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To TrackZero - Full parties won't be made on this server

Started by @MaTi, January 25, 2014, 08:02:35 PM

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Quote from: @MaTi on January 25, 2014, 10:28:25 PM

I say  that non subbed nuker can kill mob/3secs there are spots where u're nuking all the time, u just need active recharger.
Go to school urself and learn a bit more.

and u get like 3 rooms in fog 1kk xp /.4min (respawn, taking train, mana regen)

Well nvm, i just wanted to point out, that after stacks, people will simply play in 2 ppl-3ppl groups 

And I guess when u solo mobs come to u, u dont have to run to them..
Btw my formula doesnt necessarily mean I was talking about trains ;)

If u use your brain for 2 min u will understand that there is no way solo player to clean room faster than a train so pls go to ure dad and ask him to slap u rly hard for being such a dumb kid...

Quote from: dedemonn on January 26, 2014, 11:29:50 AM
Painkiller, igi, Falatko - 3 forum warriors that will negate every single even the most reasonable thread on forum without a single argument (keywords: qq, drama, stfu). Thanks for input guys.
I see u have lots of arguments in this post.. all I see on forum is QQ and flame and insulting ppl that dont agree with u. And ofc I will negate things since your demands r stupid and inconsistent... u come to a server that is announced to be x1 and u cry to GMs to change it cuz it is too low (u still havent even started playing yet) and GMs to my astonishment granted u this demand and made the server x2 then more cry then x3 then more cry then party xp 180% (then ofc they changed it since u got 180% + xp and not enough adena drop but dumb kids like u cant even understand the issue here they just want to bling bling with every mob) then x4 with almost x5 in pt xp AND ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH!!! U GOT PPL SUBBIN IN 1 WEEK SINCE SERVER WENT LIVE!!!!! How the fuk is it hard to xp I REALLY DONT GET IT!! WHAT ARGUMENT DO U NEED? Or u can just come here cry insult everybody and if we want to say something we need arguments... Let me enlighten u.. retard, idiot, moron r not arguments ok?
U dont understand a single thing about this server u just want to try and shape it in your needs cuz ure too lazy to farm spellbooks u want autolearn, cuz ure too lazy to xp u want high rates so u can be 80/80 in 1 week,  because thats when the fun begins.... Yeah righ... Go look Excidiums video of Golky pvp..., u want high land rate on turn undead cuz 20% isnt enough... not all mobs die :'((, not enough mana herbs mages have to sit and regen :'((( u want .expoff/on .delevel commands cuz u r too lazy to make a sin eater or delvl ure dwarf (or u just want to use l2w) u wanted ty/de to stack frenzy with totems so u can solo rbs now u must find friends :'((( (so hard when no1 likes u) U wanted 3500 cast speed for sps/ee now there is a chance i get killed before I recall if cancel dont land :'((( and a million other things I cant remember right now so pls dont talk to me about giving arguments because the only argument to be given is that u r all idiots and crybabies and cant run a decent conversation with ppl u think ure the smartest here and everyone else is stupid, moron, retard and dunno what... When u have attitude like that ppl will avoid u or some will flame back but for sure u will never get what u want or asked for sometimes even if u deserve it so think about it and change ure approach...
Im sick and tired of u and your posts.


Well i agree with idea of this topic...

Sadly CPs are crushing cuz of exp in pt :(

solo/duo is wayyyy faster that stying even in pt of 4+ ppl.

We can take into consideration trains which used to be best exp providers.

For example exp around 60 lvl.
WL/DE + wc + sws + bd enough to make nice trains f.e. in cata - 3 rooms.

3 rooms = 24 mobs x 35-45k exp each ( 4 ppl in pt) whichgives around 1kk exp. In 1 rebuff we can make that way around 4kk exp each.

time to make train + killing  it + w8 for respawn mobs = around 4-5 mins.

now any of this classes (except wc) go with healler for example on ancient battleground and in 20 mins (1 rebuff) will get ~10kk exp.

I wont compare it even to VOS where nukers get ~100k+ exp per mob and takeing them down in 2 nukes.

Now only reasonable choice is solo/duo exceptionally trio.


Quote from: igi on January 25, 2014, 08:44:14 PM
So u say that 2ppl kill faster than 9 ppl?

Sorry I meant to sat 1 guy with a box kills faster than 9ppl... u shouldnt have skip classes at school dude.
1+1 = 110k xp kills mob in 20 sec, 9 ppl = 40k  xp kill mob in 5 sec lets say (mathematically its 2.n) 40k x(20/5) = 160k xp ;)



Quote from: igi on January 27, 2014, 08:32:52 PM
So now u say that 1 man can kill faster than 9 ppl?

What is wrong with the world? o.O

u're retarted my friend. Look at server settings and try to find ppl that are lvling aoe, 5mins/1kk, i make solo in 5mins 3.5x times that.


Quote from: @MaTi on January 27, 2014, 09:40:15 PM
u're retarted my friend. Look at server settings and try to find ppl that are lvling aoe, 5mins/1kk, i make solo in 5mins 3.5x times that.
Im not your friend.