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SVR "You can't trade this person right now. Wait x ammount of seconds."



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SVR "You can't trade this person right now. Wait x ammount of seconds."

Started by Sanguchesco, January 28, 2014, 11:35:57 PM

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This is waaaaay too much frustrating, is there any possibility of you erasing that stupid feature out some day in the future?
Quote from: ,=^TrackZero^= on January 16, 2014, 08:38:26 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


It is implemented to avoid Adena duping exploit. IF possible, lower it by couple seconds, if not - keep as is. We'll get used to it


Quote from: ,=^TrackZero^= on January 16, 2014, 08:38:26 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


write similar shit on trading. just with "find a clear place" when i try sit down for sell in giran on the marketplace. I need to go to the center of the square, open the vendor menu, then run back to previous place and sit down to sell.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)