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Question to Drake/Track about Retail Quest here.



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Question to Drake/Track about Retail Quest here.

Started by ChujoZord, February 07, 2014, 09:36:50 PM

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As all we know Baium spawn is 5 days + 2 days random (madness). What is more there is pvp zone so basicly clanless or random people do not have any chance to get Retail by hitting Baium. Will you consider to make any alternative way like maybe killing xxx number of angels on ToI or something? Most of my clan already have an retail but all the new clans and new people will not have any chance to make their retail.
Waiting for any answer and I hope it will not be ignored.

ExCiDiuM <3
Chujozord - DE/PAL
CrazyJoe - PR/PAL
Unloco - BP/WC
PanPijak - NE/EE
Cherry SORC -> ES/EE


- All Epic raids (*excluding Orfen ,Zaken , Baium) have _pvp zone implemented

Teon     - CrazyApple, xPride
DNet    - LadyMisato, xMisato, SoyFon, Casval, xOdin, Happy
RPG     - CrazyApple


It's part of the game. I need golky.  >:(

Exchange Golky for mobs in toi 7 too ...


Quote from: ChujoZord on February 07, 2014, 09:36:50 PM
What is more there is pvp zone so basicly clanless or random people do not have any chance to get Retail by hitting Baium. Will you consider to make any alternative way like maybe killing xxx number of angels on ToI or something?

100% agree. pvp zones in quest RB is stupid idea

Quote from: zippobg on February 07, 2014, 10:32:05 PM
It's part of the game. I need golky.  >:(

For u part of game is killing no gear/skills ppl ?:P

Quote from: zippobg on February 07, 2014, 10:32:05 PM
Exchange Golky for mobs in toi 7 too ...

KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )


Teon     - CrazyApple, xPride
DNet    - LadyMisato, xMisato, SoyFon, Casval, xOdin, Happy
RPG     - CrazyApple


excidium is just afraid that they will never hit him and they are looking for some easier way


im one of the people from the group you described, but i dont agree. mainly because when they make this one thing more convenient, whats stopping them from changing more stuff? and more importantly it would give people an argument that if retail sub was changed, why not change xx aswell...

for example - if retail sub was made easier,
why not give TU higher land rate,
why not allow mutant dwarves,
why not lift some of the skill restrictions which are inconvenient for the class youre playing,
why not make third class quest item buyable from npcs,
why not make all golky horns tradable, or add more golkondas,
and what about adding another way to get stack sub for clanless people besides getting the horn,
why not remove the cursed bone requirement for death spike,
why not increase carry weight for archer classes, or make arrows weight 0
.. and so on ..

as you can see none of these things are gamebreaking(there are many more examples i couldnt think of right now), actually these changes would not affect the server in any way in my opinion, except of making our lives a little easier. and the same thing applies to your proposed baium change, so unless youre ready to accept all of these changes, and many more, please stop asking for just the ones that would help you out.


Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Baium "accidently" died, so don't worry you won't hit it soon  ;)
BabyPew - MS/SWS (hero)
BUFFCAT - BP/WK (hero)
KypBe - SWS/SR


Quote from: pmkaboo on February 08, 2014, 12:14:42 AM

why not make third class quest item buyable from npcs,
why not make all golky horns tradable, or add more golkondas,
and what about adding another way to get stack sub for clanless people besides getting the horn,

5 golkys aren't enough for you?  :o
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: pmkaboo on February 08, 2014, 12:14:42 AM
im one of the people from the group you described, but i dont agree. mainly because when they make this one thing more convenient, whats stopping them from changing more stuff? and more importantly it would give people an argument that if retail sub was changed, why not change xx aswell...

for example - if retail sub was made easier,
why not give TU higher land rate,
why not allow mutant dwarves,
why not lift some of the skill restrictions which are inconvenient for the class youre playing,
why not make third class quest item buyable from npcs,
why not make all golky horns tradable, or add more golkondas,
and what about adding another way to get stack sub for clanless people besides getting the horn,
why not remove the cursed bone requirement for death spike,
why not increase carry weight for archer classes, or make arrows weight 0
.. and so on ..

as you can see none of these things are gamebreaking(there are many more examples i couldnt think of right now), actually these changes would not affect the server in any way in my opinion, except of making our lives a little easier. and the same thing applies to your proposed baium change, so unless youre ready to accept all of these changes, and many more, please stop asking for just the ones that would help you out.
so u want play l2 or not?
Weight had always influence on game, saying arrows/bones to weight zero is BIG DEAL, its like giving all shots weight 0, energy stones for glad weight 0, mby cp potions 0? so we can use 151238712763187cp pots for whole month withuot repoting? come on its not gamebreaking...
Also when playing a mage u dont want to have more than 50% inv taken for higher mp regen, so things like spirit ore,bones,soul ore and others should have impact on that

Giving TU higher landrate is like saying "freak U ALL DD'S, UR OPTIONAL WE DONT NEED U" if its about pve

Tradable Q  golky horn is just bad idea at all, cuz u would never got into golky withuot full ally behind u and pvp for it as mad, cuz players would farm it 24/7 with big clans for profits.

Also one of most important Q which all have to do, 3rd which gives u muuuch pvp opportunity, should get skipped with donny or smth? Come on lul. 3rd is easy to do anyway.
