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SHOW ME WHAT I SOLD, i want the proofs - Page 5



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SHOW ME WHAT I SOLD, i want the proofs

Started by sung, March 18, 2014, 12:16:22 PM

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Quote from: Abruzzi on March 18, 2014, 03:54:17 PM
First server i play where my enemy do PR on Sieges, for that skills you are talking? Aaa and I can't see with how many pts you take your hero, ah wait youre not hero.
Right, im not hero right now because i have real life too. Take care and be happy of your last hero, because we're gonna to take your hero this month. You are the most irritating player ever, so we making everything to punish you ;) GG

PR on Sieges ? well... we won even with 80% ppls got crit errors 3 times.
FC using pr always when you dont have 1pt more than exci.
SaMsUnG BP/WK // SH Noblesse



Quote from: VOoDOoT on March 18, 2014, 03:58:40 PM
What Did i miss brother? Did I buy anything from u guys ?! :D

i just dont get why u come here, like 1 month ago when we did a thread to sell 1 of our aq's ur private message was "gimme ur skype" kinda strange imo :)


Quote from: anrk on March 18, 2014, 04:01:19 PM

i just dont get why u come here, like 1 month ago when we did a thread to sell 1 of our aq's ur private message was "gimme ur skype" kinda strange imo :)

Did i buy anything? Did i Talk to any of u? :) Who Are u anyway brother to flame me and trying to ban me?! Are u upset that i May Did hurt u in the past? :(
P00hBear - WK/HE
@ - SesameStreet 2 Forever
$ - PwnServ
8 k+ Club


Quote from: Abruzzi on March 18, 2014, 04:06:19 PM
You did pr on first,second siges. Your clan members were leaving clan to get sub raids and were begging for res on Baium. Do you think you are top clan?
Do you think that you are top clan, because you pk'in all ppls at rb's ? Most ppls can leave server because they can't do even stupid retail, because some retard clan doesnt allow them to touch Baium/get TOI chest.

real life calling, back in few hours with big popcorn! cu.
SaMsUnG BP/WK // SH Noblesse



yea like i didnt get 20 offers for real money when i was trying to sell aq's ingame..., well gm's will do what they want when they want, and they will only listen flamers and haters instead of taking things seriously :P


Quote from: VOoDOoT on March 18, 2014, 04:03:48 PM
Did i buy anything? Did i Talk to any of u? :) Who Are u anyway brother to flame me and trying to ban me?! Are u upset that i May Did hurt u in the past? :(
Why do you answer and take attention to a 13 posts Guy ?  :o  ;D  .  BTW   WTB AQ pm me here or IG  .   :D
<a href='http://postimg.org/image/rublq8dcn/' target='_blank'><img src='http://s15.postimg.org/rublq8dcn/DSC_0761.jpg' border='0' alt="DSC 0761" /></a>


Quote from: VOoDOoT on March 18, 2014, 04:03:48 PM
Did i buy anything? Did i Talk to any of u? :) Who Are u anyway brother to flame me and trying to ban me?! Are u upset that i May Did hurt u in the past? :(

i dunno who u are n never saw u before... for me u are just another retarded who come here acting like a pro but tried to buy for real money also :)

just 1 tip to all this retards, think twice before u come here :)


Quote from: sung on March 18, 2014, 04:10:17 PM
yea like i didnt get 20 offers for real money when i was trying to sell aq's ingame..., well gm's will do what they want when they want, and they will only listen flamers and haters instead of taking things seriously :P

from what i see, need to have 11k pvp's on dragon n 4k posts and few gm's on skype to avoid the banhammer :D

double post ftw


Quote from: anrk on March 18, 2014, 04:14:31 PM
from what i see, need to have 11k pvp's on dragon n pvp's 4k posts and few gm's on skype to avoid the banhammer :D

double post ftw
He doesnt have either of gm-s on skype, nor i care for his post count. Once he brake the rule , he gets punished as everyone else do.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


so if i give u some prints of some1 trying to buy for real money, and saying that he's not afraid of getting ban cuz he have gm's on skype, and he could change email of accounts and posting me his videos (LOL) what u will do?

cmon, if u ban me cuz i was trying to sell u must ban all this ppl whos trying to buy :)


Quote from: anrk on March 18, 2014, 04:19:51 PM
so if i give u some prints of some1 trying to buy for real money, and saying that he's not afraid of getting ban cuz he have gm's on skype, and he could change email of accounts and posting me his videos (LOL) what u will do?

cmon, if u ban me cuz i was trying to sell u must ban all this ppl whos trying to buy :)
Who can change emails of the accounts?
Who i will not ban because he have (WHICH) gm on skype?

I hope you clearly understand there is no special treatment on this server for any of the players. Brake the rule = punish.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on March 18, 2014, 04:17:34 PM
He doesnt have either of gm-s on skype, nor i care for his post count. Once he brake the rule , he gets punished as everyone else do.
Quote from: ZeniT on February 18, 2014, 06:50:33 PM

A képet a Képfeltöltés.hu tárolja. http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu

Who should get ban now?