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Q appearance change after i switch subclass ?



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Q appearance change after i switch subclass ?

Started by bomekk, January 16, 2014, 08:40:45 PM

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tell me if for exampe i make mage char and i will make for sub warrior i will look like mage or warrior ?


This topic, so important!

p.s. In old DN u needed to relog after changing sub to change appearance dunno how it will be now


most likely since this isn't something that can be OP...no need to nerf it(or is it op?)...they didn't change it and will be the same...so..
"Whe serch the truth but whe can't find anything but incertain things ,whe serch for happynes ,but all whe find is unhappynes and mizery.Whe are incapabile to wish the truth and happynes "
Blaise Pascal "Chosen writings"



Quote from: bomekk on January 16, 2014, 08:40:45 PM
tell me if for exampe i make mage char and i will make for sub warrior i will look like mage or warrior ?
the skin will vhange each time you switch beetween classes