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Dont trust WarsawShore

Started by Elgata, January 28, 2014, 04:11:04 PM

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Quote from: Elgata on January 28, 2014, 05:01:00 PM
Archer CP with HCN, Berya, Aurelia and more
when he scamed u? and some GM can check it?


Earlier today, and GM couldnt do anything without screen or movie of the trade itself apparantly.


Quote from: Elgata on January 28, 2014, 05:14:22 PM
Earlier today, and GM couldnt do anything without screen or movie of the trade itself apparantly.
GM's can check tradelogs,even chatlogs.


Nothing worse then that happens.

its apart of MMO play style right ? so why should gm get involved.
not like he hacked your account or anything lol
Horse Juice on ya lips.

Ima Winnah


Quote from: Elgata on January 28, 2014, 05:14:22 PM
Earlier today, and GM couldnt do anything without screen or movie of the trade itself apparantly.

LOL if they rly would require screen or movie to prove sth like this.. well i would have no words... like if we would know that some1 gonna scam us... lol


Quote from: StonerBashin on January 28, 2014, 11:49:50 PM
Nothing worse then that happens.

its apart of MMO play style right ? so why should gm get involved.
not like he hacked your account or anything lol

3.2   Any kind of opening scam shops is illegal (* double check what you wrote in title of the shop before putting them)
Any other way of scamming other players or attempting to scam via pm/trade/... is illegal and can cause 300h up to permanent ban!


make your char 20+ and sign dusk next time
GM shouldnt do anything here


Quote from: somasz on January 29, 2014, 12:18:10 AM
make your char 20+ and sign dusk next time
GM shouldnt do anything here
It sounds like you are one of those... are u same side with scammers or are they ur friends? Easy to give advice after something happening, but hard to give helpful hands?

Quote from: StonerBashin on January 28, 2014, 11:49:50 PM
Nothing worse then that happens.

its apart of MMO play style right ? so why should gm get involved.
not like he hacked your account or anything lol

Its not part of MMO play style, there are CONSTANT PARTYS on the server, have to support each other, have to farm and live together for same goal, thats isnt same scam when you ate it in Giran, for example: "buying sop for 500a, and His Selling Comment WTB SOP 50k adena..."

It's real and true scam, easy to check from log. I would donate for server for make a rollback if some1s got scamming like that... shame as hell.

Dont say its not belong the gm's duty, it's belong to take care community and "at least" punish them.
300min is bad joke for seller/buyer scammer in the giran market. I need to know REAL PUNISHMENT, like BAN all accounts from the actual ip, or a better that, delete all characters with all items.. ppl easily can change there ip if they are not stupid.

Waiting for GM answer, keep up clean community and good work.
Positive post it just means that Censorship is present


Quote from: Elgata on January 28, 2014, 04:11:04 PM
Dont trust the clan WarsawShore.

I just made that mistake and got scammed of my Tal set.

I even were in there CP, these people really are scum.

Thank you.
ur talking about one guy and stupid thing u did, why u blame whole clan ?
he will be punished if he brake rules and act like a fag


For me, It is common now a days. You should be vigilant or responsible in your own actions. You should not trust anyone. Anyone lying around to their own profit. Well this is done, So learn from it. Make this as motivation to work as hard as you can to kick his ass in the future. :D


Dat Fightclub ruining everything with their festivals spree. but hey who sign dawn in the first week of the server.... :D


dat HCN with his "archer", "CP" scammed some ppl in mine clan too, we will destroy em all ;)