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Unable to Get Herbs



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Unable to Get Herbs

Started by 20shizuo, January 21, 2014, 10:22:44 AM

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yestrday was in Cemetry farm about 2-3 hours and was unable to get at least one mana,hp,cast herbs  and all player near me get drop usually even if someone ks me the mob drops the herbs but i'm unable to pick up them  ... IG Meryouma


Your level and monster level? They should be white for best drop rate.
It's not even a bug. Ask around before you categorize it as a bug.


Was 45 and Mobs 52 now 48 and not a single drop until now


Best drop rate is being same level of mob.
Every level difference (up/down) drops it drastically.
Over/Under 5 levels of difference results in 0% drop chances.