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problems with loader!



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problems with loader!

Started by Zeltar, January 18, 2014, 05:12:10 PM

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hello well i dont know if its just me thats getting this error but i honestly dont know what to do to solve it and maybe any1 here can help me out? whenever i open the loader i get an error and after the loader opens i dont have the full check option to try fixing it the error i get is this:
"sevenzip: error result (00000001) "incorrect function""
any1 got an idea of what the problem could be? or well i read there were some changes made to the patch but i thought just a full check was needed.. do i need to download the patch again? ty!


Try download again the loader.


Right click and choose "Run as administrator".
That should sort it out.


thank u the problem was solved, for some reason the "loader" from patch makes me get that error but when i download the loader only and replace it for the patch one it works..