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Tatto Bug



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Tatto Bug

Started by milen8448, February 10, 2014, 08:13:44 AM

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I try to upg my tatto from 2 lvl to 3 lvl (have all mats) and dont want to upg , i make new tatto 2 lvl and try to upg to 3 lvl and same problem. Name: MessengerFromG0d


You should read the changelogs before posting.

"(level 3 tattoos are currently not
available ingame until next reboot/
update that should happen within

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
- There wont be Armor/shields at donation NPC.


Tattoos lv3 are accessible again now :)