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Your favourite archer

Started by Attis, January 13, 2014, 10:11:35 PM

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Quote from: lNecropsy on January 14, 2014, 03:23:17 AM
he/pala has something more to do then just f1   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Every archer has to do more though. I always laugh when read all that "archers=f1" theories. First of all, I use 1 to auto attack, not f1. :DDDD

Now back to serious mode. Yes, a BAD archer is just an f1 bot, but any decent mage with the same tier of equipment will freak this guy in the ass. A decent archer has to kite(which is so freaking hard in L2 without full buffs after years of LoL... I wan't to be able to interrupt my auto attack animation god damn it) and needs to use just as many skill as a mage does depending on the enemy character. I mean... Good luck auto attacking the daggers in ulti eva and such. And this is just a simple archer, not even a stacksubbed one.

An archer needs just as much skill as a mage or any kind of character in the game if we are talking about the top level of play with equal level of equipment and levels.

If we are talking about two braindead freaks 1v1ing as mage vs archer, then sure, the archer is an f1 bot, but so is the mage.


Quote from: 8kjupx3u on January 14, 2014, 02:53:17 AM
Shame on all ya!

lessPain #1. Archer, leader in my opinion

but he wasnt th/wk ?:DD
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


maybe in your sob story he was th/wk xd
The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes


Quote from: Blizzer on January 14, 2014, 10:19:36 AM
maybe in your sob story he was th/wk xd
xD In Setharia or Sethapollis.
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


The Special One
Blizzer TH/DA 43x HERO - reloaded as TH/PAL
20+ HERO on other dagger classes



My favorite is igi (pr/ps) from Raven xD oh and D4D4L (th/wc) we were ultimate combo pvping us 2 vs 2 full pts and winning but then again we were top gear with dbs+8


Quote from: nbx on January 14, 2014, 09:49:35 AM
An archer needs just as much skill as a mage or any kind of character in the game if we are talking about the top level of play with equal level of equipment and levels.

Not at all, try play some glad or summoner, anything with 2 bars skills and then you see archer as someone  who just runs behind bushes and blow his arrow whistle.. or just standing and doing next target with spam heal on his back.

best archer combo will depend on the nerf once again!!


Quote from: Abaddon on January 14, 2014, 03:06:22 PM
da fuq did i just read, playing archer requires less "skills" than any other char, its easiest char to play in L2, sure you can easly see if someones plays it good or bad, but come on...
Dont try to tell me that archer requires as much skill as Bishop in mass pvp...
surely not, bp and OL are prolly the hardest to play in pvp, but a good archer knows when to use his (few) skills, when to kite, when to find a good tactic to overwhelm ppl.
there was some times back in c4 where in sieges we were taking down 4 parties with only 1 party archer,because everyone knew how to play smart.
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 14, 2014, 03:16:01 PM
in c4 archers were OP double mastery lol

come on Garn3tt, DN archers in C4 were totally OP. anyclass need to be played smart.. but archers they are the simplest, they have they range, they have the speed and in C4 was like 1,2,3 hits max K.O.


The point is : when you make " archer>mage>dagger>archer " then you have pretty good setup.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: GenghisKhan on January 14, 2014, 03:40:32 PM
The point is : when you make " archer>mage>dagger>archer " then you have pretty good setup.

sounds interesting but i would rather prefer mages & archers make similar dmg, there shouldnt be questioning difference.

btw you have the best or one of the best signs around:P