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Barakiel #2

Started by Tyler, February 25, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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Uhm... we could move those dropped items to another boss...

Go on with the discussion :)


Quote from: Falatko on February 25, 2014, 04:49:54 AM
nothing more to say, just lower respawn time like  guy said, thats all, problem solved

But there is also one point that is interesting...
right now there are more characters with noblesse than characters with DNET subclass.
Aint it bizarre when in fact Noblesse should be more rare?


Quote from: =drake= on February 25, 2014, 04:46:15 AM
Uhm... we could move those dropped items to another boss...

Go on with the discussion :)

keep up with the customizations because of crybabies :)
Maybe it will give more pvp opportunity.

We are forcing the other side to grow up or gather up people with our PK festival, but np,lets lower the spawn and even spawn lv1 chars with barakiel items in their inventory :)..
I used to play @ infinity when there were 1 golkonda only and guess what? I had two subbed char. Bang,big deal. I had patience,i had a clan to grow up from zero to top(ohai BlackArmy),we were forged by 30 clanwar and not like this.
1 month passed,ppl crying and leaving coz no noblesse. Dont know where they came from(maybe some 5kx rate) but if fighting for noblesse/dn sub wont gather yourself up vs the top,then what would? They are like 'i will fight after i have noble',but they wont,since its the endgame.
On infinity i had no noblesse character after 2 years of playing :)

Lets go Falat,keep up with the posts,maybe you will have a chance to get noble in this year :)


Quote from: sm0g on February 25, 2014, 04:52:31 AM
keep up with the customizations because of crybabies :)
Maybe it will give more pvp opportunity.

I'm just throwing the ball in the playfield, never said it would happen!


Quote from: =drake= on February 25, 2014, 04:57:12 AM
I'm just throwing the ball in the playfield, never said it would happen!
if u want make more easy this raid, dont low respawn time, make it at donny and thas all ¬¬"

btw more ppl got nobless bcuz barakiel give item to 1 party  golkonda only 1 max 2 , and we didnt count ppl who dont use horn yet bcuz dont want be delevel


Quote from: Falatko on February 25, 2014, 05:13:06 AM
are u retarded? :D is not about pvp and wars, there are tons of people for bara as quest and dont care about war , if i remove exicidium fc and cruel , there were like 65 people waiting rb which are not in fear factor clans, np i see u r totally retarded, np maybe u will be something after 5 years of playing here
anyone of clan FearFact0ry there will need barakiel yet, we only go for help our ally   ::)


Quote from: =drake= on February 25, 2014, 04:46:15 AM
Uhm... we could move those dropped items to another boss...

Go on with the discussion :)

No! Do not let crying get you out of your position. People think that on 2 month old server most should be nobless. Well nope. If most are in about year its +- OK. You know that. It is this, those pinnacle points of rage and fury that makes L2 great. Ill happily dk around for year or more without noble if I do not deserve it, simply as that. People that QQ shall try thing called politics, unite, kick some ass, zerg or not. And even then the chance will be minimal.

People forgot noblesse is not auto-progress, it should be a privilege of few, especially at the start of non-high rate server. If you are there 50 times, die 500 times to get it, it is still kinda lucky result.

To the thread opener: Didn't you say you will leave if it ends up like this? Why are you still here? Just suck it up, do something in the game for a change, or ragequit. Do not cry on forum to make the game easier. We have thousands of easy servers everywhere, go there.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


So far you are the one sucking and QQing in every thread. I sense a new Belit in you. :P 
Ill not be there until I have some solid clan presence to back it up and freak up the others.

In meantime, the kiddo nolifers can try to asslick the top clans and KS all the way they want. It will do them little good, cause mathematically the chance is pathetic. Which makes me kinda giggle with evil grin, looking at that baseless frustration. :P
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


Quote from: Falatko on February 25, 2014, 06:15:59 AM
if u dont want to be noblesse or u want to make it in 1 year+ np :D so suck it up and dont write here

See you in oly forum fighter...

Ah! I forgot... Olympiad is game for noblesses not for plebeians.


Quote from: Falatko on February 25, 2014, 05:13:06 AM
are u retarded? :D is not about pvp and wars, there are tons of people for bara as quest and dont care about war , if i remove exicidium fc and cruel , there were like 65 people waiting rb which are not in fear factor clans, np i see u r totally retarded, np maybe u will be something after 5 years of playing here
I dont want to be 'anything'  in 'this game' especially not a selfowned clown like you:) Forum hero IG zero :) btw i have barakiel since a week or so, since that we are locking her :(
You want something?  Fight for it.  Its simple since noblesse impelented. ;)


Drake, Track don't change nothing.
Do not care about cryiers. All want everything fast. Today or better yday.
You will fuk everything if You start listen cryiers.
Was always like thison Bara, and sooner or later all did noble.

Almoust 10 years ago was for ex. 1 Golky in TOI, I repeat - 1. People were dying on way to Golky like crazy on pvp andget horn was very hard. And no one cryies, all played, there were no emo kids. And till today they are still the best players, those all "new" are mostly pussys which cry for everythig and want everything easy, fast and ofc without exp losing.

Zenith / Infinity server
Felissin - Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer

Prayer for the wild heart kept in cages

Tarantula server
FelissinII - sps
Felissin - SH


Quote from: Falatko on February 25, 2014, 09:07:04 AM
oh boy, gz i wonder what class are u with who will u be so pro in oly :D QQ more newbie
at least i dont put my hero characters on signature
QQ more, u r even bigger forum talker than me and pretty sure u r IG zero as u said np keep on with "SELFOWNING"
What a comeback dude, i expected a better flame attempt from you.