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Cursed weapon removed manually by GM ??

Started by GenghisKhan, February 05, 2014, 01:19:13 AM

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Quote from: Saintly on February 05, 2014, 01:47:50 PM
They could just wait till there is no sword owner and "fix" them after without interfering in the gameplay.
I wonder if they would do the same if some randoms/other clan had the swords. ::)

Yes, GMs hate your clan... Im sure when they log in and look at you they see fists next to your titles...


Quote from: igi on February 05, 2014, 06:47:33 PM
Yes, GMs hate your clan... Im sure when they log in and look at you they see fists next to your titles...
I suppose ill let Artur answer this, if he perma checking my pt or not. :3
Now now, don't mind me, ill let u continue ur asslicking.  ::)
Quote from: igi on February 07, 2014, 04:19:13 PM
Turn Undead is not a farming skill, stop with the QQ


Quote from: Saintly on February 05, 2014, 06:49:44 PM
I suppose ill let Artur answer this, if he perma checking my pt or not. :3
Now now, don't mind me, ill let u continue ur asslicking.  ::)
Yes I suck up to GMs and they help me ingame with lots of adenas and items ;)

From your posts I can deduct that u r still a kid and look at GMs here like the authority u need to be against (u know kinda like your teachers at school) and every kid that doesnt hate them or question their authority is sucking up to them for good grades... Well this is not school and u should understand that GMs r not your enemies or some1 u should naturally disagree with...
They made this server for u and they fix bugs for u, and they made it all for free so u could try and give them a chance and support or at least try to refrain from flaming and insulting them (or anyone else on this forum)

Yes they probably should have informed Vestrivian that they r planing to shorten his time with his akamanah but u could understand that things like this can be missed or overlooked considering the amount of work they have with all the unexpected problems they suffered like DDoS attack etc...

p.s. Im sure that all of u or at least most of u r good decent guys that dont have words like idiot retard moron freak etc in your spoken vocabulary (especially when u speak with srangers) and here on forums and cyber communities u grow balls cuz your real personalities and the real yous r well hidden but u should know that no1 is afraid of u and they will most probably curse u back and that flame war is never gonna end but also its not gonna fix your problems.


Quote from: igi on February 05, 2014, 07:12:51 PM
Yes I suck up to GMs and they help me ingame with lots of adenas and items ;)

From your posts I can deduct that u r still a kid and look at GMs here like the authority u need to be against (u know kinda like your teachers at school) and every kid that doesnt hate them or question their authority is sucking up to them for good grades... Well this is not school and u should understand that GMs r not your enemies or some1 u should naturally disagree with...
They made this server for u and they fix bugs for u, and they made it all for free so u could try and give them a chance and support or at least try to refrain from flaming and insulting them (or anyone else on this forum)

Yes they probably should have informed Vestrivian that they r planing to shorten his time with his akamanah but u could understand that things like this can be missed or overlooked considering the amount of work they have with all the unexpected problems they suffered like DDoS attack etc...

p.s. Im sure that all of u or at least most of u r good decent guys that dont have words like idiot retard moron freak etc in your spoken vocabulary (especially when u speak with srangers) and here on forums and cyber communities u grow balls cuz your real personalities and the real yous r well hidden but u should know that no1 is afraid of u and they will most probably curse u back and that flame war is never gonna end but also its not gonna fix your problems.
Well, what can i say? You must become a psychologist.
You see its hard to go speak to someone IRL like that when ur 16 & 5 feet tall.
Not to mention that my classmates dislike me and my parents abuse me.
So doc, got any solution to my problem? I wanna become a fine man when i become older. :'(
Quote from: igi on February 07, 2014, 04:19:13 PM
Turn Undead is not a farming skill, stop with the QQ


Quote from: ^Artur^ on February 05, 2014, 02:25:11 PM
Hello Vestrivian,
Server is online less than 1 month and some fixes need to be done, even if its sometimes unfair for players. First we fixed ss lags, then spoil issue, added monsterfinder and players stats on site, fixed ddos issue, added protection system, GoE pvp area and few other features so it wasnt possible to fix all at once. Now time has came for demonic swords as we are looking for fair compromise for this weapons, so thats why we disabled it + made temporary changes. I understand your point, but it doesnt allow you to call me pathetic or liar. You cant insult GMs, especially if they dont say any improper words toward you. If you feel, you have wasted time here, i dont force you to play here. We can talk after you calm down, but keeping this offensive behaviour can only cause you troubles.

Why don't you just say that we are playing open beta since start ?


Quote from: Saintly on February 05, 2014, 07:32:05 PM
Well, what can i say? You must become a psychologist.
You see its hard to go speak to someone IRL like that when ur 16 & 5 feet tall.
Not to mention that my classmates dislike me and my parents abuse me.
So doc, got any solution to my problem? I wanna become a fine man when i become older. :'(
Yes, find a high place... and jump.


Guys, this topic shouldn't become drama topic or anything like that. I made the topic because I was curious how was it possible for curse weapon to disappear without any info from GMs or anyone. I got my answer, and I think we can close the topic.
Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 01, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
There will be no armors nor weapons at donny. Spoil/craft them.


Quote from: GenghisKhan on February 05, 2014, 07:39:52 PM
Guys, this topic shouldn't become drama topic or anything like that. I made the topic because I was curious how was it possible for curse weapon to disappear without any info from GMs or anyone. I got my answer, and I think we can close the topic.


Quote from: GenghisKhan on February 05, 2014, 07:39:52 PM
Guys, this topic shouldn't become drama topic or anything like that. I made the topic because I was curious how was it possible for curse weapon to disappear without any info from GMs or anyone. I got my answer, and I think we can close the topic.
The problem was the asslickers who couldn't let anyone express his opinion.

Quote from: igi on February 05, 2014, 07:39:39 PM
Yes, find a high place... and jump.
Tnx doc, it might cure my cancer also, u know being bald and all sucks, if this doesn't work either i can still become a Buddhist i suppose.
Quote from: igi on February 07, 2014, 04:19:13 PM
Turn Undead is not a farming skill, stop with the QQ


Quote from: igi on February 05, 2014, 06:42:45 PM

None of this happens when  u lose the weapon in normal way, this dear QQer is result of GMs action

Mr so called GM Artur
Quote from: ^Artur^ on February 05, 2014, 06:46:16 PM

Can we lock this topic before I will lose rest of respect for this staff member ? or u wanna play more ?


Quote from: ^Artur^ on February 05, 2014, 02:25:11 PM
Hello Vestrivian,
Server is online less than 1 month and some fixes need to be done, even if its sometimes unfair for players. First we fixed ss lags, then spoil issue, added monsterfinder and players stats on site, fixed ddos issue, added protection system, GoE pvp area and few other features so it wasnt possible to fix all at once. Now time has came for demonic swords as we are looking for fair compromise for this weapons, so thats why we disabled it + made temporary changes. I understand your point, but it doesnt allow you to call me pathetic or liar. You cant insult GMs, especially if they dont say any improper words toward you. If you feel, you have wasted time here, i dont force you to play here. We can talk after you calm down, but keeping this offensive behaviour can only cause you troubles.

Few things:

1. If there is so many bugs why started server before fixing them ? Oh I know, GF Java server files got some collision.
2. Before you change something that can be important please at least warn about it at announcements ingame (like: UPDATE IS COMMING SEE CHANGELOG ON FORUM) - It will show you respect players that came back to new server of dragon-network. Remember: players community is what you exist for as GM. Respect players cause they are reason of your server building. You dont know how to host dont do it and dont waste our time. From 10yo experience of dragon-network we expect sth more than bugged crap.
3. Have you ever played L2 Interlude ? I mean real playing not geting 3rd class and the end of story. I mean getting hero, castles etc. I see you read stats from some weird sites, talking some unreal things (like: 7S Down should be only allowed for clan with castle... - man, it boost clan with castle but why it should limit contirbutors to castle owners only lol wtf ... ), crest engraving 180 sec in Interlude ( WTF ? Another L2J copy paste customization from GF)
4. You say "keeping this offensive behaviour can only cause you troubles" - Making you angry = troubles ? :D Nice. How angry would you feel if someone will shit on your work and lie in your face. You shouldn't be a GM, you seem to have no experience about L2 gaming, either about what should lead to troubles. I could insult you cause IN MY OPINION you are just a not very smart man with GM status... So sad Drake/TrackZero chosen you.

About bug fixing - ok its fine, then the one who has some loss due to that bug should get back his demonic stuff after bug fixed.

Opinion of server depends on you GMs. Dont destroy dragon-network name. I want to be proud of having top char at server from dragon network, not annoyed of stupid ideas of some nonexperienced ppl. You build L2 Interlude Chronicle and PPL who play here came for it, not for L2J GF. I understand that engine is engine. But even if you use some crap to build server try to build it in the right direction wich is INTERLUDE Chronicle. (I know it is hard to get info about exact stats of everything at interlude but it is your problem - you decided to build L2 Interlude server).

Kind regards,