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Char Stucked (Mobs, players)



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Char Stucked (Mobs, players)

Started by R0gan, February 18, 2014, 03:44:50 PM

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Hello guys,

Me and my clan mates are experiencing a lot of "stucks" between chars, mobs, even on giran shop, sometimes u need to use SOE in the midle of town to get free.

I don´t know if this is something that could be a little modified to "upgrade" this, for me seems that char space is too big (though my dwarf was too fat, but happens with everyone),



This is how interlude is, trust me its more frustrating when u get stuck doing trains..


i experienced it too in loa...
tanker had some deaths.


Maybe disable collision in giran or something, unless thats tied to shop creation slots


Quote from: bsrealm on February 19, 2014, 02:02:55 AM
Maybe disable collision in giran or something, unless thats tied to shop creation slots

Cant be done on IL only in newer chronicles.