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Tank "nerfs"

Started by R0gan, February 24, 2014, 03:52:17 PM

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Quote from: LadyZENITH on March 07, 2014, 05:22:53 PM
So you say they were OP in some way? I mean deflect arrow sometimes was the thing that made the classes not die on 1-2 hits but actually more from archer. DD/tank was never op. In the days before mutant infestation they were kinda equal to DD/summoner with TP. Now DD/summoner lost none of its potency, none of the nerfs touched it, thus they are really getting a bit OP. Yet the tank combos or tanks in general are "meh". You love your stats so later you can confirm it by observing the results and what people play or sub. Tanks are a total rarity.

Updates ad "Now":

spectral_dancer/spectral_master = 1
phoenix_knight/arcana_lord = 1
shillien_templar/storm_screamer = 1
shillien_templar/shillien_saint = 1
storm_screamer/shillien_saint = 1
spectral_dancer/ghost_hunter = 1
hell_knight/archmage = 1
shillien_templar/spectral_master = 1
evas_templar/sword_muse = 1
duelist/sagittarius = 1
evas_templar/mystic_muse = 1
duelist/phoenix_knight = 1
phoenix_knight/sagittarius = 1
ghost_hunter/shillien_saint = 1
hell_knight/adventurer = 1
hell_knight/hierophant = 1
soultaker/arcana_lord = 1
sword_muse/wind_rider = 2
hell_knight/cardinal = 2
adventurer/arcana_lord = 2
sword_muse/moonlight_sentinel = 2
arcana_lord/hierophant = 2
grand_khavatari/doomcryer = 3
grand_khavatari/dominator = 3
dreadnought/adventurer = 3
phoenix_knight/cardinal = 3
archmage/hierophant = 3
sagittarius/arcana_lord = 4
archmage/arcana_lord = 4
sagittarius/hierophant = 5
adventurer/hierophant = 5
dreadnought/sagittarius = 5
duelist/hierophant = 5
spectral_dancer/ghost_sentinel = 5
arcana_lord/cardinal = 6
soultaker/hierophant = 6
titan/doomcryer = 7
titan/grand_khavatari = 8
soultaker/cardinal = 8
sword_muse/evas_saint = 10
storm_screamer/spectral_master = 11
spectral_dancer/shillien_saint = 12
sword_muse/mystic_muse = 12
elemental_master/evas_saint = 13
spectral_dancer/storm_screamer = 13
mystic_muse/elemental_master = 15
dominator/doomcryer = 15
mystic_muse/evas_saint = 25


1 Full Tank.

That shows how good tank stance is.

Gaia: Misato / Ceres / Green
Nova: Envy
Ayrin: Ceres
Hellraiser: Envy
Shadow: Clonage / Hawt
Frintezza: Hawt
Discord: Mitchel#3748


Quote from: Clonage on March 07, 2014, 05:58:03 PM
1 Full Tank.

That shows how good tank stance is.

you're not very bright arent you? full tank subclasses are untouched, only tank/dps combinations are nerfed
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2014, 06:09:35 PMyou're not very bright arent you? full tank subclasses are untouched, only tank/dps combinations are nerfed
Im not going to repeat myself 3 bilion times, if u want, check my previous posts. Kay?

Gaia: Misato / Ceres / Green
Nova: Envy
Ayrin: Ceres
Hellraiser: Envy
Shadow: Clonage / Hawt
Frintezza: Hawt
Discord: Mitchel#3748


Quote from: Clonage on March 07, 2014, 06:12:47 PM
Im not going to repeat myself 3 bilion times, if u want, check my previous posts. Kay?

and what makes you think im going to read 20 pages?

i just brought down your senseless post by stating an obvious fact :|
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2014, 06:09:35 PM
you're not very bright arent you? full tank subclasses are untouched, only tank/dps combinations are nerfed

And... you are supposed to be more intelligent right? First you attack something that you clearly did not think through, to then dumbly tell a lie about it like if it's a fact. Have you played pure tank style my friend? Because without a bow, you won't do shit in pvp. Even with one, we don't do much, but we do something at least. That nerf is affecting full tanks directly. Quick swapping shield + bow is the best way to get close to your enemy while not simply "tanking" the damage. It's an essential part of 1v1 if you don't want to be only kited to death. In mass pvp it's not as useful, but depending on the situation it can be better to use a bow then your shield.

If you think that the opposite is an obvious fact, you either never played pure tank or never faced a good one / a tank geared for pvp. Or you are willingly lying/trolling.

Again, if aggression could lock a target for a time, even a fraction of a second, even if it doesn't force attack, the deflect arrow nerf would not seem so annoying to a full tank in mass pvp (as it would clearly be more interesting to use a shield while your enemy is locked on you then to use a bow, while your team kill your target). And 1 v 1 ? It's ok if tanks can't do shit against anyone in 1v1. Tanks would have a limited use, but at least it would have one. But currently? Using deflect arrow is more of a disadvantage then an advantage if you face more than 1 archer due to aggression. Trying to time aggression perfectly to change your target's target is nearly impossible vs an archer, as most know already, due to the fact that spamming attack return to your previous target/he can just click fast/use commands to switch target before shooting (macros can help a lot in this, if you are unaware of it). It works OK against a mage (a dumb one), but that's it. Even there, macros will own aggression. Macros should be to ease up annoying tasks (buffs), speed up things or reduce your quick bar overload, not render a class obsolete.

And I know how it works in "Official". They also corrected it and it became relatively OP, when even BD and SWS could swap and lock targets. I'm not asking for anything specific post IL buff, but currently, pure tank got no advantage compared to any other subs. Dps/tanks got a wayyy better aggression power (thanks to their higher dps) than any pure tank.

So if we can't aggro and can't attack our targets who outrange us (even more now), why do we have defenses? Only retards will attack us and only when everyone else is dead. This is why deflect arrow/aggression current setup is a nerf to pure tanks.

Ideas about aggression : How about a better aggression power when using blunt/sword and shield? Or a lock target for .3 second while using a shield+ sword/blunt (only in pvp?)? Or make it a tattoo? Chance current Shield Wall tattoo so that it triggers when you use aggression?
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Chicks on March 07, 2014, 07:47:47 PM
tank damage with bow is laughable and its only going to slow you down if you actually chase someone while trying to demoralize them with ur crazy 600 damage crits from 400 range

to dry a bit all the tank tears in that topic here's an advice: the only playable tank class pre-gracia is IL paladin, so make one or stay useless forever
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2014, 08:11:13 PM
tank damage with bow is laughable and its only going to slow you down if you actually chase someone while trying to demoralize them with ur crazy 600 damage crits from 400 range

to dry a bit all the tank tears in that topic here's an advice: the only playable tank class pre-gracia is IL paladin, so make one or stay useless forever
yeah, tell this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTPKhpPhNBc
how useless is a bow for a tank.
wts l2 lessons.
Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: Garn. on March 07, 2014, 08:37:57 PM
yeah, tell this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTPKhpPhNBc
how useless is a bow for a tank.
wts l2 lessons.

whats the reason for u to link that video except for baiting me into wasting 5 min of my life watching how people f1 each other on official? :<

if u expect ur going to kill with bow sps/ee who cancels you while spamming heal on himself like that guy was killing some helpless spellhowler I have bad news for u
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2014, 09:06:53 PM
trash talk

No one talked about totally owning anyone, we're talking about dealing some damage while retaining our tankiness. Also, using a bow does slow you down. But it's needed. Slow's? Hex? Roots? When they are on CD, what do we do? LETS WAVE AT THEM!

Also, people only press F1 here too. That's why they think tanks are OP. They are too dumb to understand how tanks are played, so official video or not, it's a non issue.

Also, I don't see the point or your reply to me. Instead of writing "spam", you should read it, because I basically said : Tanks damage with a bow is low, but it's better then waving your hand at the enemy. While arrest/slows/other debuffs are on CD, you won't do much against a kitting archer. What you CAN do, is switch to bow and hit him while spells return from CD.

Wts anger management classes, you seem to need them.

Also, instead of bringing nothing to the debate, you could go out or chill out somewhere. That way you could stop wasting both our time. And the time of those interested in the issue.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Alex on March 07, 2014, 06:21:24 PM
and what makes you think im going to read 20 pages?

i just brought down your senseless post by stating an obvious fact :|

yo newbie, you play here? greetz. Puff
NeverBackDown - Banned
PuFf2 - Banned



wanna play full tanks and enjoyed it, go play non substack server elsewhere;
u whined and left years ago, u come back and u continue now....

change class and play with rules of server, or go play where it fits your style, its simple no??

PS: agro skills are enhanced in next chronicle, not in interlude, its NCsoft feature...
Quote from: pieh on April 08, 2008, 12:07:43 AM
i like the result of aden siege: Hexa, one of few clans that really deserve (i mean overall not only pvp/siege skills) to have castles