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kiddin me with this exp rate?

Started by stanxoo, January 18, 2014, 06:32:03 PM

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Omg stop qq about rates. Rates are ok. Problem is rate drop Quest items and this "party bost" dont work
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


Quote from: Retro on January 19, 2014, 10:58:04 PM
I belive some of U here are mising 2 things...
No one is whining about the XP rate cuz thats high enough... I mean I'm almost lvl 60 after few days of playing and I didn't play 24/h.

The issue is the XP bonus in party which is ridiciolus.... I get 50k + exp on Timak Orcs in a Duo with a  buffer.
I took 2 more ppl to party and went for a bit higher lvl mobs and we were all getting 2X k XP...

So the issue is U have less exp in party than solo - SO WHAT IS THE freakING POINT OF GOING IN PARTY...?
It's a MMO game and solo ppl get more exp than in party... dumbest idea ever, just raise the party bonus to a resonable level....

This is funny, Drake running various L2 servers so many years and can't set a freaking party bonus like it should be, ridiciolus...


Truth is that i went under oren on mobs with 1/2 hp. Alone i get for 1 group around 120k exp. With 7 more ppl in pt i get aound 15k for full group and no even the full pt wont kill so fast to balance this difference.

In my opinion...  xp rates should be lowered and pt exp bonus rised and change proportionally to amount of ppl that are in pt...

In my opinion this solution can support the party playing cuz rly for now solo is best option.


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 20, 2014, 10:35:26 AM
Slow down dude xD just 3 days passed :D

Nah, it's too much fun. :D

But seriously. I've played like all the major MMOs our there and in each one of them (well maybe except TERA) I get bored after killing a dozen of mobs for a quest. While in L2, I'm hunting for hours and I'm still having fun. In addition to that, the PVP is as awesome as I've remembered it to be. I'm really looking forward to the first sieges. :D
Ignus SH 7x


EXP is perfect.. ppl are just addicted from XXXX PVP servers, where in max 2days they get full lvl + a/s grade stuff.. here xp is just perfect, on server like this when u will hit finally 80lvl u will be glad as hell that u did that w/ nolife style or w/o it. Every item that u will get will make "smile" on ur face, cause u know it was hard to obtain that item.... isnt that perfect? to goin better and better with every week?? and to not get "all" in freakING month but in like 1y ??... Its ofc easy solution, if u want exp/farm way faster, u know what?? :)) JUST CHANGE SERVER !
(sry for bad english =) )

Now HATE ME !!!! =)))))


Quote from: J4cKDan13L on January 20, 2014, 08:53:15 AM
whoooaaaaa looks who who have here =D

welcome back!
Late to the party as usual!
Pirate scum.... :P
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(



How was this setup looking in the past (IL) on Infinity/Dragon. I think that it's smarter to learn from history then to do the math all over again and reinvent the wheel. The whole purpose of exping in party was that you could not exp alone in certain places that offered nice rewards (spoil/drop/quest etc).

All we see or seem, is but the dream within the dream ...


just put back the previous rates for 2ppl in pt bonus coz solo players  lvling when they reach 60 the exp gets harder  lets say solo player no friends just exping with his pp or se or ee bot when he reaches 60-65 xp gets harder also no 3 windows so no bd for solo players and with this rates for not pt bonus its unreal,70% of ppl will qq and soon more ppl gonna reach 60-65 and start crying on forum.
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