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Reasons i wont play.



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Reasons i wont play.

Started by dashimir, January 19, 2014, 01:22:09 PM

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I will say us sometimes because those times many will probably agre with my opinion.

I guess that everybody here have already spend a lot of time lvling And to create a new char in 5x server again is out of question for us or at least for me. Min rate i would play would be like 15x/xp/drop/spoil ammout/adena/sp. We are all tired of geting wiped And lvling all over again, so low rates doesnt atract us anymore or at least for me.

About the balances that are soo many that the server doesnt seen to be substack.  Frintezza 1+1 same race mastery doesnt stack rules !

Titan train polé powerlvl wasnt balanced só like before it is like a must for anyone lvling up ... First make titan then lvl up anything else with big trains .......

Making shield deflect arrow as another low time duration like duelist spirit that we need to cast every minut sux.


You guess wrong. Most of the oldschool people that do return return to have it like back then on infi. We do not want another stupid new chronicle combined with stupid high rates + preferably even somehow easied gameplay.

This server is miracle, an exception of us, the server you demand, there are tons of them everywhere and they all suck the same, as most of the community that comes with them. If you want them, go on, feel free.

About the balance changes, ill not comment since I do not have destro and Drake is changing stuff daily.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


In all do respect to everyone i wont allow anymore topics like :" why i wont play, this server sux, are you crazy , bla".

We have it all public,not hiding anything so its totally subjective if you will play or now. If you choose no, fine we wish you best of luck. We really dont want to know more details why not.

On other side, all our players that play can suggest or advise how we should improve gameplay if there are things to improve.

Thank you for understanding
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For high rate server 15x (with 30x rate during boosting events) i suggest you should watch toward Dragon.

Tarantula is dynamic (toward low) rate server and once passed level 39 the exp rate is lower than dragon without boosting events.