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Cursed weapon removed manually by GM ??

Started by GenghisKhan, February 05, 2014, 01:19:13 AM

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Quote from: mibcadet on February 05, 2014, 07:58:44 PM
Few things:

1. If there is so many bugs why started server before fixing them ? Oh I know, GF Java server files got some collision.
2. Before you change something that can be important please at least warn about it at announcements ingame (like: UPDATE IS COMMING SEE CHANGELOG ON FORUM) - It will show you respect players that came back to new server of dragon-network. Remember: players community is what you exist for as GM. Respect players cause they are reason of your server building. You dont know how to host dont do it and dont waste our time. From 10yo experience of dragon-network we expect sth more than bugged crap.
3. Have you ever played L2 Interlude ? I mean real playing not geting 3rd class and the end of story. I mean getting hero, castles etc. I see you read stats from some weird sites, talking some unreal things (like: 7S Down should be only allowed for clan with castle... - man, it boost clan with castle but why it should limit contirbutors to castle owners only lol wtf ... ), crest engraving 180 sec in Interlude ( WTF ? Another L2J copy paste customization from GF)
4. You say "keeping this offensive behaviour can only cause you troubles" - Making you angry = troubles ? :D Nice. How angry would you feel if someone will shit on your work and lie in your face. You shouldn't be a GM, you seem to have no experience about L2 gaming, either about what should lead to troubles. I could insult you cause IN MY OPINION you are just a not very smart man with GM status... So sad Drake/TrackZero chosen you.

About bug fixing - ok its fine, then the one who has some loss due to that bug should get back his demonic stuff after bug fixed.

Opinion of server depends on you GMs. Dont destroy dragon-network name. I want to be proud of having top char at server from dragon network, not annoyed of stupid ideas of some nonexperienced ppl. You build L2 Interlude Chronicle and PPL who play here came for it, not for L2J GF. I understand that engine is engine. But even if you use some crap to build server try to build it in the right direction wich is INTERLUDE Chronicle. (I know it is hard to get info about exact stats of everything at interlude but it is your problem - you decided to build L2 Interlude server).

Kind regards,
Hello Paul,

But i have to disagree with you about l2j thing, you are either throwing things randomly or your knowledge about this matter is very low. Every single thing you said about l2j-gf = our interlude is so wrong from A - Z . If you need some more explanations you can send me a PM and i will answer you promptly about it once i have time for it.

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 05, 2014, 08:05:14 PM
Hello Paul,

But i have to disagree with you about l2j thing, you are either throwing things randomly or your knowledge about this matter is very low. Every single thing you said about l2j-gf = our interlude is so wrong from A - Z . If you need some more explanations you can send me a PM and i will answer you promptly about it once i have time for it.


Hi TrackZero,

That is not very important about if you prove me it is not L2J etc.
I really have a huge hope you will setup this server perfectly as soon it will be possible. Really me, and many other people (With all their hate to each other :D)  want to be proud of having hero, castles, good pvp etc at new server of dragon-network. Remember it.

It is important to respect people, not let Artur lie to people, to warn us about incoming changes. I very understand random crash/restart etc. It happens. But things you change depends on you so you can tell us that something will change. About Zariche/Akamanah you could turn it off, fix a bug, turn it on (whenever it will be fixed) and give back to last owner with fixed remaining time. Respect his time, his plan etc.
If Artur warn about consequences of posting at forum cause Artur did lie ingame cause he believed it will stay in private talk, then Artur is veeerrry bad person to be GM.
It is like "I do what I want, I am GM and I do whatever I want, I can pee on you but you must be polite to me cause you play on our server [If ppl wouldnt play your server you would ask them to come here ...]."

No community = no server .. Good luck if you will not respect players.
And players EXPECT from GMs that they are professional. Players got ingame rules and advantages. You got tools to let them play with that rules and advantages.


Quote from: mibcadet on February 05, 2014, 07:58:44 PM
Few things:

1. If there is so many bugs why started server before fixing them ? Oh I know, GF Java server files got some collision.
2. Before you change something that can be important please at least warn about it at announcements ingame (like: UPDATE IS COMMING SEE CHANGELOG ON FORUM) - It will show you respect players that came back to new server of dragon-network. Remember: players community is what you exist for as GM. Respect players cause they are reason of your server building. You dont know how to host dont do it and dont waste our time. From 10yo experience of dragon-network we expect sth more than bugged crap.
3. Have you ever played L2 Interlude ? I mean real playing not geting 3rd class and the end of story. I mean getting hero, castles etc. I see you read stats from some weird sites, talking some unreal things (like: 7S Down should be only allowed for clan with castle... - man, it boost clan with castle but why it should limit contirbutors to castle owners only lol wtf ... ), crest engraving 180 sec in Interlude ( WTF ? Another L2J copy paste customization from GF)
4. You say "keeping this offensive behaviour can only cause you troubles" - Making you angry = troubles ? :D Nice. How angry would you feel if someone will shit on your work and lie in your face. You shouldn't be a GM, you seem to have no experience about L2 gaming, either about what should lead to troubles. I could insult you cause IN MY OPINION you are just a not very smart man with GM status... So sad Drake/TrackZero chosen you.

About bug fixing - ok its fine, then the one who has some loss due to that bug should get back his demonic stuff after bug fixed.

Opinion of server depends on you GMs. Dont destroy dragon-network name. I want to be proud of having top char at server from dragon network, not annoyed of stupid ideas of some nonexperienced ppl. You build L2 Interlude Chronicle and PPL who play here came for it, not for L2J GF. I understand that engine is engine. But even if you use some crap to build server try to build it in the right direction wich is INTERLUDE Chronicle. (I know it is hard to get info about exact stats of everything at interlude but it is your problem - you decided to build L2 Interlude server).

Kind regards,

1. How many times we need to tell you that this files arent L2J :) Are you just trolling for fun?
2. Tarantula isnt "bugged crap" as you say. It just needs few more fixes. Give as some time, and for sure soon we will focus on increasing features instead of fixing current features.
4. Your opinion about me keep for yourself, and remember about rules:

Quote- Insulting and humiliating others , including staff , will be instantly sanctioned with permanent ban.

Quote3.6   Always use common sense. A GM or Supervisor can anytime judge you even with rules that aren't listed.
3.7   Respect other players, Administration and GMs.


Quote from: mibcadet on February 05, 2014, 08:17:05 PM
Hi TrackZero,

That is not very important about if you prove me it is not L2J etc.
I really have a huge hope you will setup this server perfectly as soon it will be possible. Really me, and many other people (With all their hate to each other :D)  want to be proud of having hero, castles, good pvp etc at new server of dragon-network. Remember it.

It is important to respect people, not let Artur lie to people, to warn us about incoming changes. I very understand random crash/restart etc. It happens. But things you change depends on you so you can tell us that something will change. About Zariche/Akamanah you could turn it off, fix a bug, turn it on (whenever it will be fixed) and give back to last owner with fixed remaining time. Respect his time, his plan etc.
If Artur warn about consequences of posting at forum cause Artur did lie ingame cause he believed it will stay in private talk, then Artur is veeerrry bad person to be GM.
It is like "I do what I want, I am GM and I do whatever I want, I can pee on you but you must be polite to me cause you play on our server [If ppl wouldnt play your server you would ask them to come here ...]."

No community = no server .. Good luck if you will not respect players.
Paul believe me , respecting community is 1 of our major guidelines and it will remain like that. I believe Artur was tired and exhausted over rapid testing and excessive amount of support he does lately overall and especially for Polish community.Thats why his actions were like that, i would like to apologize to all players who felt insulted by it and we will do everything not to repeat such mistake again. I hope you can understand

Thank you for playing and supporting DN over all these years.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 05, 2014, 08:29:32 PM
Paul believe me , respecting community is 1 of our major guidelines and it will remain like that. I believe Artur was tired and exhausted over rapid testing and excessive amount of support he does lately overall and especially for Polish community.Thats why his actions were like that, i would like to apologize to all players who felt insulted by it and we will do everything not to repeat such mistake again. I hope you can understand

Thank you for playing and supporting DN over all these years.

Thank You TrackZero. Nice to see what you wrote :)
Sad is you wrote that good words and respect for us - players - while Artur still behave like an mad-man at forum.

Hope you will fix it all soon and improve ingame experience with some features :)

You remember about :
3.6   Always use common sense. A GM or Supervisor can anytime judge you even with rules that aren't listed.
only when you can use it for your advantage. Not when ingame ppl behave like animals.

And for your information, I say my own opinion and YOU WILL NOT TELL ME WHAT I AM ALLOWED TO TALK UNLESS I RESPECT THE LAW. I am not saying who you are etc. I just said my opinion wich I have marked with caps. If I would say "You are stupid" - this is insult. I should get banned for it if you think so. But If i say "in my opinion you are not very smart" it is not insult but just an private opinion wich I am allowed to talk in public. That is international law in EU and US (dunno about RU).
And still you didn't respond about that you did lie to players.
Better stop this converstion Artur. I wish you will think about above and improve your "being as GM". Wish it to you and players.
You have big luck TrackZero can talk and behave in community forum like real professional GM.