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Deflect arrow nerf question



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Deflect arrow nerf question

Started by Xara, January 20, 2014, 11:44:17 AM

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Does the nerf apply only to lvl 4 deflect arrow? Eg i wanna be sr/sws, will my bow range be normal or reduced according to the level of deflect arrow?


I'm afraid it applies to the skill in general. The higher skill level just makes all the effects stronger.

This particular nerf was the reason why I decided to experiment with random stuff and not remake my old SPS/SWS. Mdef passives not stacking, deflect ruined, etc. But overall, the changes made lean towards more balanced stuff. My old char in C4 was way more useful then it should have been. Now I cannot point at single char that will just roll over, and that is good.

I can point at useless ones unfortunately, dwarfs, sorc, TK probably. But so is life. Early days will get dominated by necro. Cause that is the only char (until they nerfed deathspike which I believe was after interlude) that is a serious OP deal to reckon with even without DN sub.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(