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Ideal for gm

Started by OsirisDl, March 27, 2014, 10:41:51 PM

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Quote from: Csenky on March 28, 2014, 04:00:22 PM
It means that if you have only a few hours to play per week, you won't be a factor in oly, and same goes for any pvp/epic/siege. You will be just a farmer, maybe you can make a twink and have fun near dion. This does not need noblesse. If you somehow happen to have enough gear for some siege action at weekends, you can get noblesse buff from your party, and you can get summon to important places from other noblesses.

The features of Noblesse are for active players, hence the hard quest. It's not fcking mandatory to everyone. It's a PRIVILEGE.
lol P R I V I L A G E ;-)
this game should give fun for all of us , why? coz its damn old
go fresh yourself , playing to much  ;)

Fr3zer - TH/PP


Quote from: Csenky on March 28, 2014, 12:24:10 PM
Seems like you don't understand. Everything makes impact on the game that has an option for donate, since coins are on the market.
And crying for baium proves that you guys have no idea, what are you talking about. Getting barakiel is the real pain, if you get baium by donate, in 2 weeks you'll open "BARAKIEL @ DONNY PLSPLS WE HAVE NO TIME!!!". If you have no time, you don't need noblesse, what's so hard to understand in this? Last time I played at DN, it was like 4-5 months for me to get noblesse. These topics should be instalocked.

not having time doesn't mean you don't need nobless... there's no logical correlation between the 2... Nobless is just like a 3rd class or a retail, in term of advancement, as it's a part of the game progression. While I totally agree that not having time is no reason for failure, as the time frame for baium is pretty easy to get, you're still wrong in claiming that it's useless/not needed.

Also it's not a privilege... what the frack are you talking about... Being a Hero is closer to a privilege, as you can loose it if you don't work to keep it.  Nobless is not only related to being in Oly. Nobless teleport, nobless buffs are 2 important aspects of being a nobless, which can be used in siege and mass pvp. If your only objective in this game is to be the top dog, I'm sorry for you...
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: lbiguiml on March 28, 2014, 03:38:18 PM
Full retail + Nobless quest item on donny npc!

I would like it :)


I don't care what the other's spam is, having more people noblesse does not put anyone at a disadvantage. If you have time work for it, if not - pay for it. It's not like you are donating for ++ items so I don't understand the QQ.

Most of us are not kids anymore like we were 7-8 years ago, we have jobs, lives, some even have families and children. It does not mean we should quit playing.
Your friendly neighbourhood forum troll.


Quote from: Csenky on March 28, 2014, 04:00:22 PM
It means that if you have only a few hours to play per week, you won't be a factor in oly, and same goes for any pvp/epic/siege. You will be just a farmer, maybe you can make a twink and have fun near dion. This does not need noblesse. If you somehow happen to have enough gear for some siege action at weekends, you can get noblesse buff from your party, and you can get summon to important places from other noblesses.

The features of Noblesse are for active players, hence the hard quest. It's not fcking mandatory to everyone. It's a PRIVILEGE.

Seriusly bro? Does it realy means that we wont be factor at oly? Please use brain. You are maybe some school kid which can skip few lessons to camp baium during week at night or mornings. Many ppl here are working ppl which are ACTIVE but they play only prime time (17:00-24:00) during week because of their jobs.

So, imagine you are one of those. Active 4-7 hours per day at maintime. Baium spawn 7 days. 2-3 times he gets up at late night or early morning, 2-3 times you get raped by zerg = tadaa almost 2 months away, you still cant start retail - emoquit...

Possible solution could be shorter baium spawn + lowering chance for ring to not flood server with boss jewels. Or that Donny version.

Or custom solution in way offi serves solved this: Latest chronicles provide players choice to make Red pipet knife OR make 50(?) blooded fabric to get retail and choice to kill Barakiel or farm few hundrets mobs at VoS for nobless. So much for priviledge, even NCsoft understand that its BASIC feature, not ENDGAME PRIVILEDGE.



Quote from: Csenky on March 28, 2014, 04:00:22 PM
It means that if you have only a few hours to play per week, you won't be a factor in oly, and same goes for any pvp/epic/siege. You will be just a farmer, maybe you can make a twink and have fun near dion. This does not need noblesse. If you somehow happen to have enough gear for some siege action at weekends, you can get noblesse buff from your party, and you can get summon to important places from other noblesses.

The features of Noblesse are for active players, hence the hard quest. It's not fcking mandatory to everyone. It's a PRIVILEGE.

Mby in some Years when you have a job you´ll understand a lit about the life outside of home. Nobless is free for everyone not just for nerds mr. nofactor. Think about it

If I don’t kill a man every now and then, they forget who I am.


If it was by me I would get rid of that BS completely. I would only use it as allowance for oly. Not the buffs, not the ports, especially the ports that kinda get rid of space control as you kill someone and he can just port back instantly and just try until he wins while you had to run there for 40 minutes. That is what I think bothers people the most. And for that reason I liked L2 pre-noblesse more.
Infinity 5x: LadyZENITH - sps/sws - retired :(


I didn't even read all these spam.

Get your facts straight guys.
1. I'm 25 yrs old, these qq topics seems to be more kiddish, than my wish to keep alive my memories about this game, and not destroying it buy making it pay2win.
2. Baium respawn is 4 days. Do you have any idea what are you talking about?
3. You are right, Noblesse is part of the game's progression. But you are wrong, if you think it should be given in an instance for money. As you said, progression. You get further and further by time, working for it > get it, when you can.

About the alternate quest option for pipette knife, and the addition of it to donny: neither of these happend in IL, for a reason. For the Interlude content, the original way of getting it is just fine, and Baium spawn is LOWER than official, and the random window of it is HALF of official.

Congratz for the pro that found a mistake in my english, now make a list for those who are arguing with me, how many mistakes/typos they made? Over 9000? I've never learnt the language either.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


Quote from: OsirisDl on March 28, 2014, 04:55:03 PM
Well if you looking for a normal server without retarded donations, leave here bcz drake needs these gift donations from ppl so the server stays open.
Current donation is acceptable, lv13 crystals are a bit too much, but not that annoying. And I'll donate with my next payment in april, and I'll get only cosmetic hats, because the server looks like worth supporting, and not because I want every content in 2 months.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


that explane all!

have job + family= have money  but havent time...so want give some adena to drake  for some good thinks..
havent  job or family= havent money and want kill the donny with ur sps..=)) but have time to burn ur life out of the baium door:D and ofc when other guy come for baium too he need w8 one week more.. cause u pk him =))

i am at first type of ppl with job and family.so drake add some good thinks on donny cause i dont want hat...my hair is beutiful =))


Quote from: Csenky on March 28, 2014, 07:03:22 PM

1. I'm 25 yrs old, these qq topics seems to be more kiddish, than my wish to keep alive my memories about this game, and not destroying it buy making it pay2win.

Oh, so you are claiming, that putting Baium or Barakiel qi to Donny makes this server pay to win.

Newsflash bro. This is already Pay2Win. Im playing active since C3 and visited many Stacksub or retail-like interlude servers, because i like that chronicle most. Not single one of them had so many jedi ++ S weapons after 3 months. Almost every single one of them had in this game phase SC13 twice more expensive than S weapon itself.

Btw I already have retail Q done, so most of my party. I dont qq here for myself, but for those many ppl which cant do it for any reason now because I want them to be worthy opponents and not carpets which loose buff after first death because they cant nobless themselfs.


Quote from: OsirisDl on March 28, 2014, 12:10:57 PM
One brakaiel Item was NEVER at Donny but baium dagger always has been there

I've never seen baium dagger at donny when i played 3 years on infinity.
BTW it doesn't matter what was at donny.
Disconnect HE/WK infinity 5x, BlackArmy (abandoned with the server...)
Farostlemez TK rpg-club federation (abandoned)


Quote from: Trp on March 29, 2014, 05:46:01 PM
Oh, so you are claiming, that putting Baium or Barakiel qi to Donny makes this server pay to win.

Newsflash bro. This is already Pay2Win. Im playing active since C3 and visited many Stacksub or retail-like interlude servers, because i like that chronicle most. Not single one of them had so many jedi ++ S weapons after 3 months. Almost every single one of them had in this game phase SC13 twice more expensive than S weapon itself.

Btw I already have retail Q done, so most of my party. I dont qq here for myself, but for those many ppl which cant do it for any reason now because I want them to be worthy opponents and not carpets which loose buff after first death because they cant nobless themselfs.
The modified enchant rates has nothing to do with 'pay2win'. By the way, my weapon fails: broke to +4 (3 times), to +5 (twice) to +6 (twice). For jools/armors, it is worse. I have seen 1 (one aka ONE) S grade weapon over +6. ZOMGJEDI!!44!!!4!

If you read my previous comment, you'll see that I disagree with the soul crystals too, but just because those are there, it doesn't mean they should put in more stuff that makes the endgame easier.

I don't have noblesse yet, so I'm not arguing to be ahead of others - I'd just rather keep it oldschool, because that's why I installed this game after 5 years again.
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan