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Mana system



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Mana system

Started by geony, January 21, 2014, 12:39:59 AM

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The mana system sux...
My friends and I have'nt come here to play a 7yrs old retail-like server which requires constantly sitting down for mana regen, and I think this is the case for alot of people who will soon get tired of this, especially at higher levels..

For the love of god, please reintroduce the good old dragon mana pots, or lots of people will leave just b/c of this..


The herbs are more than enough at the moment. I think they increased the rate and if you are in the three level range with the monster you're trying to kill you should get them.
The tattoos are not overpowered, you still need team play.


♥ Panic ♥
Valkyria x9
DarkVengeance NE/BP

Nightmare x30
iBurn WL/SR
AncientDevil OL/WC

Dragon x15
DarkVengeance GL/PP


It's awesome actually. Letting the mages continuously farm without waiting for mana even if they don't have active rechargers is retarded.


I Lvled until lv6x  WITHOUT  sitting ONCE. And I have no reason to lie.

1) Start lvling where  there are Herbs Drops

2) start lvling in duo with SE or EE
Necro (psy)
RedKnights Clan


In my opinion tatoo system is amazing or i would even say overpowered :]

This mana regen is insanely big... and in few sec it replenish mana to full...

Dont change it. Its one of thing that were done very well


It is ok as it is , i lvl alone without clan and with PROPHET .
I use this 2 Tattoos : Tattoo of Mana Burst: Gives a constant 15mp/sec and Tattoo of Mana Recovery: Gives a constant 90mp/sec -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed.
IS all about the way  u use them - and u will never run out of mana