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Started by =^TrackZero^=, February 07, 2014, 03:32:09 PM

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I had to make this topic because of the recent reports im receiving everyday.

Tarantula server is growing, more and more players are joining and people getting more and more valuable items. Therefor i would like you to do few things:

- Stop sharing ACCOUNTS (*yes there is no friends in this game to trust enough, you can be best mates but no need for sharing)
- Change your password [GENERATED] (*dont keep password stored inside the pc, write them somewhere)
- Account name and password MUST NOT BE SAME (* if you have so CHANGE IT ASAP)
- Don't download random software and tools, 90% of them will result your accounts cleaned.
- Do not visit any sites except our homepage and community page (*100% they fishing your data, and no there is no website who will ever give you items free for just adding your account info)
- Again DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNTS with friends!!! Do not give items to clan members so they can just screen themselves and so on...

In all this cases its 100% your fault for items loss, we will publish and punish the scammers but in most cases items cant be retrieved !

So please open your eyes starting today!

Thank you for reading.
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