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Increased enchant rate

Started by Lusieee, February 28, 2014, 05:24:47 PM

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Ok on shadow i lost the counts of the money/beaa i invested just to reach +5 on dc gloves, i realized that no point going +6 as i would see +0 all over again. I had first AM on server and i've puted like 7/8 BEWS to reach +4 , guess what? Stayed +3 (maybe i was cursed? who knows...)till i left server after "star wars" appeared. You see my point now? The ones that had more than that, was the ones you call lucky this is were i wanna arrive.
From now on, +6 is gonna be a vulgar thing. With retail enchant rates +6 would be the lucky ones. As far as i remenber there was only 1 guy that enchanted a Dark legion to +16 with normal scrools. Now check how many +12 +13 +14 are around.
Iam done answering since i see no matter what arguments people brings you guys seem so "mind closed", look at TU, Tanks nerfs, Pi lethal rates, elixers recipe in CH,etc.
With this im saying you're doing a bad job at all, but are things you customized that were much better before. And there's things you dont fix that are more important than few things you fixed.


Don't compare enchanted C grades to B/A/S, since we don't have shops with B/A/S grades.


Just for totally dispel what you guys are complaining about, here the list of all HOM (regardless if SA or not) in game that have high enchant:

M3rcy   +16
Bonfire   +16
EasyMike   +14
iMosCraciuni   +13

Yes, definitely too many... is two HOM +16 over 11540 active chars, is 0.017%
(and they was probably enchanted with a "little less worry" by using weapon upgrades. And we are talking about a C grade weapon so the money risk is nothing compared to B+ grades and the EWC scrolls are easy to get if you know where to hunt them)


Quote from: =drake= on March 01, 2014, 10:26:20 PM
Just for totally dispel what you guys are complaining about, here the list of all HOM (regardless if SA or not) in game that have high enchant:

M3rcy   +16
Bonfire   +16

EasyMike   +14
iMosCraciuni   +13

Yes, definitely too many... is two HOM +16 over 11540 active chars, is 0.017%
(and they was probably enchanted with a "little less worry" by using weapon upgrades. And we are talking about a C grade weapon so the money risk is nothing compared to B+ grades and the EWC scrolls are easy to get if you know where to hunt them)
im sure i make one of them


Quote from: PunkeD on March 01, 2014, 10:18:06 PM
Ok on shadow i lost the counts of the money/beaa i invested just to reach +5 on dc gloves

Bad comparison, as i know on shadow the rates was changed constantly and many times was reduced to the bone on purpose.

you guys seem so "mind closed", look at TU, Tanks nerfs, Pi lethal rates, elixers recipe in CH,etc.

Tank nerfs they basically mostly apply IF you dont play tank at all and you just wanna exploit the massive defence of a tank by not playing tank at all and probably just jack around in robe. We saw it in the past, i really dont dream to see it again.
And again, we cant follow "official" 1:1 as we are not official: we are a substack server, is 2 different games. Is like saying DOTA is Warcraft. Wrong game.
If you wanted fully official you got the wrong server type, avoid substack servers fully.

TU/BU/BS, all who stopped trolling and seriously try to correctly adjust their skills level to their target figured out it works perfectly fine. (and stopped expecting some superhuman magical skill that without even investing any enchant could lethal raidbosses with 100% chances).
On official works the same and there are COUNTLESS amount of posts from official servers where lethals lands like here on WHITE mobs. RED mob and skill not leveled up? Dream it.

Pi lethal rates, as the level rule apply from you toward enemies, they apply also same in inverse (mobs included when they try lethal you).

Elixir we are discussing, i cant find evidences that should be in ALL clanhalls and definitely wasnt (i checked) when we was running IL in 2007.


Yes not all got S elixers recipe, but devasted castle one 100%.


Quote from: PunkeD on March 01, 2014, 11:08:37 PM
Yes not all got S elixers recipe, but devasted castle one 100%.

Once is confirmed, we will add it, simple as that :)


Quote from: =drake= on March 02, 2014, 01:18:26 AM
Once is confirmed, we will add it, simple as that :)
Angout    Rainbow Springs Chateau    3,300 adena
Bandello    Fortress of the Dead     3,300 adena
Biggerstaff    Devastated Castle     3,300 adena
Chamberlain    Bandit Stronghold     3,300 adena
Quigby    Wild Beast Reserve     3,300 adena
thats from l2wiki, dunno if this castle was added together with elixirs, or some ch's updated in l8 chronicles, but after all in off this recipes are available from the siege'able clan halls


Quote from: Peorexo on March 02, 2014, 01:26:29 AM
Angout    Rainbow Springs Chateau    3,300 adena
Bandello    Fortress of the Dead     3,300 adena
Biggerstaff    Devastated Castle     3,300 adena
Chamberlain    Bandit Stronghold     3,300 adena
Quigby    Wild Beast Reserve     3,300 adena
thats from l2wiki, dunno if this castle was added together with elixirs, or some ch's updated in l8 chronicles, but after all in off this recipes are available from the siege'able clan halls

Yes i saw that data but as far as i know is HB.
Do you have any reference of IL? Because i searched my backups of IL from 2007, and maybe there was a bug already there, but I found zero (thats why is not there)


IL is so old that you barely can find any info. But as far as i remenber devasted castle had 100% also on others servers i've been. I found this they say only siegeable CH's get the recipes S. http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=190525


Quote from: =drake= on March 01, 2014, 10:38:39 PM

TU/BU/BS, all who stopped trolling and seriously try to correctly adjust their skills level to their target figured out it works perfectly fine. (and stopped expecting some superhuman magical skill that without even investing any enchant could lethal raidbosses with 100% chances).
On official works the same and there are COUNTLESS amount of posts from official servers where lethals lands like here on WHITE mobs. RED mob and skill not leveled up? Dream it.


you're daaamn right....

Garn3tt  GS/SS exDN 15x
First Hero GS on server :D


Quote from: =drake= on March 01, 2014, 10:26:20 PM
Just for totally dispel what you guys are complaining about, here the list of all HOM (regardless if SA or not) in game that have high enchant:

M3rcy   +16
Bonfire   +16
EasyMike   +14
iMosCraciuni   +13

and what about S weapons +12 ?:P
KillerOfGolka De/Wc 85 ( subbed 50% of infinity players )