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Nuke Augments

Started by jaroPC_x15, January 07, 2014, 04:59:21 PM

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I would like only to add, that augment nukes almost do not have surrenders, and for oly chars with that there everyone can make it, spending a lot of money and time.
Also it gives some possibibilities for some chars, which can win at outside of town, not only heal

So i req, to dont make so that huge reuse time..
<img>http://www.drzyjlacha.eska.pl/zdziera/7297/z_dwoch_stron </img>


Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on January 08, 2014, 10:35:14 AM
I would like only to add, that augment nukes almost do not have surrenders, and for oly chars with that there everyone can make it, spending a lot of money and time.
Also it gives some possibibilities for some chars, which can win at outside of town, not only heal

So i req, to dont make so that huge reuse time..

I fully understand your point but understand as well that we cant allow to some chars to dominate Olympiad games only cause of 1-2 active augument skills .


Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 08, 2014, 01:06:00 PM
I fully understand your point but understand as well that we cant allow to some chars to dominate Olympiad games only cause of 1-2 active augument skills .

beter make that wm active dont stack together with pasive
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


bd/se or pp/bish or ee/sws or any other char with active augument nuke attack that will have same reus as normal nuke attack from shor sorc or sps will never pwn oly sorry but there are always acharacters that are OP at olly i am talkim about glads,tyrants, destro starting on frenzy or summoners. i amalso curios about this nuke attack i had once se/bd with prominence in bomt+acu this is very cool ;p


better make low chance to get skills from lifestones
still alive in ur mind


Quote from: RetardedB1tch on January 09, 2014, 06:34:11 PM
better make low chance to get skills from lifestones

for you... for my better leave tarantula asmore retail as can in old times there was not many changes on skills, auguments, enchants, buff duration,quests. all was as almost retail like but the stack sub, tatoos and stacking potions. and from what i read tarantula suppose to bring old memories ;)


Quote from: NekFrus on January 09, 2014, 06:17:07 PM
bd/se or pp/bish or ee/sws or any other char with active augument nuke attack that will have same reus as normal nuke attack from shor sorc or sps will never pwn oly sorry but there are always acharacters that are OP at olly i am talkim about glads,tyrants, destro starting on frenzy or summoners. i amalso curios about this nuke attack i had once se/bd with prominence in bomt+acu this is very cool ;p

Wrong, they pwned even with a reuse of about 10 second. They get you over time, because your damage outcome is low and they will debuff you. Surely, they cant win vs everything, but they can win agaisnt alot of different combo


Quote from: NekFrus on January 09, 2014, 06:44:13 PM
for you... for my better leave tarantula asmore retail as can in old times there was not many changes on skills, auguments, enchants, buff duration,quests. all was as almost retail like but the stack sub, tatoos and stacking potions. and from what i read tarantula suppose to bring old memories ;)

I hope it has this old feeling they are promissing. I am not sure if too much "innovation" is that welcome. OFC balancing thing is really hard.
Red Knights Clan

Zenith/Infinity 5x player


support/support and support/tank subs with nuke aug always ended oly with no less than 1k points in IL

just sayin'
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on January 09, 2014, 07:13:41 PM
support/support and support/tank subs with nuke aug always ended oly with no less than 1k points in IL

just sayin'

pp/wk in NM ended 3 months with 3k+ points.


Quote from: ^Deavon^ on January 08, 2014, 09:32:20 AM
Probably reuse time of active nuke skills will be fixed (example 15 sec no matter what kind of buffs you have casted on you before using it).
Its not final yet , so dont panic or over react please.
and again custom server from dn xD


Quote from: HugeTits on January 09, 2014, 07:21:59 PM
and again custom server from dn xD
And you considered us so far, official server? Thanks for the compliment man.
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