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About new server start date (17th)

Started by bsrealm, January 11, 2014, 04:47:14 AM

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Come on! Just relax & count down!  ;D http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=2177&iso=20140117T171717&year=2014&month=1&day=17&hour=17&min=17&sec=17&msg=Dragon-Network%20Interlude%20Opening&fg2=ff605a
Nm x30, Dra x15, Tarantula & Hellriser- DNET - Since 2004


Quote from: +GekKey+ on January 12, 2014, 01:46:09 AM
Seriously, it makes me laugh all your "race to 78" and "preparation" thing, and taking days off work to play lineage.
They want to play so they take a breake from work - whats funny that? U like to do something else go take a breake for it.


Quote from: bsrealm on January 11, 2014, 04:47:14 AM
In the announcement you claim the extra 2 days won't hurt anyone. That is very arrogant and not thoughtful. You should have instead apologized for the change of date and left it classy. You had good reasons, but you cannot assume it doesn't hurt anyone.

I know many people who have taken days off work to be ready. I bet many clans have made so many arrangements and sent out announcement to multitudes of members to be ready on that date.

Stay professional. Do what you must, but word your announcements with some thoughtful deliberation please.

go buy butthurt cream

regards, M.


There is no race to lvl 78 I just wanted to be at the opening that's all...
WarriorFromHell TK/SR Dragon x15
MageFromHeaven SPS/EE Dragon x15


Quote from: cerebelo on January 11, 2014, 07:48:53 AM
Are u serious ? lol
Gm what u did ? I've heard rummors that ppl are starting to quit jobs and some of them allready divorced and locked the kids in the basement.

;D  ;D


after 3 pages of lamentations all i can do is to quote me again
hope to bring 5 more pages ...

Quote from: cerebelo on January 11, 2014, 07:48:53 AM
Are u serious ? lol
Gm what u did ? I've heard rummors that ppl are starting to quit jobs and some of them allready divorced and locked the kids in the basement.

yea ... nothing is wrong with

Quote from: Alex on January 11, 2014, 08:08:41 AM
...  people taking days off work to play the game they love


Quote from: Csenky on January 11, 2014, 08:26:41 AM
yet some kids come in, throw around some funny jokes, and those are the idiots who, at least, have a job? Children, get out please, and imo this thread should've been instalocked, just staying here as a reminder for the GMs to next time better announce such changes.

.... sorry us "kids" didn't got the point of your mature thinking

Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


cerebelo, I believe you still don't understand what this topic is about. Read again, and again and again if necessary, maybe some day you will get it.

but yeah, don't stop your pathetic commenting. And one more thing, are you a dictator director of the kindergarden that you speak for every other "kid" on this forum?
DeathAkira - ES member, Dragon serv
emissary - FI member, infinity serv
emissary - FI member, valkyria serv


Yeah I did like 4 days before. So what's the fuss? It's over, crying kids/students won it. Sad but true, more favoured group.

Peace out, keep the useless comments going on.
Riders Of Destiny  -  Nanaki Server
Great times...