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Mana and Phanton Summoner

Started by Just L, January 22, 2014, 11:59:02 PM

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Just L

Sorry Track, but there not pots of mana, make herbs drop a lot in ALL mobs, coz that it's being impossible lvl up... to each 4 mobs I must sit down and w8 like 8 min to start lvling again, mana goes down like 2 min ever.

Phanton Summoner have an contract payment from summoner.

What I shall do? get 1 year to lvl 80?

Just L

Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 23, 2014, 12:03:08 AM
Ever tryed new tattoo?

No, but if it get down my castiing, it's useless use during the battle.

I must sit all time? no way!

Just L

Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on January 23, 2014, 12:07:07 AM
just use it 5-10 second at time and you are done = neverending exp
I'm going try it....


Or use ManaBurst tattoo for zero downtime and no drawbacks.


I have the new tattoo, but my is still down...

im SPS i fight 2 3 min then i have sit 3 min.... and yes i use just mana tattoo`s...

mana Burst for fighting and mana recovery when i sit down... but im still very fast out of mp...

dont make so mutch trouble for nothing... it isnt cool when you want exp and must be the half time of playing sit down and wait for mana....


Quote from: Baddy1983 on January 23, 2014, 12:18:11 AM
I have the new tattoo, but my is still down...

im SPS i fight 2 3 min then i have sit 3 min.... and yes i use just mana tattoo`s...

mana Burst for fighting and mana recovery when i sit down... but im still very fast out of mp...

dont make so mutch trouble for nothing... it isnt cool when you want exp and must be the half time of playing sit down and wait for mana....

SPS is the less mana efficient mage of the game.

Solution -> Get a SE/EE to play with you.

Just L

Quote from: Baddy1983 on January 23, 2014, 12:18:11 AM
I have the new tattoo, but my is still down...

im SPS i fight 2 3 min then i have sit 3 min.... and yes i use just mana tattoo`s...

mana Burst for fighting and mana recovery when i sit down... but im still very fast out of mp...

dont make so mutch trouble for nothing... it isnt cool when you want exp and must be the half time of playing sit down and wait for mana....

I feel like that too.


Level up your tattoos or follow the hint to go in party with a SE or EE!


Oh so u want unlimited mana?

*sarcasm on*
Track?! I think their demands r legit but, if u increase drop rate of mana herbs it will disbalance the game... Then even fighters and daggers will get mana herbs... and they already dont have to sit and regen...
I think u should make infinite mana pool on nukers...
*sarcasm off*

Translated for the QQers: Mages QQing for more mana herbs or mana pots cuz they need to sit down and regen (with mana tattoo 50mp/3sec) is like melees (and archers to some point) QQing for jail for mages that ks them cuz they dont want to run to mobs only for the mob to be stolen by some mage when they were just about to get to it.

p.s. I play bishop and when I solo xp I use Disrupt Undead + Might of Heaven + Root + Buff + Heal and I never have to sit down to regen but I guess u r too pro and xp on red mobs which (guess what) need more hits (which means more mana) to take them down + they dont drop mana herbs so often.

Just L

Quote from: igi on January 23, 2014, 12:58:27 AM
Oh so u want unlimited mana?

*sarcasm on*
Track?! I think their demands r legit but, if u increase drop rate of mana herbs it will disbalance the game... Then even fighters and daggers will get mana herbs... and they already dont have to sit and regen...
I think u should make infinite mana pool on nukers...
*sarcasm off*

Translated for the QQers: Mages QQing for more mana herbs or mana pots cuz they need to sit down and regen (with mana tattoo 50mp/3sec) is like melees (and archers to some point) QQing for jail for mages that ks them cuz they dont want to run to mobs only for the mob to be stolen by some mage when they were just about to get to it.

p.s. I play bishop and when I solo xp I use Disrupt Undead + Might of Heaven + Root + Buff + Heal and I never have to sit down to regen but I guess u r too pro and xp on red mobs which (guess what) need more hits (which means more mana) to take them down + they dont drop mana herbs so often.

I dispense ur opinion, thanks!


Quote from: Falatko on January 23, 2014, 05:40:14 AM
i wonder what would you do if u play on official without mana pots and customs features
The Official is not l2 anymore. You can hit the 76 lvl after 2 days if you have a mentor and if he is online. But the max lvl is 99 and after 85 lvl there is awakening which is similar to substack system.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


The idea of letting mages farm a lot faster than fighters without frawbacks is retarded in the first place. Also, it causes me physical pain to watch people who never played without mana pots playing dancer and songer. What they are doing is just not right.