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Tried the server, here's my thoughts..

Started by Mordyn, March 31, 2014, 05:38:12 AM

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Quote from: Garn. on April 01, 2014, 12:34:37 AM
wrong. 90% of bots are spoilers.

I dont even know how to respond to that...


It took some time to go through so freaking many pages 90% filled with pointless flames,like there is some race called "who got bigger stronger balls here flaming the other one no matters what" ,but after many attempts i succeeded to get what is this all about.
Damn slow xp coz of low rates.
First of all i want to point that i am the owner of few high lvl chars,my main is sort of complete, fully geared ,so dont even dare to put any of ur fingers on me.Coz no,im not "qq'ing" to get any advantage or benefits so i could finally "finish my chars".
All i know is that we started as a full clan,i even got hard times coz of not enough spots for all the old pals who started to play here from the very first moment of server,but nowadays from our crowd only max 5 players keep playing,some of them logging time to time only to check how things are...
We became so damn bored so even if we had a 4-5 players clan,we wared every clan we saw around, so we started to check on for ppl we could pvp with. Was me and my mate,a bp,both noble. Each of us logged a support and happily started to hunt on all freaking possible spots where normally we should find ppl working on their chars.Was an easy thing to do coz of easy portings due to our nobless.Guess what: all those spots were almost empty..,rarely we could find 1-2 players wanking there. Damn freaking hard to understand why spots like HS,FOG,IT,Varka,700 mobs spots and so on were empty. But well,sadly, it might be coz what happened to our clan,prolly happened to others as well. This explains the lack of activity on the most used for improving chars spots.
Yesterday i was checking on sieges. Schuttgart,Giran,Rune...no1 attacked...Dont come here with "guards hit hard" coz this is only schuttgart's case,knowing this castle is still owned by npcs. Others not. Im wondering how is possible sieges to be boring on a 3 months old server?? Did u ever think it might be coz , except those "big" 3 sides on server (FC/cruel,exci/encalve,FW/sindy) ,rest of players didnt succeed to finish their chars?? Or r too afraid to lose their xp by being killed? All this leads us again to xp rates,slow lvling stuff...
Dont come to tell me it doesnt matter..Doing a simple math,ppl not playing with any of those 3 big sides i mentioned, should be ~1500 players,coz i doubt those 3 big sides count more than 500 players all together xd
Drake himself said the main issue ppl complained about was low rates,slow xp. Now leave away ur hate or stuborness and ask urself if its possible those low rates might bring boredom which,sadly,lead ppl sooner or later to quit.
All i can say i noticed is that ppl who claim they "love" the rates are mostly ppl who got complete high lvl chars.
Also don't ignore the fact that lot of ppl who go through hard times xping,might be afraid to come and complain about coz of our forum trolls wannabe or those 23894756348976 l2 guru we got.
Now feel free to flame me,hate me,throw rocks on me,i couldnt care less.
This is how i see things,this is my oppinion,agree with it or not.


P.S. I am sorry for sh1tty english,i know my post is chaotical,but i hope u got my point. tx :P


Quote from: Vandana on April 01, 2014, 12:48:52 AM
It took some time to go through so freaking many pages 90% filled with pointless flames,like there is some race called "who got bigger stronger balls here flaming the other one no matters what" ,but after many attempts i succeeded to get what is this all about.
Damn slow xp coz of low rates.
First of all i want to point that i am the owner of few high lvl chars,my main is sort of complete, fully geared ,so dont even dare to put any of ur fingers on me.Coz no,im not "qq'ing" to get any advantage or benefits so i could finally "finish my chars".
All i know is that we started as a full clan,i even got hard times coz of not enough spots for all the old pals who started to play here from the very first moment of server,but nowadays from our crowd only max 5 players keep playing,some of them logging time to time only to check how things are...
We became so damn bored so even if we had a 4-5 players clan,we wared every clan we saw around, so we started to check on for ppl we could pvp with. Was me and my mate,a bp,both noble. Each of us logged a support and happily started to hunt on all freaking possible spots where normally we should find ppl working on their chars.Was an easy thing to do coz of easy portings due to our nobless.Guess what: all those spots were almost empty..,rarely we could find 1-2 players wanking there. Damn freaking hard to understand why spots like HS,FOG,IT,Varka,700 mobs spots and so on were empty. But well,sadly, it might be coz what happened to our clan,prolly happened to others as well. This explains the lack of activity on the most used for improving chars spots.
Yesterday i was checking on sieges. Schuttgart,Giran,Rune...no1 attacked...Dont come here with "guards hit hard" coz this is only schuttgart's case,knowing this castle is still owned by npcs. Others not. Im wondering how is possible sieges to be boring on a 3 months old server?? Did u ever think it might be coz , except those "big" 3 sides on server (FC/cruel,exci/encalve,FW/sindy) ,rest of players didnt succeed to finish their chars?? Or r too afraid to lose their xp by being killed? All this leads us again to xp rates,slow lvling stuff...
Dont come to tell me it doesnt matter..Doing a simple math,ppl not playing with any of those 3 big sides i mentioned, should be ~1500 players,coz i doubt those 3 big sides count more than 500 players all together xd
Drake himself said the main issue ppl complained about was low rates,slow xp. Now leave away ur hate or stuborness and ask urself if its possible those low rates might bring boredom which,sadly,lead ppl sooner or later to quit.
All i can say i noticed is that ppl who claim they "love" the rates are mostly ppl who got complete high lvl chars.
Also don't ignore the fact that lot of ppl who go through hard times xping,might be afraid to come and complain about coz of our forum trolls wannabe or those 23894756348976 l2 guru we got.
Now feel free to flame me,hate me,throw rocks on me,i couldnt care less.
This is how i see things,this is my oppinion,agree with it or not.


P.S. I am sorry for sh1tty english,i know my post is chaotical,but i hope u got my point. tx :P
+1 for this, because it's share my point of view.


Quote from: LadyZENITH on March 31, 2014, 10:24:29 PM
Drake you do that and my entire clan (and vast majority of people I know overall) will leave the server instantly and never ever have anything together with any project of yours or donate for it or whatever.

This would be a giant slap to the face for the people that worked hard for their stuff until now, a betray against own community, just cause few idiots cried. Make them some high rate if you want to please them. Do not ruin our server.

Instead of this bullshit topic, react on mine where where 90% of people that reacted on my initial post agreed with me, and no admin yet "dared" to get clear answer there and you answer this cryout here. Solve the real problems people have.


gtfo u annoying whining b1tch
P00hBear - WK/HE
@ - SesameStreet 2 Forever
$ - PwnServ
8 k+ Club


After reading all these pages (sad) :'( i will just post my opinion

- Change the xp/sp rate in such a way that you can still award all those that spend hours getting to high lvl's, this way you probably cannot change the rate to much higher than it is now, maybe some small difference, because even the nolifers think that 79+ is sick.

- Change the dn substack requirement to 76 (third) even though most important skills are still only at 79.

just my thoughts bb

[img width=500height=200]https://i.imgur.com/PVvmb0S.jpg[/img]


Quote from: Vandana on April 01, 2014, 12:48:52 AM
It took some time to go through so freaking many pages 90% filled with pointless flames,like there is some race called "who got bigger stronger balls here flaming the other one no matters what" ,but after many attempts i succeeded to get what is this all about.
Damn slow xp coz of low rates.
First of all i want to point that i am the owner of few high lvl chars,my main is sort of complete, fully geared ,so dont even dare to put any of ur fingers on me.Coz no,im not "qq'ing" to get any advantage or benefits so i could finally "finish my chars".
All i know is that we started as a full clan,i even got hard times coz of not enough spots for all the old pals who started to play here from the very first moment of server,but nowadays from our crowd only max 5 players keep playing,some of them logging time to time only to check how things are...
We became so damn bored so even if we had a 4-5 players clan,we wared every clan we saw around, so we started to check on for ppl we could pvp with. Was me and my mate,a bp,both noble. Each of us logged a support and happily started to hunt on all freaking possible spots where normally we should find ppl working on their chars.Was an easy thing to do coz of easy portings due to our nobless.Guess what: all those spots were almost empty..,rarely we could find 1-2 players wanking there. Damn freaking hard to understand why spots like HS,FOG,IT,Varka,700 mobs spots and so on were empty. But well,sadly, it might be coz what happened to our clan,prolly happened to others as well. This explains the lack of activity on the most used for improving chars spots.
Yesterday i was checking on sieges. Schuttgart,Giran,Rune...no1 attacked...Dont come here with "guards hit hard" coz this is only schuttgart's case,knowing this castle is still owned by npcs. Others not. Im wondering how is possible sieges to be boring on a 3 months old server?? Did u ever think it might be coz , except those "big" 3 sides on server (FC/cruel,exci/encalve,FW/sindy) ,rest of players didnt succeed to finish their chars?? Or r too afraid to lose their xp by being killed? All this leads us again to xp rates,slow lvling stuff...
Dont come to tell me it doesnt matter..Doing a simple math,ppl not playing with any of those 3 big sides i mentioned, should be ~1500 players,coz i doubt those 3 big sides count more than 500 players all together xd
Drake himself said the main issue ppl complained about was low rates,slow xp. Now leave away ur hate or stuborness and ask urself if its possible those low rates might bring boredom which,sadly,lead ppl sooner or later to quit.
All i can say i noticed is that ppl who claim they "love" the rates are mostly ppl who got complete high lvl chars.
Also don't ignore the fact that lot of ppl who go through hard times xping,might be afraid to come and complain about coz of our forum trolls wannabe or those 23894756348976 l2 guru we got.
Now feel free to flame me,hate me,throw rocks on me,i couldnt care less.
This is how i see things,this is my oppinion,agree with it or not.


P.S. I am sorry for sh1tty english,i know my post is chaotical,but i hope u got my point. tx :P

P00hBear - WK/HE
@ - SesameStreet 2 Forever
$ - PwnServ
8 k+ Club


some ppls of my clan talking about think to leave the server.beacause of hard to make 1 char high lvl and subbed.my opinion  is very important  to make the sub class at lvl 76.this will change the gameplay and is good for all.if someone will cry about this (sub 76) really is pathetic and dont have life.and finaly is better and for server cause more ppl will donate for premium horn earlie.more chars will make more horns.  this is not change something cause many chars have the bested skills at 78. but sub at 76 will be so helpfuly for the ppls.

*sorry for my bad english.


Quote from: =drake= on March 31, 2014, 08:57:55 PM

what if the rates would change? for example to this:

I vote for this.


The dynamic rates are the core problem imho, so many players started here, and so many players realized so late, how slow it gets after a certain level.

Now you either keep it as it is, and lose the more casual players and keep the farmers, or you change it to x7-x10, and get a CRAPLOAD of cry from those who has already farmed up their characters - but exactly this is why, they might stay on the server.
For such an exp rate change, my reaction would be "fck you too, DN staff" as well, but I'm not sure if it would be a bad move. Maybe we would profit from it in 1-2 months.

However, IF you happen to raise the exp rates, you MUST fix this (and not by decreasing low level spoil, but the opposite of it), because this is pure bullcrap:
spoil; Grave Robber Ranger (L28): 1-3 steel (retail chance: 1/20) + 1-3 m.ore (retail chance: 1/10)
spoil; Fallen Orc(L55): 1 steel (retail chance: 1/6)
Shadow x10: Zsu
Tarantula: Lycan


A mild rate change will in the long run bring way more players. Post a poll and advertise it IN GAME. Then more people will visit the forum And vote. I guarentee you will see results towards a rate increase.  It won't matter that people asked you not to do it in a month or two when the server is booming with new players.
Can't please everyone, but its always better to go with the majority in a situation like this!
FallenLegion recruiting! Sick of the children? Tired of getting back stabbed? You no buff buff mengz? Join FL TODAY! Disclaimer: Only FLUENT English speaking players around, join or suffer the consequences...   www.FallenLegion.us


A lot of Nolifers who did not sleep first two months are crying here and new people will not like exp in this rates. So NO LIFERS voting for leave rates on same. Thanks god is just few of them


2 Track, thank for your opinion. But what i am doing with my pt's is abit different then what i was talking about. bcoz i am making end-game setup and i dont need to lf people.
What does this server needs
a) its people to understand that to get into the end-game setup they need finde/create a small group of people of their lvl/gameplay/ game goals.
b) admins to help (somehow) to let that small groups to be created.

+1 for mr. Alex with his 76 sub idea. (yes i am borred to exp my supports and iwant pew pew xD)

About changing rates. Gms should watch out with any important changings bcoz smart guys who were joining this server read cearfully about serv-specifications and were countin that it would be stable. Lets say they pay for Dragon/Tarantula_day_one not for some random thing which can be chnaged any moment.

Vi, i hope you didnt count me in this 897516524 gurus. ;)
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