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RB Random Windows

Started by Tyler, February 11, 2014, 02:32:50 PM

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This is from pmfun forum. Stop QQ about nothing. Respawntime here is same like retail.

Baium: 5d (+8h) [respawn=168hour;respawn_rand=4 8hour]
Barakiel: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]

Kernon: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Longhorn Golkonda: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Death Lord Hallate: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Shilliend Messenger Cabrio: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]

Zaken: 40h (+8h) [respawn=60hour;respawn_rand=20 hour]
Ant Queen: 19h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=17 hour]
Core: 37h (+8h) [respawn=60hour;respawn_rand=23 hour]
Orfen: 28h (+8h) [respawn=48hour;respawn_rand=20 hour]

Antharas: 8d (+8h) [respawn=264hour;respawn_rand=7 2hour]
Valakas: 8d (+8h) / 11d (+8h) [respawn=264hour;respawn_rand=7 2hour]
Frintezza: 44h (+8h) [respawn=48hour;respawn_rand=4h our]

it is whit coded spawns from codes u can see that spawns can delay wery wery long. i can tell u how i think(alot of ppl think that it works liek that 2)

ect. baium spawn starts, server trys to spawn baium it has liek 0.01% chance to spawn if server fails, it waits lets sai 10 sec and trys to spawn baium agen just chance was increased lets sai 0.02% now and evry 10 secs server trys to spawn whti giht chance rate witch means it usualy dont pass 8hour time coz chance goes big and evry 10 secs server trys and succydes, it goes till chances is 100% (end of posible random spawn time) and baium spawns like i siad all thin kits 8h coz it usualy never passes it (but i rimember o nteon one time it passed almsot 10 hours till it spawned.)

also we dont know maiby deep in sorce code they got some algoritmes 2 but only ncsoft knows


Quotewell Baium spawned before 8h window ended so there is no 4days camp and crap like these few days random respawn theories

There is absolutely no logic in what you said though. You just pissed basic math in the eye. :D


Quote from: ZeniT on February 13, 2014, 12:41:26 PM
This is from pmfun forum. Stop QQ about nothing. Respawntime here is same like retail.

Baium: 5d (+8h) [respawn=168hour;respawn_rand=4 8hour]
Barakiel: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]

Kernon: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Longhorn Golkonda: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Death Lord Hallate: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]
Shilliend Messenger Cabrio: 12h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=24 hour]

Zaken: 40h (+8h) [respawn=60hour;respawn_rand=20 hour]
Ant Queen: 19h (+8h) [respawn=36hour;respawn_rand=17 hour]
Core: 37h (+8h) [respawn=60hour;respawn_rand=23 hour]
Orfen: 28h (+8h) [respawn=48hour;respawn_rand=20 hour]

Antharas: 8d (+8h) [respawn=264hour;respawn_rand=7 2hour]
Valakas: 8d (+8h) / 11d (+8h) [respawn=264hour;respawn_rand=7 2hour]
Frintezza: 44h (+8h) [respawn=48hour;respawn_rand=4h our]

it is whit coded spawns from codes u can see that spawns can delay wery wery long. i can tell u how i think(alot of ppl think that it works liek that 2)

ect. baium spawn starts, server trys to spawn baium it has liek 0.01% chance to spawn if server fails, it waits lets sai 10 sec and trys to spawn baium agen just chance was increased lets sai 0.02% now and evry 10 secs server trys to spawn whti giht chance rate witch means it usualy dont pass 8hour time coz chance goes big and evry 10 secs server trys and succydes, it goes till chances is 100% (end of posible random spawn time) and baium spawns like i siad all thin kits 8h coz it usualy never passes it (but i rimember o nteon one time it passed almsot 10 hours till it spawned.)

also we dont know maiby deep in sorce code they got some algoritmes 2 but only ncsoft knows
dude stop checking this forum... 70% people there never played on official or official like ( private ) server