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question about event



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question about event

Started by emissary, February 22, 2014, 02:46:56 AM

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Hai there :)

I see that this event is only for dps classes? Since you can't win against any dps with e.g. PP :) Subbed ppl will have advantage, that's obvious.

what about supports? There is only one reward, so even if you go in pt, you get shit since you ain't one who kills (ofc if you make your own rules inside pt, its your choice).

I just want to know if there's gonna be an event only for supports, or one that gives supports an advantage over dps classes, since obviously this event is quite the opposite.
DeathAkira - ES member, Dragon serv
emissary - FI member, infinity serv
emissary - FI member, valkyria serv


The event is won by who makes the highest amount of Marks in that hour.
In case you assembly a party (dps + supporter) only 1 mark is awarded and is given randomly to one member to the party: supporter included.

So, yes, even a supporter can win by... supporting! :)


its good that we have any events at all :)

hopefuly there will be more :) thanks for replying drake

DeathAkira - ES member, Dragon serv
emissary - FI member, infinity serv
emissary - FI member, valkyria serv


it sucks that the best reward is for 2nd place...