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Started by makastreteam, February 18, 2014, 10:35:25 AM

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I found an interesting post that everyone should read and avoid the permanent ban.
I have read this on the official website of l2 tower and this post was written by a GM of L2 Tower.

QuoteI made this Topic because i saw a lot of ppl asking how to bot in this server...
Well, after weeks ( and 50 chars perma-banned) testing on Dn Tarantula server, i feel like i have to be honest to guys who will bot there (or will buy bypass/bots etc...):

- Admins/Gms checking HWID 24/7 so more then 2 bots = permaban in less then 24h

- So: you will use MAX 2x Bot/chars at the same time. BUT guess what? When gm/admin will see 2x chars from same HWID exping/moving/skilling AT THE SAME TIME (worst if they are in 2 different places) they will 100% understand you are botting = instaBan.

Same if you will bot with only 1 char:
- It will be USELESS, you will make Shit-amount of mats/adena, and that isn't worth the PermaBan on your Main char.

- Botting 24/7 keeping your pc Turned On means more $$ to pay your energy bills (for low amount of adena/mats) then getting them by Donations
(To be clear:
bot = much $$ energy bills = low adena gain
donations = few bucks = much more adena gain, f.e. buy Horn and re-sell it for xxxKK adena)

This server is just wtf, totally different from Official where you can run 1-2 (or more) full bot pt and get just few bans/year or not ban at all.... WTF guys 50+ chars banned + main char in 1-2 weeks, really?

They are 24/7 online and/or they have some special trick to get botters... Dunno wtf

So if you ask me: Should i bot on Tarantula?
My asnwer is: No, it is just a waste of time, you will only loose toons and main char

Author: TheBl4ckPhoenix
Source: http://forum.l2tower.eu/thread-dragon-network-il-tarantula-server