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Enchant System...

Started by Ziehen, January 21, 2014, 05:00:21 AM

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if its so easy why u dont make your weapon +++ ?


i failed yesterday my ds on+4 :|


Quote from: nith on January 21, 2014, 11:55:08 PM
if its so easy why u dont make your weapon +++ ?
Because I stopped playing.
My friend's karmian was +7 though, about weapons we didn't enchant them since we used shadow weapons.
Also if you are saying 80% success rate is as hard as 50% than I see no further reason to keep talking with you.


u will see when server gets abit older ( talking not old at all xD after 1 month ) and ppl have more ench srolls what will happen ;/


Quote from: llllllllll on January 21, 2014, 11:50:42 PM
I've never seen so many +9++ weapons right off the bat, ofc its fine for you since you are planning to enchant.
From a 50% success enchant rate to 80% and you really think this is fine? get real.
Did you read my fking post?Failed all on +4+5 that's why I said it's fail festival enchant.
I play in this network since begin aka 10 years so I know what I'm talking about understand?
Like nith said if it's so easy why you don't you go make many +16?
+9+++ is op?Lmfao.When you will see ppl many runing with +15+16 than you can say it's op.But that will never happen.
Even on dnx15 where I always played where max 10 ppl with top red during the years self enchanted and hard donated and you can't compare dnx15 enchant and econony with this server.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: reddragonjr on January 22, 2014, 12:04:50 AM
Did you read my fking post?Failed all on +4+5 that's why I said it's fail festival enchant.
I play in this network since begin aka 10 years so I know what I'm talking about understand?
Like nith said if it's so easy why you don't you go make many +16?
+9+++ is op?Lmfao.When you will see ppl many runing with +15+16 than you can say it's op.But that will never happen.
I'm playing here since 10 years aswell ;) and the way you talk with your smartass attitude and your grammar OPness makes me think you are a 10 years old kid.
As I said, the idea of comparing 80% success rate to 50% and saying its as hard as it was in the old servers is ridiculous, and I didn't enchant my weapon read what I wrote above because I hate repeating myself :).
Also, even if you played for 100 years here, this is a completely different server with A NEW ENCHANT SYSTEM, so your "experience" won't do shit and won't prove shit here :).


Quote from: llllllllll on January 22, 2014, 12:08:18 AM
I'm playing here since 10 years aswell ;) and the way you talk with your smartass attitude and your grammar OPness makes me think you are a 10 years old kid.
As I said, the idea of comparing 80% success rate to 50% and saying its as hard as it was in the old servers is ridiculous, and I didn't enchant my weapon read what I wrote above because I hate repeating myself :).
Also, even if you played for 100 years here, this is a completely different server with A NEW ENCHANT SYSTEM, so your "experience" won't do shit and won't prove shit here :).
Dude dunno wtf is your problem and dunno what grammar mistakes you see.You got cataract... and btw your attitude makes me think your the kiddo here... I don't hide my age you can see my profile smart ass.
For your reference,  officially it WAS (chance of FAIL, no scrolls difference):
Fighter Weapon: 40% up to lv14, then 75%
Mage Weapon: 50% up to lv14, then 80%
Armors/Jewels: 33%,50%,66%,70%,80% (respectively at +3,+4,+5,+6,+7)
It's 40% fail for weapons not 20% so success is 60% not 80% open your eyes and read that change log 1000 times maybe you will understand at some point.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: reddragonjr on January 22, 2014, 12:12:05 AM
Dude dunno wtf is your problem and dunno what grammar mistakes you see.You got cataract... and btw your attitude makes me think your the kiddo here... I don't hide my age you can see my profile smart ass.
By age I do not mean when you were born or physical age or call it however you want, but I'm talking about a brain's size, yours is still developping and instead of arguing with proofs and facts, you do insult people, that's what 10 years old kids do :).

Unlike you I don't have to read 1000 times (one more proof that your brain is small and not fully developped) and for 80% I was reffering to +4 :).

after reading what you wrote, seems like you are a blindo so I will correct it for you :

For your reference,  officially it WAS (chance of FAIL, no scrolls difference):
Fighter Weapon: 40% up to lv14, then 75%
Mage Weapon: 50% up to lv14, then 80%
Armors/Jewels: 33%,50%,66%,70%,80% (respectively at +3,+4,+5,+6,+7).

He is talking about official stats...(AKA Retail).
I know your brain cannot get all those infos at once yet, but now go sleep and when you wake up tomorrow, read what Drake wrote 1 more time (so it will be 1001 if I'm not mistaken) then and only then come back here again :).
I know you will not post again today here (I hope not because you proved that you were ridiculous and blind in the same time), no need to thank me for teaching you the game works after so many years ;) so I'm going to sleep we'll talk tomorrow about this and don't forget to do what I said.

PS : Deeply sorry track about this I know we are abit offtopic but I can't let fools do as they please ^_^.


Enchant in oly is maxed at +6 and there is -25% pvp damage anyway, so this enchant rate is fine. Yes, you farm faster with enchanted weapons, but when it comes to pvp, a +10 weapon means a lot less damage boost than a +10 weapon meant originally. Sure it will be kind of "star wars", but only visually.


Quote from: llllllllll on January 22, 2014, 12:15:44 AM
By age I do not mean when you were born or physical age or call it however you want, but I'm talking about a brain's size, yours is still developping and instead of arguing with proofs and facts, you do insult people, that's what 10 years old kids do :).
Man I'm done arguing with stubborn people.I posted the facts quoted from Drake change log what more facts do you need...duno who got the smallest iq here...And dunno where you seen insults in my posts?Your posts maybe not mine.I'm not in the mode right now to insult,to tired.And btw better stop insulting people about brain/iq w/e if you don't know them in real.Fact is I got 3k digit salary more you don't need to know.
Tarantula SS2 Ninja TrIBaL The Shaman!
Dragon x15 Severance Ninja!
gl/he c2-c3 begin
TrIBaLu th/wl c3-c4-il-Hb
|TrIBaLu| he/pp c4-il-Hb
Always outnumbered! Never outgunned!


Quote from: reddragonjr on January 22, 2014, 12:29:27 AM
Man I'm done arguing with stubborn people.I posted the facts quoted from Drake change log what more facts do you need...duno who got the smallest iq here...And dunno where you seen insults in my posts?Your posts maybe not mine.I'm not in the mode right now to insult,to tired.And btw better stop insulting people about brain/iq w/e if you don't know them in real.Fact is I got 3k digit salary more you don't need to know.
Again I will say it, he was reffering to official stats I will not repeat what I said above so read and try to understand his post, I bet you didn't even realise there was a table there right ?
Also...I really have no clue why do you bring your salary up in this conversation..so what if you get a 3k salary does it makes you smarter ? I guess not since its a medium salary...

Go read again Drake's posts for another thousand time, I'm off to sleep cya.


@Crybabies: Stop crying & go play! :D Hf. :D
Nm x30, Dra x15, Tarantula & Hellriser- DNET - Since 2004