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Started by fearless, January 24, 2014, 01:36:22 PM

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Will you start check for more  than 2chars out of town or no ? cuz there is 5432534563465345 bots buffers
When i was young and ninja ;)


qq mode on already :D


To be honest with u it's better to be like it is, just push ur bd to se sub and u have full buff out of town, if there are going to be 2 boxes allowed after a flow of time, there is going to be full suport for ex. sws/ee + bd/se


Quote from: fearless on January 24, 2014, 01:36:22 PM
Will you start check for more  than 2chars out of town or no ? cuz there is 5432534563465345 bots buffers

There is big difference between bot and l2w.
Bot is mainly used for buff and there is 1 player who manages it and who is really playing, thats why the concept 1+1 (dual box) is legit. We have checked so far thousends of chars and reports and in 90รข,,... of cases it was all fine, even when it seemed like braking the rules ips and hwid were different . Friends just asked a friend to level them up . Nothing wrong there as long as they respect the rule about dual boxing and ip. Rest who didnt, jailed.

About l2w, atm there is none, if they appear perma ban without warning, because they are "cancer" of market and the game itself.

So w/e you suspect someone is braking dualbox rule , do /gmlist and report it to some of the gms online. In few days there will be bad user section available too so you can report suspicious actions eve  we are offline.

Thank you for respecting the rules
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