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Playing on many PC's (study)



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Playing on many PC's (study)

Started by mrsobota, February 18, 2014, 09:05:40 PM

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Hi, what about playing in college ? We all have the same IP in college. One person can use dual box, but if when we are play together 4 person have 8 account and now is the question how GM's resolve it ? If u check IP u will see only one IP but 4 players ? Dual boxing is allowed... i think u say 1 activ acount and 1 afk(suport) but when they are have free PC i can use their PC's. So 2 pcs = 4acc. Pls explain all about dual boxing and other rules. I cant find the best answer.


Quote- If you are having a REAL person under same house you are allowed to log only 1 extra box,so play in 2 + 1 box (*important notice: BOTH PERSONS must be actively playing and responding , afking forever wont be tolerated)

In your case if you play with 4 person over the same IP, you can connect 1 additional buff-box(afk mode), so in total there will be 5 chars from this IP and 4 of them must be actively playing and responding


Quote from: mrsobota on February 18, 2014, 09:05:40 PM
Hi, what about playing in college ? We all have the same IP in college. One person can use dual box, but if when we are play together 4 person have 8 account and now is the question how GM's resolve it ? If u check IP u will see only one IP but 4 players ? Dual boxing is allowed... i think u say 1 activ acount and 1 afk(suport) but when they are have free PC i can use their PC's. So 2 pcs = 4acc. Pls explain all about dual boxing and other rules. I cant find the best answer.
You ahve to be all 4 active and you are allowed to have only 1 extra (afk) bot. Not x2 for each pc. If i catch you AFKing on more then 1 (dual box) i will punish all afk players.
When they are not playing, you cant use their pc-s, you can then log only 1 dualbox.

These rules are very strict to avoid bot network and enable real players benefit from inserting their real time into this game.
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i think the rules are good BUT:

i have brother who is living in the same house, also we are sharing net via wifi,
and now i have question, why we can't play 1+1 and he 1+1 in party?
Ur telling me now that if i want to play with my bro he need to have different net?
cuz than we gonna have other ip's xD
whats the point here?
now its better for me to go with some random+he's box...its kinda crazy...
and since all these years in l2 i never spotted that kind sick rule ^^
DN x15 - sorc/pp pw/tk sr/tk he/pp(BiA, MM, Excidium)
l2Dex x12 - g khav
l2Phx - tyr/ol (Enclave)
Frintezza x15 - pr/bd, aw/se (Enclave)
RPG Club x15 - domi (OOC)
Innova Core - yul archer (BiA)
Evoke x5 - soultaker (AcheroNN)
DN Tarantula x20 - aw/sk (ElpyKillers)
l2mid - soultaker
l2eu - soultaker


Quote from: Rufus on February 18, 2014, 10:00:07 PM
i think the rules are good BUT:

i have brother who is living in the same house, also we are sharing net via wifi,
and now i have question, why we can't play 1+1 and he 1+1 in party?
Ur telling me now that if i want to play with my bro he need to have different net?
cuz than we gonna have other ip's xD
whats the point here?
now its better for me to go with some random+he's box...its kinda crazy...
and since all these years in l2 i never spotted that kind sick rule ^^
If we enable rule you are asking, all of a sudden we will have players who lives with whole families who plays l2, its simple reason. You + Your brother +1 box = enough for easy exping.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 18, 2014, 10:49:14 PM
If we enable rule you are asking, all of a sudden we will have players who lives with whole families who plays l2, its simple reason. You + Your brother +1 box = enough for easy exping.

Ur dont understand me,
now i will not go as usual with my bro to exp,
cuz its better to take any random with box who have other ip...
dont tell me that exping with pp = exping with pp and bd for example ;x
and i say it again: ill never spotted that kind of rule on any server i played last 8 years...
DN x15 - sorc/pp pw/tk sr/tk he/pp(BiA, MM, Excidium)
l2Dex x12 - g khav
l2Phx - tyr/ol (Enclave)
Frintezza x15 - pr/bd, aw/se (Enclave)
RPG Club x15 - domi (OOC)
Innova Core - yul archer (BiA)
Evoke x5 - soultaker (AcheroNN)
DN Tarantula x20 - aw/sk (ElpyKillers)
l2mid - soultaker
l2eu - soultaker


Quote from: Rufus on February 18, 2014, 10:54:06 PM
Ur dont understand me,
now i will not go as usual with my bro to exp,
cuz its better to take any random with box who have other ip...
dont tell me that exping with pp = exping with pp and bd for example ;x
and i say it again: ill never spotted that kind of rule on any server i played last 8 years...
Thats why most of them show off on login with 5-6-9k ONLINE with no box limitation.

I think having 3 chars is quite legit for easy playing, in other hand there is a lot of players looking for party, invite some and go farm.

Quote from: mrsobota on February 18, 2014, 10:55:37 PM
Its not sick, get some friends and play. This aint the game to play solo.
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 18, 2014, 10:56:20 PM
Thats why most of them show off on login with 5-6-9k ONLINE with no box limitation.

I think having 3 chars is quite legit for easy playing, in other hand there is a lot of players looking for party, invite some and go farm.
Its not sick, get some friends and play. This aint the game to play solo.

show me 1 interlude server low/mid rate with 9k online,
and also box limitation is good lol, where i said its bad?
on all good servers there is max 1 box limit per player,
but not per IP rotfl...
and again, Ur telling to get some friends and play,
so i wanna play with my brother and example my pp + he's bd...
whats the deal with it?
DN x15 - sorc/pp pw/tk sr/tk he/pp(BiA, MM, Excidium)
l2Dex x12 - g khav
l2Phx - tyr/ol (Enclave)
Frintezza x15 - pr/bd, aw/se (Enclave)
RPG Club x15 - domi (OOC)
Innova Core - yul archer (BiA)
Evoke x5 - soultaker (AcheroNN)
DN Tarantula x20 - aw/sk (ElpyKillers)
l2mid - soultaker
l2eu - soultaker


Quote from: Rufus on February 18, 2014, 11:06:41 PM
show me 1 interlude server low/mid rate with 9k online,
and also box limitation is good lol, where i said its bad?
on all good servers there is max 1 box limit per player,
but not per IP rotfl...
and again, Ur telling to get some friends and play,
so i wanna play with my brother and example my pp + he's bd...
whats the deal with it?
u + your brother + his bd , there is no problem there!
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Well, since u say it's IP related, if i run p. with diffrent ip for each client i can play full party w/o a problem?