 02, 2014, 02:29:16 PM

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Quote from: LadyZENITH on January 02, 2014, 07:34:50 PM
Yeah, if by "pvp zone" they mean "no karma, no exp loss (or lowered), no risk zone" then I do not want that. Only a true cowards would want that. It benefits none. Not the game, not pvp, not the newbies, none.


Couldn't agree more on that!

I hope admins will consider this. Just leave it as it was. No need for adding "pvp zones" like this ones. If u leave town u can shoot and be shot at. Exp loss, karma, pvp points, it's all part of the game,and I can say it's the best part of the game, which is the reason why I love L2.
SePaRaToR - PR/PS - Infinity X5



Quote from: LadyZENITH on January 02, 2014, 06:33:52 PM
If i was a casual player I would know that I have no business in sub or noble. (1) If you call yourself casual you simply do not have the time to put there to achieve that. And the same time you still can have a lot of fun with your main char and DNsub, you will also be a PVP capable, retail gives you nothing and even (2) noble does not make you a killing machine. And the amouth of grind to get this on lower rates is trough the roof.

If someone can get that then he/she no longer is a casual player. Maybe neutral or such, but not casual.  I'm for the default settings. No pvp zones. Let the karma and wars and drops fly. I see no benefit in pvp zones, only no karma risk. Especially no benefit for causal players. Cause PVP zone = you can kill them freely no fear of karma. Or did I miss something?

(1) Very well. I'm very picky, so most of my servers were close to this "perfect economy", as I call it. Perfect system at it's most complete meaning stands for "everything being able for everyone at different period of time". Of course there's no such thing as server with 100% system, but closer they get, the better. In practice it means that while most of server runs around at top equip  and first heroes appear, Im finishing my mediocre setup and start preparing for noblesse. And when server slowly starts to die, then in the glow of autumn sunrise I come with fresh noblesse and start doing what I've come for - the oly.

(2) Hihi, sorry I wasn't clear at first - I don't really care about being stronger at PvP or even take a hero - that's really none of my concern. The thing I care about and only is really playing the oly matches. You know, get my equip done after a long time and eventually finish up a noblesse... Saying "if you don't play often, you can't ever possibly do this and that" isn't good at any way for the server and it's community :(



Wow i thought pvp zone means that u can hit not that u cant get karma.... What is the point then if i dont get pvp scores or some drops from a pk :p since on IL thats the only way u can drop... (i really loved c4 time when u could drop something Even if u died from a mob, i remember skitz pking some1 back on infinity and the guy dropped his tallum gloves lol)


Quote from: igi on January 02, 2014, 10:37:55 PM
Wow i thought pvp zone means that u can hit not that u cant get karma.... What is the point then if i dont get pvp scores or some drops from a pk :p since on IL thats the only way u can drop... (i really loved c4 time when u could drop something Even if u died from a mob, i remember skitz pking some1 back on infinity and the guy dropped his tallum gloves lol)

Nice times, nice fun, which is the point of the game, ain't it?
SePaRaToR - PR/PS - Infinity X5


Quote from: skitz1312 on January 03, 2014, 12:14:01 AM
Nice times, nice fun, which is the point of the game, ain't it?
This is why im coming back to l2 and IL, i dont want and i dont need the game to be made easy for me. If anyone is looking for shotcuts there r plenty of high rate servers out there


Quote from: igi on January 02, 2014, 10:37:55 PM
Wow i thought pvp zone means that u can hit not that u cant get karma.... What is the point then if i dont get pvp scores or some drops from a pk :p since on IL thats the only way u can drop... (i really loved c4 time when u could drop something Even if u died from a mob, i remember skitz pking some1 back on infinity and the guy dropped his tallum gloves lol)

That's Why I asked, because I though people have peace-zone there nowadays (sorry did not play L2 for 5+ years) so I was rooting for PVP zone, then I realized what they actually mean by PVP zone so I quickly switched to NO!

Quote from: User on January 02, 2014, 09:54:27 PM
(1) Very well. I'm very picky, so most of my servers were close to this "perfect economy", as I call it. Perfect system at it's most complete meaning stands for "everything being able for everyone at different period of time". Of course there's no such thing as server with 100% system, but closer they get, the better. In practice it means that while most of server runs around at top equip  and first heroes appear, Im finishing my mediocre setup and start preparing for noblesse. And when server slowly starts to die, then in the glow of autumn sunrise I come with fresh noblesse and start doing what I've come for - the oly.

(2) Hihi, sorry I wasn't clear at first - I don't really care about being stronger at PvP or even take a hero - that's really none of my concern. The thing I care about and only is really playing the oly matches. You know, get my equip done after a long time and eventually finish up a noblesse... Saying "if you don't play often, you can't ever possibly do this and that" isn't good at any way for the server and it's community :(

I see. Well I did not understand you cause my goals are usually way different. Oly is like the last, cause its 1v1 equal start bonanza, aka something what normally does not happen in L2 and I do not look for it at all. In the end, heroes are usually (or at least I remember them that way) a proof of political power of the clan.  Cause there are 3 major points you need.

- Top equipment (all the staffs with effects, epic-jewels, etc.)
- Some skill and perhaps assistance (spectating guy on TS telling you what buffs the enemy has, etc.)
- The clan/ally feeding. You do not have to be "fed" directly, but not having to fight some powerful people also helps.

Its like virtually impossible winning if you go all in alone with what you farmed, and it sounds like what you want to do. Being a hero is usually a statement saying "Im from very powerful clan, and I'm important/active/wealthy enough that I could do this." And that with all do respect, is not "casual friendly" thing.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


I rly think that, now that we understand what a pvp zone means, we need to make a poll do we really want this kind of thing, or do we vote for the normal system of flag+pk(karma). This is a very serious question I think....
SePaRaToR - PR/PS - Infinity X5


Quote from: skitz1312 on January 03, 2014, 01:13:41 AM
I rly think that, now that we understand what a pvp zone means, we need to make a poll do we really want this kind of thing, or do we vote for the normal system of flag+pk(karma). This is a very serious question I think....


QuoteThat's Why I asked, because I though people have peace-zone there nowadays (sorry did not play L2 for 5+ years) so I was rooting for PVP zone, then I realized what they actually mean by PVP zone so I quickly switched to NO!

Yes, me too. I didn't even realize what pvp zone meant. Then I realized and I was like "damn I am one stupid motherfreaker". I mean... How did I not realize it earlier?

Anyways, a huge HELL NO for pvp zones.


In PvP zone you'll still get pvp points, as it is now on server.
If they add nobless/retial sub quest as it is in H5 u wont need to stay and camp baium, where some1 can kill you.
Now abt pvp zones.
Imagine Antharas/Valakas 'gate', some clans w/o wars will come and they can easy enter cave w/o being killed and then spoil your fight. With pvp zone you will have huge and funny fights before fighting bosses. Thats why im for PvP zones, but only with h5 nobl/ret quests or w/o pvp zone on baium and barakiel (I dont think there will be pvp zone).
Fjollsfinna Ne/Da
Drakkaine De/Wc
Parakewl Ne/Wk


Quote from: User on January 02, 2014, 02:29:16 PM
Hi people of DN!

Little about me - I'm casual, we could say very casual player. I like to come to game whenever I feel like it, sometimes you don't see me ingame for a few days, so as you've guessed right I'm not very good "clan material". What material I am though, it's oly one. I basically go to servers mostly because of oly. Due to my activity, I never achieve the best equips nor I find enough people that could feed me enough, so in 5 year of playing L2, I've been hero how many times, twice? It doesn't matter, I don't care. I just like to play this kind of PvP where true skills appear (in my opinion :) )

Well you could imagine my disappointed when I saw this post (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,278370.msg2410869.html#msg2410869):
I've seen this happening many times, many more times than I wanted to. On one side, this is a great thing for large clans to have some PvPs, but on the other, if it's notcompensated with alternative option, it completely cuts fun from solo players who for some reason don't want to or can't get into largest clans on the server.

Providing the needs of the community can boost the economy. Gm must be widely optimistic about this concern. As I observed from the past, the "Casual Players" as User term are the one who will staying longer on the server. Why? As I though, 8/10 who will play the server 24/7 are the one who get bored at the end of the day, complaining about the server and leave/quit. I don't expect a perfect system either. Every system has a failure but closer enough is good but others don't understand this concept. Like ours, We are not perfect human. By the way I will vote for the second option.


Kramligz :D