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Looking for justice on this server !



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Looking for justice on this server !

Started by Sax, March 20, 2014, 06:25:20 PM

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I'm an fidel player of this srv,i play here since it's opened ..until now 2 weeks we was 1 cp full ,but now i remained with 1 more member of our cp cuz the others started to work or something else and for sure All characters/items remained to me..my problem is as i did something wrong for first time ,i made multi boxes (4) only for 1 h to make some lvl to do my stucksub , yes ..my mistake ..is true,and track catched me and told as i did this more times at row and asked why all items are at me ..cuz are mine/my friends items for sure ..i expected a jail as you did at other players with 5 or more boxes..for 24 hours,not for Permanent ban ..permanent ban for what ? i want other reason than i said above, Please 1 more time...I WANT TO PLAY HERE AND I WANT JUSTICE FOR GOD ..Sry for my bad english ..Regards,Sax .


omg man is a game oO play by rules and stop cry


...if all players who doesn't not respected rules got perma banned ..srv was now with very small amount of ppl :| cuz no1 respect 100% rules..we are humans ,not machines.



ExCiDiuM <3


Quote from: Sax on March 20, 2014, 06:25:20 PM
I'm an fidel player of this srv,i play here since it's opened ..until now 2 weeks we was 1 cp full ,but now i remained with 1 more member of our cp cuz the others started to work or something else and for sure All characters/items remained to me..my problem is as i did something wrong for first time ,i made multi boxes (4) only for 1 h to make some lvl to do my stucksub , yes ..my mistake ..is true,and track catched me and told as i did this more times at row and asked why all items are at me ..cuz are mine/my friends items for sure ..i expected a jail as you did at other players with 5 or more boxes..for 24 hours,not for Permanent ban ..permanent ban for what ? i want other reason than i said above, Please 1 more time...I WANT TO PLAY HERE AND I WANT JUSTICE FOR GOD ..Sry for my bad english ..Regards,Sax .

DONT LIE! You got perma ban for "bot" not for multibox!



I dont played with bot never..only multi box 1 single time and stop spam anymore.


Quote from: Sax on March 20, 2014, 07:09:15 PM
I dont played with bot never..only multi box 1 single time and stop spam anymore.

you are verry arrogant and liar! fuh

P.S.: its not spam



Quote from: Sax on March 20, 2014, 07:15:18 PM
...Only haters on this world  :|

I dont hate you.
I dont play.... i am not in exci,fc,sindy,ff...etc
I hate your liar mentality...sry


Quote from: Sax on March 20, 2014, 07:09:15 PM
I dont played with bot never..only multi box 1 single time and stop spam anymore.
welcome to the club.