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Stuck at 39. Shadow weapons?



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Stuck at 39. Shadow weapons?

Started by Nekroseth, February 02, 2014, 01:20:23 PM

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So basically i am stuck on 39,78. I realized soon how to use the shadow cupon, but was not familliar with L2, so i wasted one for a c grade and now i am left without a weapon.
My friend says C weapons are needed after 40, so i really dont know what should i do. Buy a D weapon for 30%, or a C and struggle a bit?
Prices are really hardcore, so i am tryin to be really carefull with money. I will need items for class transfer to so not sure. Any tips?


To save money: avoid buy the quest items.

Quest items are there mostly for 2nd playthrough as they pretty much leave you without money on the first one!


Find academy with reward, they'll give you some adena. But remember you have to do it before u turn 40.


1. get c-shots
2. get buffed
3. go hardins
4. repeat this 8-12 times:
A. find a mob
B. equip c-weapon
C. kill it
D. unequip weapon
5. congratulations, youre now lvl 40